Is this the girl from SA?

  • BSer
  • 02-22-2017, 10:06 PM
Yeah that's Suzy, just don't give her any cash upfront it's not that difficult.

I'll never figure out why anyone at anytime ever pays upfront for any ho
AH! Good thing I found out. Messaged her earlier on SA. Might have to decline now.

Ya'll just saved me some disappointment
Yeah, Dolce or something like that on SA. I noticed she branched out to BP/EB this week too. Thought she was hot and it all sounded good, but CnD is a no-no. Blacklist for me.
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Ok so whats the deal on the cash and dash . A one time thing or do we have a couple reports.
Id say that one time is enough.
It was over a year ago but she asked me for an advance on a date and proceeded to disappear for 2 months. Have not seen her since even at large offered discounts.
Just reinforces the lesson - no money upfront, let alone as an advance
Ya, should have known better. She asked for a 'front' on a date, I obliged, then stood up twice in one week. Bad news. Yup, I'm a sucker now & then.