How The Transfer of Power Should Go Down Between Obama and Trump

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Transfer of Power simplified

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No one cares what you think.
Who cares sissy chump what you think
Budman's Avatar
Me. Obama, elections have consequences. We won, get your shit and get the fuck out .
Lord have less than four months time, 1800+ posts to date. And yet, nary one post of meaning nor value to this site. Your contributions to Ikky have been less than zero.

Seriously, SC, you're clearly in over your head here. No clue what brought you here in the first place...or why you're even staying.
So, that said, why don't you do us...yourself...everyone a HUGE favor? Follow Hillary's's time for both of you yokels to simply fade a w a y......
Transfer of Power simplified Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
What are you still doing here?

The Hildebeast lost and you and Luke Wyatt are supposed to up and disappear like a fart in the wind, remember?

The election was the only reason you joined and now that's over. Say goodbye.
Get the fuck out of here, Sistine Chapel.

Your beloved hildebeest (not capitalized out of concern that would connote respect) lost.

Good Lord. Almost 13 worthless posts per day. Just go away.
lustylad's Avatar
His DNC gig is over and Soros refused to keep him on the payroll, so he's hanging around waiting for another troll job to become available at a pay level "predetermined" by his Corporate Masters.
Transfer of Power simplified

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

I wish "Professionals" like you had more time before a Good Man Blew your ass up... sissy chump
chicagoboy's Avatar
Lord have less than four months time, 1800+ posts to date. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Doesn't measure up to WombRaider's pace.
Doesn't measure up to WombRaider's pace. Originally Posted by chicagoboy


Guest123018-4's Avatar
COG, I agree 100% with you; nobody cares what he thinks.

Do you thinck somebody should tell him that they are going to do it their way and they don't give a shit about him either.
He gets a lot of attention though.
LexusLover's Avatar
... nobody cares what SHE thinks... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
With all due respect, IFFY.

But the opinions still don't matter, regardless of her gender.