Paracute Harness: Utility in the Hobby?

ICU 812's Avatar
Anybody ever use a parachute harness to suspend a sex partner?

Just wondering . . .

The concept and mental images have kept me occupied with fantasy-play in my head this morning.

Maybe something in the way of a rock climbing harness from REI would work too.

Something effedctive but not so obviously BDSM or Village People butch.
Rooter's Avatar
Well not all the suspension/rigging in the bdsm community is village people butch or full on dominatrix decked out in nazi uniform. There are lots of suspension play that just as you speak. I've watched but it's never been my thing to initiate, although I wouldn't turn down the opertunity of a female in suspension.
I suggest you look, and try on a parachute harness at a 1-day tandem jump school. Then go to REI and ask the nice people there how to fit a climber's rig. IMHO, the chute harness will do nicely if you expect to try some unusual positions (upside down, etc.) but may block access to certain areas of the anatomy.

A climber's seat / rig allows the upper body to move more freely and basically anchors about / just below your navel. Depending on your partner's flexibility and how well you have it anchored, "sit and spin" is a real possibility -

Kids, don't try this at home. Get professional training. Results may vary. Objects may appear larger than they are.