a messed up week

So I want to apologize to my guys that I wasn't able to see this week due to a water problem. I have been having to replace my water heater myself and having to work to put me in a very foul mood. Now that I finished up today with it I am so glad to be done with that crap. It was a task that is for sure but I got it done. So my apologies.
frenchozarkie's Avatar
Maybe should ad 'handy lady' to your menu.
Rogersguy's Avatar
I'm very impressed you replaced your water heater by yourself. My brother helped me replace mine and it was a pain in the ass. Heavy as hell.
So Issabella, what is your rate for replacing water heaters, m wondering if I got screwed when I paid to have mine replaced, and no lube was used, lol
that was funny littleroc!!
French I am great with my hands
rodge it was a pain in the ass to get it off my truck and in my house but I accomplished it and it was no easy task
Omerta's Avatar
Water heater... wow! I'll gladly do electrical, but my few experiences in plumbing taught me that I can actually make s*** flow uphill!