Rubio is the GOP Flavor of the Week


Rubio's problem is the immigration thing. His views don't....align.....with the rest of the know, the GOP base.

Wonder when the Donald is going to jump in? Now, that will be exciting.

I ready yesterday that Michelle Bachmann has indicated that the rapture is coming pretty quick.....end of times, you know. I presume she won't be running because of that?

Rubio's problem is the immigration thing. His views don't....align.....with the rest of the know, the GOP base.

Wonder when the Donald is going to jump in? Now, that will be exciting.

I ready yesterday that Michelle Bachmann has indicated that the rapture is coming pretty quick.....end of times, you know. I presume she won't be running because of that? Originally Posted by timpage
Only if her husband can turn all the gays straight before the rapture.

Rubio's problem is the immigration thing. His views don't....align.....with the rest of the know, the GOP base.

Wonder when the Donald is going to jump in? Now, that will be exciting.

I ready yesterday that Michelle Bachmann has indicated that the rapture is coming pretty quick.....end of times, you know. I presume she won't be running because of that? Originally Posted by timpage
One of those GOP Flavors of the Month is going to beat the Democrat's Sour Taste of the Decade - Hillary Clinton. Of course, that assumes she even gets the nomination. I think O'Malley or Warren can take her down if they run smart campaigns.
One of those GOP Flavors of the Month is going to beat the Democrat's Sour Taste of the Decade - Hillary Clinton. Of course, that assumes she even gets the nomination. I think O'Malley or Warren can take her down if they run smart campaigns. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Three have cast their lot so far. Two religious nuts and one just plain nut. I'll take my chances.

Rubio's problem is the immigration thing. His views don't....align.....with the rest of the know, the GOP base.

Wonder when the Donald is going to jump in? Now, that will be exciting.

I ready yesterday that Michelle Bachmann has indicated that the rapture is coming pretty quick.....end of times, you know. I presume she won't be running because of that? Originally Posted by timpage
I think what Michelle Bachmann was referring to when she said "End Times" Is the end times for liberal democrats with their hideous ideas that don't align with reality. I don't know if Rubio or anyone else will be good for this country. What I do know is, we don't need another liberal to play games with this county's money and emotions.

One of those GOP Flavors of the Month is going to beat the Democrat's Sour Taste of the Decade - Hillary Clinton. Of course, that assumes she even gets the nomination. I think O'Malley or Warren can take her down if they run smart campaigns. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Maybe, maybe not. Since we're making mannish announcements, I'll go out on a limb and say that your favorite ferret face won't be living in the WH residence either....Koch Bros or no.
I think what Michelle Bachmann was referring to when she said "End Times" Is the end times for liberal democrats with their hideous ideas that don't align with reality. I don't know if Rubio or anyone else will be good for this country. What I do know is, we don't need another liberal to play games with this county's money and emotions.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Maybe, but I don't think so. Astonishes me that you and rest defend an utter idiot like her and believe she has any business as the POTUS....just amazing.

Here's what one quick google search pulled up....fwiw

>>>>>Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) expressed a mixture of condemnation and appreciation toward President Barack Obama for, in her words, bringing the world to end times.

"We need to cry out to a Holy God," Bachmann said on Jan Markell's "Understanding the Times" radio show over the weekend. "This is coming faster than anyone can see."
“Barack Obama is intent, it is his number one goal, to ensure that Iran has a nuclear weapon," she said. "Why? Why would you put the nuclear weapon in the hands of madmen who are Islamic radicals?"

Bachmann, however, then seemed to approve of the President moving mankind into "the midnight hour."

"We get to be living in the most exciting time in history," she said, urging fellow Christians to "rejoice."

"Jesus Christ is coming back. We, in our lifetimes potentially, could see Jesus Christ returning to Earth, the Rapture of the Church."

"These are wonderful times," she concluded.

Bachmann made similar remarks on Markell's show last week.

“We have very little time, in my opinion, left before the second return of Christ. That’s good news."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think what Michelle Bachmann was referring to when she said "End Times" Is the end times for liberal democrats with their hideous ideas that don't align with reality. I don't know if Rubio or anyone else will be good for this country. What I do know is, we don't need another liberal to play games with this county's money and emotions.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Sounds like something she'd say... or you'd follow, Jimdandy!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
And who do the Dems have to choose from?

And who do the Dems have to choose from? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
People that aren't religious whackjobs talking about the end times? For starters?
Maybe, but I don't think so. Astonishes me that you and rest defend an utter idiot like her and believe she has any business as the POTUS....just amazing.

Here's what one quick google search pulled up....fwiw

>>>>>Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) expressed a mixture of condemnation and appreciation toward President Barack Obama for, in her words, bringing the world to end times.

"We need to cry out to a Holy God," Bachmann said on Jan Markell's "Understanding the Times" radio show over the weekend. "This is coming faster than anyone can see."
“Barack Obama is intent, it is his number one goal, to ensure that Iran has a nuclear weapon," she said. "Why? Why would you put the nuclear weapon in the hands of madmen who are Islamic radicals?"

Bachmann, however, then seemed to approve of the President moving mankind into "the midnight hour."

"We get to be living in the most exciting time in history," she said, urging fellow Christians to "rejoice."

"Jesus Christ is coming back. We, in our lifetimes potentially, could see Jesus Christ returning to Earth, the Rapture of the Church."

"These are wonderful times," she concluded.

Bachmann made similar remarks on Markell's show last week.

“We have very little time, in my opinion, left before the second return of Christ. That’s good news." Originally Posted by timpage
I am not a fan of Michelle Bachmann by any stretch. In fact there isn't a candidate Rep or Dem that is truly worthy of being President of this United States as far as I can see. In fact I am extremely critical of all of them. You won't ever see me trying to polish any of these turds like liberals have been doing with Hillary Clinton.

I am not a fan of Michelle Bachmann by any stretch. In fact there isn't a candidate Rep or Dem that is truly worthy of being President of this United States as far as I can see. In fact I am extremely critical of all of them. You won't ever see me trying to polish any of these turds like liberals have been doing with Hillary Clinton.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Look, they're all turds. I just prefer a turd that isn't screaming about the bible and trying to shove a religious theocracy down my throat.
Look, they're all turds. I just prefer a turd that isn't screaming about the bible and trying to shove a religious theocracy down my throat. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Religion isn't being shoved down our throats. America is steadily becoming a nation of non-believers. Religion is only used as a weapon to confuse and deceive. That's why we have the correlation between terrorism and a religion Islam. I attribute that as the main reason for the problems we face in this country. This country is falling apart because we put more faith in political people's ideas who are only after power, money and control than we ever would in religion. Show me a political person who is truly religious and aims to empower people and strengthen them spiritually and I'll show you a guy they'll never want to feature on prime time.

Three have cast their lot so far. Two religious nuts and one just plain nut. I'll take my chances. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Rubio is a religious nut?
Maybe, maybe not. Since we're making mannish announcements, I'll go out on a limb and say that your favorite ferret face won't be living in the WH residence either....Koch Bros or no. Originally Posted by timpage
Who is my favorite ferret face?

And I expect better from you than "ferret face". That's IFFY or Zanzibar level.