A challenge to Luke Wyatt

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Here is your opportunity to make your case. You whined that no one was responding to you or taking you seriously. Okay, you got it. I'm going to wait for you to make your case for voting for Hillary Clinton. What that means is no snark, no insults, and no attacking Trump. This last is important because that is how these threads go bust. So you have to make a positive case FOR supporting Hillary. No lies, no half truths, no smoke and mirrors. You can't make a claim that is not true. You may be called upon to verify everything you write. This is not a lecture without input from the audience. They will pick apart your weaknesses. I expect them to belay the snark and insults. In return I will make the case for voting for Donald Trump with the same ground rules. If someone like COG wants to make a case for Gary Johnson then they must abide by the same rules.

Frankly, I don't think you can do it and we won't hear much more from you with the convention concluded. This is your chance though. Never say that you didn't get one. I give you 48 hours to post your case. So 1800 CST on Sunday we will see.
Fair enough - I am a conservative and to put it bluntly Donald Trump and Ben Carson were the least qualified of the original 17 to 19 canididates. However, since he won the nomination his rhetoric and proposals borderline resembled what Hitler wanted to accomplish.
I don't like the guys character - he doesn't have temperament nor the experience to be POTUS.
However, the biggest problem I have is the fact he's no conservative he's a liberal wolf in Sheeps clothing. He's on record basically supporting Clinton, he's been interviewed and on record stating the economy tends to do better under democrats - these are not my words but Trumps words paraphrased.
He's a liar - well so is Clinton but he wants to bring jobs back to America - ok set an example - manufacture your suits and ties in America, but he takes advantage of cheap labor.
He talks without thinking which is very dangerous - look at his recent comments : inviting Russia to hack clinton's emails ? Telling reporters he wanted to hit some of the DNC speakers ? What's the matter he can't take a little heat ?

Finally he makes proposals that will never work -if any of you think he would build a wall and Mexico will pay for it you are as looney as trump. If you don't believe - knock on your neighbors door and say hey I am going to build this really expensive fence around my yard to keep any unwanted intruders or debris from flying in my yard, but you will pay for it- report back to me your neighbors response.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So you decided to do the attack before the defense...not exactly ethical. Are you going to present the case for Hillary or is this it?
Also, I am not alone - the bush family will not be voting for him nor will mitt Romney - you can bet Ted Cruz will not cast a vote for trump. This years RNC was perhaps the worst ever with many big name republicans not even appearing - where was Palin? Where was John McMcain? No John Kasich, Rand Paul? Rubio?
The DNC has 2 prominent life long republicans who are voting for Clinton and now they have my vote.
So you decided to do the attack before the defense...not exactly ethical. Are you going to present the case for Hillary or is this it? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I am more anti trump than I am pro clinton. I was seriously going to vote for Gary Johnson even though he has no chance of winning - but I have to make sure Trump doesn't win so casting my vote for Clinton is the better option plus I think she's qualified.
  • Tiny
  • 07-29-2016, 06:45 PM
I am more anti trump than I am pro clinton. I was seriously going to vote for Gary Johnson even though he has no chance of winning - but I have to make sure Trump doesn't win so casting my vote for Clinton is the better option plus I think she's qualified. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
There is no way short of assassination that you're going to make sure Trump doesn't win. You live in Texas. Even though Hillary will probably be our next president, the probability Trump will win Texas is 99% according to http://www.pivit.io/politics/2016-re...n-nominee/5341. If it's close enough in Texas that your one vote out of 8 million causes Hillary to get its electoral votes, then undoubtedly Hillary will have won in a landslide anyway. If it's close in Texas, it's going to be a wipeout for Hillary in places like Florida and Ohio.

Why not vote for Johnson, someone you actually agree with, and send a message to the major parties that they should take our (Libertarians') positions seriously. If Johnson gets 15% of the vote, maybe, just maybe, you'll see Republicans talking seriously about legalization of prostitution or Democrats about more efficient government. OK, admittedly, that's mostly just a dream, but still, your vote's not going to make a difference. You might as well vote your conscience, because practically who you vote for will not effect the outcome of the election.

And vote for Republicans on the down ticket in any Congressional elections where your vote actually could make a difference, in any election that might be close. That's unless you want to return to the good old days of Jimmy Carter, when Democrats controlled the presidency, the House, and had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.
Puke_Likely is a RINO/Globalist/0zombie/Wall Street Pussy... Puke_Likely hates Main Street America... Trump is 2nd party within the GOP... so FUCK your 3rd party Tiny!

So you decided to do the attack before the defense...not exactly ethical. Are you going to present the case for Hillary or is this it? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
all talking points nothing of substance in anything he said, trying to make himself feel better about wanting to vote for the Hildabeast, he may as well be like his hero's bush, mittens and kasuck who made the same pledge Trump did and now won't honor it, to me that say's a lot about a man when he go's back on his word, I voted for Cruz in are primary but I lost what respect I had for him for the same reason to bad really he fucked himself for 2020
goodman0422's Avatar
The following contains exepts from Wyatt's support if Hillary along with cooment/questions of my own. It is not meant as an attack on Wyatt since he is just trying to make an arguement. I see holes in case and im inviting further discussion. I would like to say I am not a Trump "supporter". I simply think that Hillary is a worse choice. (For the record, both candidates make me want to renounce my citizenship.)

"Trump and Ben Carson were the least qualified of the original 17 to 19 canididates."

So were our founding fathers when this nation started. Washington was a general, not a politician. Conservatives specifically supported these two because they did not want more of the same. (i.e. Bush). Their lack of exposure to the corruption of political system was what people liked most about them.

"his rhetoric and proposals borderline resembled what Hitler wanted to accomplish."

I assume you are referring to Nationalism, a curse word to liberals. Can you please be more specific? I know many Americans are so worried about Trump's offensive statements that they forget that Hillary's poor leadership resulted in the death of at least four Americans. I know, she didn't really do anything. Doing nothing is the worst thing you can possibly do.

"I don't like the guys character - he doesn't have temperament nor the experience to be POTUS."

Hillary is so unlikable that her teams strategy was to allow you to hear and see as little of her as possible. How many debates were there again?

"He's a liar - well so is Clinton"

Ok, who didn't laugh at this one? Would you please put down what you're smoking?

"He talks without thinking which is very dangerous"

Agreed. And this is better than a calculated lie.

"look at his recent comments : inviting Russia to hack clinton's emails?"

If I remember correctly, he didn't suggest they hack her emails. It appears they already hacked them. He suggested they release the ones they already hacked. Yes, this is also bad for the country. Although, it wouldn't be necessary if she had released her emails before deleting 30k+ pages of documents.

"Telling reporters he wanted to hit some of the DNC speakers?"

Yeah? Get in line. I would love to punch Al Franken. (Please respond with which of these idiots you would punch if you could.)

"Finally he makes proposals that will never work -if any of you think he would build a wall and Mexico will pay for it"

The wall is a truly stupid idea. It will only add travel time to those wishing to illegally enter the US. Only "people" can limit the number of illegal entries to the US. If Americans want border security, we must hire more people to protect it. The wall arguement is really the best arguement against Trump but, let's be real. It isn't going to happen and, so what if it does?

Finally, I have a question for Wyatt. You describe yourself as a conservative and believe Trump and Carson are unqualified. I'm curious if you would have supported any Republican candidate. If so, can you name him/her?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
As I have said many times. Clinton is far from perfect but trump would be a disaster. This is another election with no one to vote for, just people to vote against. Just like in 2008, sarah palin had to be kept out of the Vice Presidency. Romney was no big deal because his views were mostly moderate. Trump's ego would come first before the country as far as he's concerned.
Much better choices for president for me would be Jim Webb and Michael McCaul.

I am more anti trump than I am pro clinton. I was seriously going to vote for Gary Johnson even though he has no chance of winning - but I have to make sure Trump doesn't win so casting my vote for Clinton is the better option plus I think she's qualified. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hillary is the most dishonest, corrupt and incompetent candidate to ever run for President. I don't like Trump, but he's not Hillary, and he can beat her. Hillary is an amoral sociopath. Trump is an egomaniac. The difference is YUGE! Trump any day over Hillary!
MT Pockets's Avatar
So far all I have heard form the right is how bad Hillary is and what a Liar she is and how she erased some emails and 4 people died under her watch.
Besides saying bad shit about his opponents and saying he will make "Murica" great again what has your guy have. he has a track record of cheating people. He has lost so many court cases lately I can not keep track of them he even lost one this week for erasing email.. He has no political experience and your team criticized Obama for lack of experience, He has never ran a company that made a profit. he is a racist and a Unitarian and a bigger liar than Clinton ,
Your only reason to vote for him is because you think Hillary is bad. I say bullshit. You are all die hard Republicans that hate Blacks and Women plain and simple.
If everything yo guys have accused Clinton was true she would still be better than what Trump has admitted to. Right down to making deals with Russia on the same day you guys complained about a video playing that may have had a soviet ship on it.

Luke made a great argument for voting for her, she is not him.
So far all I have heard form the right is how bad Hillary is and what a Liar she is and how she erased some emails and 4 people died under her watch.
Besides saying bad shit about his opponents and saying he will make "Murica" great again what has your guy have. he has a track record of cheating people. He has lost so many court cases lately I can not keep track of them he even lost one this week for erasing email.. He has no political experience and your team criticized Obama for lack of experience, He has never ran a company that made a profit. he is a racist and a Unitarian and a bigger liar than Clinton ,
Your only reason to vote for him is because you think Hillary is bad. I say bullshit. You are all die hard Republicans that hate Blacks and Women plain and simple.
If everything yo guys have accused Clinton was true she would still be better than what Trump has admitted to. Right down to making deals with Russia on the same day you guys complained about a video playing that may have had a soviet ship on it.

Luke made a great argument for voting for her, she is not him. Originally Posted by MT Pockets

Just because you like to be ass fucked, you claim TRUMP is a poor choice...

FUCKING 0zombies.

  • Tiny
  • 07-29-2016, 10:35 PM
Puke_Likely is a RINO/Globalist/0zombie/Wall Street Pussy... Puke_Likely hates Main Street America... Trump is 2nd party within the GOP... so FUCK your 3rd party Tiny! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
IIFFOFRDB, in the spirit of Barleycorn's challenge, which included "I expect them to belay the snark and insults," I shall respond in another thread, where I shall give you the verbal thrashing you so richly deserve. In fact, I believe that I shall choose your own thread, "PaulRyanCanShoveHisTinyClitor isLookingDickUpTrumpsAss," in which to unleash my barrage of logic and reason. Yes, I am coming to your home turf. Enjoy your last minutes, IIFFOFRDB, before you meet your end.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
no trash talking? this I've got to see.

it'll last up to message #30.