I am jealous! - Tammy will be in town!

A provider I knew from Memphis is visiting Denver and I am jealous! Tammy4unow is in town (I think) and she is great! My ATF by far!

If you do see her, PLEASE ask her to visit Kansas City sometime! I realize that Kansas is not as attractive as Colorado, but we need to have visitors like Tammy to make up for it. So, please help your neighbors to the East and put in a good word for KC.

chrissy's Avatar
OMG she finally made it!!! Now the fun starts..Tammy4U is awesome !! And very well loved and trusted.... Enjoy her while you can guys..She might only hang around for a short time..BUUTTT try to convince her to stay guys she rocks and Colorado could use another great addition and heheh addiction!!!!!
Saw a gal that worked for a local agency for a bit but she was from Virginia. A totally different, and much appreciated mindset. Keep invading the West.
