Are you happy now IFFY? Start saying it: "President Hillary Clinton"

You asked for this, shit-for-brains.

You thought that destroying the GOP establishment by backing Trump was a good thing because that was the best way to stop the Democrats. How is that strategy working out now?

You made a mockery of intelligent politics and backed a vulgarian who is fading in the polls to a crook. All because his true character has been caught on video tape. He was too stupid and arrogant to watch his words when the camera was rolling.

From the start, it was obvious to everyone except the willfully blind that Trump was a rich, creepy asshole whose greatest pleasure in life was looking at himself in the mirror.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost as tape after tape from the last 20 years comes to light. The guy is a dirt bag, face it. And the fact that Bill Clinton is worse is IRRELEVANT. Bubba isn't running for office.

You backed the ONLY candidate that can't beat Hillary Clinton. After all his ridiculous vulgar stunts over the last year, he is still close in the polls. That means that any OTHER sane GOP candidate would be beating her like a drum.

A dead ferret could beat her. But not Trump.

So now we have four years of open borders and left wing court appointments to look forward to. Thanks to you IFFY.

The only silver lining is that when the current economic bubble bursts, the Democrats will get the blame because they will have held the Presidency for the previous 8 to 12 years. So they won't be able to blame the GOP.
lustylad's Avatar
He was too stupid and arrogant to watch his words when the camera was rolling. Originally Posted by Revenant
It was a hot mic, you idiot. And he didn't know cameras were rolling until he got off the bus.
You asked for this, shit-for-brains.

You thought that destroying the GOP establishment by backing Trump was a good thing because that was the best way to stop the Democrats. How is that strategy working out now?

You made a mockery of intelligent politics and backed a vulgarian who is fading in the polls to a crook. All because his true character has been caught on video tape. He was too stupid and arrogant to watch his words when the camera was rolling.

From the start, it was obvious to everyone except the willfully blind that Trump was a rich, creepy asshole whose greatest pleasure in life was looking at himself in the mirror.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost as tape after tape from the last 20 years comes to light. The guy is a dirt bag, face it. And the fact that Bill Clinton is worse is IRRELEVANT. Bubba isn't running for office.

You backed the ONLY candidate that can't beat Hillary Clinton. After all his ridiculous vulgar stunts over the last year, he is still close in the polls. That means that any OTHER sane GOP candidate would be beating her like a drum.

A dead ferret could beat her. But not Trump.

So now we have four years of open borders and left wing court appointments to look forward to. Thanks to you IFFY.

The only silver lining is that when the current economic bubble bursts, the Democrats will get the blame because they will have held the Presidency for the previous 8 to 12 years. So they won't be able to blame the GOP.
Originally Posted by Revenant

Crawl back in your hole, NyRINOer...

HISTORY! Trump Shatters Republican Primary Vote Record by 1.4 Million Votes
As a result Trump has more votes than any candidate in Republican history.

Trump shattered the previous record by 1.4 million votes — and that was with 17 candidates in the race
It was a hot mic, you idiot. And he didn't know cameras were rolling until he got off the bus. Originally Posted by lustylad
Fuck you, too.

He made crude and vulgar comments to a member of the media, Billy Bush, someone he barely knew. If you are going to make "pussy" jokes, you do it only with a longtime friend who makes similar jokes.

What responsible adult makes crude comments like that to a casual acquaintance? Whether he knew the mic was on or not?

You just don't do that if you have an IQ over room temperature.

Crawl back in your hole, NyRINOer... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You are too stupid to know the difference between a primary and the general election.

Not only is he going to lose, he is going to cost the GOP one or both of the House and Senate. And there will be nothing to stop Clinton's corruption.

And Hillary will take a big election victory, including in Congress, as an endorsement of her personally, rather than revulsion at Trump. As if that narcissist didn't already have a big enough ego.

There were other, responsible GOP candidates that would have done something effective to stop or slow down illegal immigration. But now, you get NOTHING.
bambino's Avatar
You asked for this, shit-for-brains.

You thought that destroying the GOP establishment by backing Trump was a good thing because that was the best way to stop the Democrats. How is that strategy working out now?

You made a mockery of intelligent politics and backed a vulgarian who is fading in the polls to a crook. All because his true character has been caught on video tape. He was too stupid and arrogant to watch his words when the camera was rolling.

From the start, it was obvious to everyone except the willfully blind that Trump was a rich, creepy asshole whose greatest pleasure in life was looking at himself in the mirror.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost as tape after tape from the last 20 years comes to light. The guy is a dirt bag, face it. And the fact that Bill Clinton is worse is IRRELEVANT. Bubba isn't running for office.

You backed the ONLY candidate that can't beat Hillary Clinton. After all his ridiculous vulgar stunts over the last year, he is still close in the polls. That means that any OTHER sane GOP candidate would be beating her like a drum.

A dead ferret could beat her. But not Trump.

So now we have four years of open borders and left wing court appointments to look forward to. Thanks to you IFFY.

The only silver lining is that when the current economic bubble bursts, the Democrats will get the blame because they will have held the Presidency for the previous 8 to 12 years. So they won't be able to blame the GOP.
Originally Posted by Revenant
What a little Hissy Fit. Trump wasn't my choice but he routed the field. Set a record for votes. He won the nomination asshole. It just wasn't "iffy" fuckhead. I will say this for the Democrats, they're in it to win. Hillary is worse than Trump if you want a conservative SCOTUS, secure borders, reformed tax code, lower regulations etc. But the Republicans forgot how to win. They are not united like the Dems. So what are you raging about? You voted for Obama. So vote for Clinton. Your a lefty anyway. You're a fraud like Lubed Asshole.
  • DSK
  • 10-10-2016, 07:00 PM

You are too stupid to know the difference between a primary and the general election.

Not only is he going to lose, he is going to cost the GOP one or both of the House and Senate. And there will be nothing to stop Clinton's corruption.

And Hillary will take a big election victory, including in Congress, as an endorsement of her personally, rather than revulsion at Trump. As if that narcissist didn't already have a big enough ego.

There were other, responsible GOP candidates that would have done something effective to stop or slow down illegal immigration. But now, you get NOTHING.
Originally Posted by Revenant
We should just tear down the whole country and start over. The whole thing is fucked up now, anyway.

As for Hillary, she needs brutal opposition and humiliation at every turn. We need to make her life hell, if we can. If she could, she would put us in jail at hard labor, and blame Republicans for harsh sentencing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You'll be taking 90, right, JL?

Oh that's right. Nobody would take your action.
lustylad's Avatar
As for Hillary, she needs brutal opposition and humiliation at every turn. We need to make her life hell, if we can. Originally Posted by DSK
I'm in. Where do I sign up?
What a little Hissy Fit. Trump wasn't my choice but he routed the field. Set a record for votes. He won the nomination asshole. It just wasn't "iffy" fuckhead. I will say this for the Democrats, they're in it to win. Hillary is worse than Trump if you want a conservative SCOTUS, secure borders, reformed tax code, lower regulations etc. But the Republicans forgot how to win. They are not united like the Dems. So what are you raging about? You voted for Obama. So vote for Clinton. Your a lefty anyway. You're a fraud like Lubed Asshole. Originally Posted by bambino
Blow me, blowhard.

I have been voting GOP my whole life until 2008 and 2012. I went Libertarian to punish the GOP for the Palin fiasco and I doubled down on the punishment in 2012 and voted for Obama because the GOP put up an empty suit Wall Street hack in Romney. All the GOP did was call Obama names (Kenyan, socialist, communist), but no one made a principled argument against his programs.

But you are right that the GOP does not know how to win - just not in the way that you think.

The GOP has been fucked up on social issues (gays and abortion) for 20 years and has neglected economic issues, traditionally their strong suit. That coalition of Christian fundamentalists and rednecks is going to win anything EVER. The GOP could have made a principled, intellectual case that free trade agreements have enriched the top 10%, but fucked over the low-income and middle-income brackets. But they didn't.

Because the Democrats and the GOP both genuflect to the big tech companies and to Wall Street. All they care about is cheap, foreign labor. So long as the stock market is up, both parties think everything is fine. After the 2007 financial meltdown, NOBODY on Wall Street or in government got punished - because they watch each others' backs.

So, we get a crass asshole that turns off every intelligent person and discredits valid arguments against entrenched interests that are fucking over working class people.
bambino's Avatar
Blow me, blowhard.

I have been voting GOP my whole life until 2008 and 2012. I went Libertarian to punish the GOP for the Palin fiasco and I double down on the punishment and voted for Obama because the GOP put up and empty suit Wall Street hack in Romney.

Because you are right that the GOP does not know how to win - just not in the way that you think.

The GOP has been fucked up on social issues (gays and abortion) for 20 years and has neglected economic issues, traditionally their strong suit. They could have made a principled, intellectual case that free trade agreements have enriched the top 10%, but fucked over the low-income and middle-income brackets.

But the Democrats and the GOP both genuflect to the big tech companies and Wall Street. So long as the stock market is up, both parties think everything is fine. After the 2007 financial meltdown, NOBODY on Wall Street or in government got punished - because they watch each others' backs. Originally Posted by Revenant
You can lick my balls you fraud. You voted for Obama, you're a stupid fuck, end of story. If you're so worried about gays, Trump wants to keep the radical Islamists out, maybe gays will feel safer. And I doubt he's a staunch pro life guy. Trump is against Wall Street, open borders and bad trade deals. He's actually for the middle class and against the establishment. So go ahead fucknuts, vote for Hillary and quit lying.
Blow me, blowhard.

I have been voting GOP my whole life until 2008 and 2012. I went Libertarian to punish the GOP for the Palin fiasco and I doubled down on the punishment in 2012 and voted for Obama because the GOP put up an empty suit Wall Street hack in Romney. All the GOP did was call Obama names (Kenyan, socialist, communist), but no one made a principled argument against his programs.

But you are right that the GOP does not know how to win - just not in the way that you think.

The GOP has been fucked up on social issues (gays and abortion) for 20 years and has neglected economic issues, traditionally their strong suit. That coalition of Christian fundamentalists and rednecks is going to win anything EVER. The GOP could have made a principled, intellectual case that free trade agreements have enriched the top 10%, but fucked over the low-income and middle-income brackets. But they didn't.

Because the Democrats and the GOP both genuflect to the big tech companies and to Wall Street. All they care about is cheap, foreign labor. So long as the stock market is up, both parties think everything is fine. After the 2007 financial meltdown, NOBODY on Wall Street or in government got punished - because they watch each others' backs.

So, we get a crass asshole that turns off every intelligent person and discredits valid arguments against entrenched interests that are fucking over working class people. Originally Posted by Revenant

Thanks for making my case for Donald J TRUMP!

  • DSK
  • 10-10-2016, 09:06 PM
I'm in. Where do I sign up? Originally Posted by lustylad
I wish I could tell you, but hopefully their is a place for the opposition to defend what made America great a long time ago.
lustylad's Avatar
I doubled down on the punishment in 2012 and voted for Obama because the GOP put up an empty suit Wall Street hack in Romney. All the GOP did was call Obama names (Kenyan, socialist, communist), but no one made a principled argument against his programs.

The GOP has been fucked up on social issues... and has neglected economic issues, traditionally their strong suit. Originally Posted by Revenant

This is the dumbest analysis of the 2012 election I've ever read. Romney focused on the economy, he made principled arguments against all of Obama's policies, and he never resorted to name-calling. He would have been the best tonic for a stronger US economy since Reagan. Just because he is better-looking than you are is no reason to call him an empty suit. No true Republican, especially one who claimed to care about the economy, would have voted for Obama in 2012. Maybe in 2008 - when the economy was starting to tank two months before the election - you could have made a plausible case for taking a chance the Dems could do better at macroeconomic policy than the incumbent party. But in 2012? No fucking way. Your explanation doesn't fly. I agree with bam, you're a fraud.

After the 2007 financial meltdown, NOBODY on Wall Street or in government got punished - because they watch each others' backs. Originally Posted by Revenant
The meltdown was in 2008/09, not 2007. Newsflash - the economy is cyclical. Recessions are inevitable. We've always had them, always will. What makes you so special that you think someone has to be "punished" now each time there is a downturn? Oh wait, I forgot - you're a tort lawyer. Anytime something bad happens somewhere to someone, you rush to sue. Yeah, people like you add soooo much value to the economy.
TexTushHog's Avatar
It was a hot mic, you idiot. And he didn't know cameras were rolling until he got off the bus. Originally Posted by lustylad
Well, that makes his behavior completely ok, right? Who was it that said "Character is what you do when no one is watching?"