Republicans this is your Donald Trump; If you like it then I love it

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Spin this....LOL
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Trump: "I think Obama is doing a great job." LOL

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
My Republican friends yall gonna hate me for this but this has to be done. Here it is the proof you need on why you're being duped. You can go down hook line and sinker if you want but don't say that you weren't forewarned.

This video is everything.

My work here is done. LOL
I B Hankering's Avatar
Spin this, Sissy Chap.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Spin this, Sissy Chap.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No need I agree. She is a now respond to the Trump video PROVING he's a life long Democrat. LOL

I've boxed you in pretty dam good this time. :mf_seehearsp eak:
I B Hankering's Avatar
No need I agree. She is a now respond to the Trump video PROVING he's a life long Democrat. LOL

I've boxed you in pretty dam good this time. :mf_seehearsp eak:
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Trump actually changed parties several times over the course of the years, Sissy Chap. Even Reagan started out as a dim-retard, but he too came to his senses, Sissy Chap, and you lib-retards are still riled about how Reagan trounced the Dim-retard party, just like Trump is going to do.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
No need I agree. She is a now respond to the Trump video PROVING he's a life long Democrat. LOL

I've boxed you in pretty dam good this time. :mf_seehearsp eak: Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
LMAO! You've been proven wrong and have had your ass handed to you so many times it is just downright laughable for you to claim you've boxed anyone in about anything.

We're all aware of Trump flaws but still prefer him over Hillary. He is undisciplined as a campaigner, he's been out spent and he has a mainstream media doing all they can to get him.

Yet despite all that he defeated 16 other republicans to get nominated while Hillary spent millions of dollars and had to cheat to beat a 74 year old communist.

I wouldn't be counting him out yet. Perhaps that's why you feel the need to relentlessly post your tripe of this board?
Spin this, Sissy Chap.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Answer his question you fucking weasel- I am referring to you I B.
LMAO! You've been proven wrong and have had your ass handed to you so many times it is just downright laughable for you to claim you've boxed anyone in about anything.

We're all aware of Trump flaws but still prefer him over Hillary. He is undisciplined as a campaigner, he's been out spent and he has a mainstream media doing all they can to get him.

Yet despite all that he defeated 16 other republicans to get nominated while Hillary spent millions of dollars and had to cheat to beat a 74 year old communist.

I wouldn't be counting him out yet. Perhaps that's why you feel the need to relentlessly post your tripe of this board? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Is that your response ? Doesn't this prove he's a liberal? He praised both Hillary and Obama and admitted the economy does better under democrats.!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Answer his question you fucking weasel- I am referring to you I B. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Go diddle yourself with hildebeest's broom stick, Lubed Wide-ass.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Is that your response ? Doesn't this prove he's a liberal? He praised both Hillary and Obama and admitted the economy does better under democrats.! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I guess you think 1% gdp is a sign of a good economy..?

My business is down 75%. I have no Heath care because I can't afford it. I've had to sell half my shit on eBay. I had to sell my truck..Half of my friends have lost their jobs. I play golf for food. My dinner is the free snacks at a happy hour. Italia doesn't return my calls. I'm fucking old nags off of I walk with my head down looking for change. The only entertainment I have is reading your fucking stupid posts.

Yeah Dumb Fuck. I don't need BO, Hillary or you telling me how wonderful the fucking economy is.
Sissy LOVES her Khany...

Yes We Khan….Send Them Back
August 2, 2016 by CH

The rancid media libocrisy on display in their latest manufactured hysteria over Trump’s comments to some pedofaced Paki whose son was killed in the Iraq War that Hillary Clinton approved, and subsequently flaunted at the DNC degenerate freak parade to score anti-White political points, is so over the top that I find it hard to believe normal Americans will put up with this clown world for much longer.

This is the media scum we are dealing with:

Trump should not back off from this fight, even if the entire corrupt establishment — Dems, GOPe, media, billionaire oligarchs — is arrayed against him. He has a more powerful weapon:


A Muslim migrant who lost a son in a stupid American war based on lies is a poor premise upon which to base a nation’s border policy. This toolbag Khizr Khan (or so he innocently postures; he could very well know exactly what he’s doing) has so many sharia-friendly skeletons in his closet that he’s starting to get nervous about all the publicity he, or the DNC, unleashed upon himself. Khan is an immigration attorney who specializes in getting more Muslims into the US; he has ties with the Saudi government; is alleged to be a Muslim Brotherhood agent; and has connections to the slush fund known as the Clinton Foundation. The latest news about him is that his law firm’s web site was recently deleted. THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HARAM….

Various shiv-righters on the Twatter and at MPC also gleefully pointed out the ¡SCIENCE-Y! numbers don’t support the Khan Is Who We Are Now Narrative: more American soldiers have been killed by Muslim-American soldiers than Muslim-American soldiers have been killed in action fighting for the US.

Unfortunately the link is dead, but assuming this is still around at MPC, it says it all about the Side of History we are being stuffed into, come hell or sharia law:


It’s amazing how coordinated the hottake on the DNC has been.

The new rally point is Mr. Kahn, the father of the Muzzie soldier KIA who held up a (pristine) pocket Constitution and challenged Trump to read it and discover the inviolable Zeroth Amendment (Sailer’s phrase) which guarantees limitless immigration to the U.S. for shitskins. Apparently according to the DNC, Mr. Kahn’s son was one of 14 killed on the American side in the GWOT. (Last night in chat I posted that this represents a 0.3% KIA rate for American Muslims compared to the total).

If I had the time to research it, we could probably come up with 1) the number of American Mohammedans killed fighting against the U.S. and/or for terrorist entities which likely exceeds 14; and, 2) the number of Muslim U.S. servicemen who turned on the U.S. while in uniform (Nidal Hassan, Hasan Akbar, etc.) which is not insignificant, and whose body count in the aggregate likely exceeds 14. It’s probably a significant net negative in either event and blows the proposition that Mr. Kahn was trying to establish out of the water.



Maximus, great observation! I’ve been tweeting this hatefact at the usual suspects all afternoon.

The stats are: Nidal killed 13 and Akbar killed 2, for 15 American soldiers killed by Muslim-American soldiers. There’s been at least one terrorist plot planned by a Muslim-American soldier (Hasan Edmonds) thwarted. If you were willing to hammer it home, you could add the Beltway Sniper.

The number of Muslim-American service men killed in combat is supposedly 14, a number that was reported out of the House Homeland Security Committee by Chairman Peter King in 2011.

I actually have some doubts about the 14 number, but whatever. The point is still valid….. More American soldiers (15) have been killed by Muslim-American soldiers, than Muslim-American soldiers have been killed in combat (14).

It’s great sadistic fun to rub shitlib faces in the FACTS, BIGOT! they purport to sacralize, but the essential nature of this war is a simpler proposition: No nation has a moral obligation to allow untold numbers of migrant foreigners on its soil. This goes double for immigrants who by genetic inheritance and habit are incompatible with American culture, and unlikely to ever become compatible. This is the tooth and nail of it: Neither the Constitution nor historically shared common sense sanctions that an endless infernal flow of alien peoples must necessarily remain unabated if America is to “live up to her principles”. The truth that even shitlibs acknowledge to themselves when alone in bed as a cold shiver sends them to sleep is that a limitless invasion of migrants will not only change America, it will change America’s principles. Forever.

The stakes could not be higher.


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  • DSK
  • 08-03-2016, 09:42 PM
Sissy LOVES her Kahny... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You nailed the fuckers again - keep it up
  • DSK
  • 08-03-2016, 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
If he is a liberal, why do liberals hate him?