What Obama said...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Just a couple of short days ago Obama was asked a question about something completely different and he went off on a tirade saying that Trump was unfit to be president and then he asked the question, what does this mean the the person representing the GOP is like this. Lets answer that question in "turn about is fair play".

What kind of party would have a lying, corrupt sack of shit like Hillary Clinton for a candidate?
What kind of party would have a person like Hillary who calls Gold Star Mother Patti Smith a LIAR and a HEAD CASE?
What kind of party would have a rigged convention, a rigged primary and call themselves the representatives of the people...while getting over 70% of the money from the Wall Street money people?
What kind of party would take donations from countries that kill gays, oppress women, and oppose free speech?
What kind of party would put forth as their poster child someone who thinks Sharia should have mastery over the US Constitution, that women know their place, that there is no Islamic terrorism, and is actively working to bring terrorism to this country?
What kind of party would say that running up a massive debt is unpatriotic and then run up the largest one presidential debt in history and get little for all that money?
What kind of party will pay ransom in cash knowing that it will go to fund terrorism in England, Germany, France, Belgium, and the United States?
What kind of party would, in time of war, reduce their military to levels found before the Korean War?

Does anyone have an answer?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
like assup, the are very very scarced

Trump gets 15000 for a speech,the liar gets 1000 but leads by 10 points????????

NBC NIGHTLY news does about 5 minutes against Trump every night
LexusLover's Avatar
NBC NIGHTLY news does about 5 minutes against Trump every night Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
... 5 seconds on HillaryNoMore ...

....confirming she is still breathing.....

....and Bill's no where to be seen!

"EasyOver"? is that you, Bill?