Hurricane in Weirton & stripclub forum

Is the Hurricane in Weirton closed for good?

Anyone know the deal with that?

On the old ASDP we could post questions and reviews that weren't reviews as posts on the stripclub forum. Not sure if that that's the same here. That would be good to know.
When did they close? I was there on Monday, 1/25/10.
Then I guess they're not closed. Thanks.

I was there a few weeks ago and there was a sign on the door about them being closed because someone was sick. I thought it was funny that they'd be closed because of one and only one person.

Then I was in the neighborhood a week or so ago and they were closed again. Both times Rumorz was open. And these were hours when they were supposed to be open.

If anyone has any advice about the club and would rather PM me that'd be appreciated. Thanks.
John Bull's Avatar
We have a strip club forum and you can even get review credit fairly simply. Just fill out the form with the info. You must have some bcd activity though but you can shield the names a bit and still get credit.