Many THANKS after my accident!

Jenn9794's Avatar
well ladys and gents im not to sure why or what my higher power has in store for me, but what i do know is that the friends i have made throughout my short time in this career have truely been a blessing!!! Whitney Weston i want you and every soul on earth to know that you are an amazing soul and although our beliefs are not the same you are a true angel and sent to me by my GOD after my accident a year and half ago. There are many of you since that horrific day who have gone out of your way to help me get through the 7 months in a hospital bed and then since to make it back on BOTH yes yes both my feet. Im in lake charles living and two months before the Hurricanes I opened my construction company up here and am steady still working with that yes I still work as a provider as well as I enjoy my clients and the freedom it allowes but the main message here is thank you eccie family and a few other sites but from my heart ya all are amazing and i appreciate what those of you did for me after my auto accident and since then. Yes im still recovering and i still have a very long road and a few more surgerys to go but god willing and as stubborn as I am ill be just dandy some day soon so again thank you!!!!
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Glad to hear your doing better Jenn. Thoughts and prayers as you continue to heal. I can only imagine the pain and suffering you’ve endured. We have not met personally but I’ve followed your story from a distance. Thanks for the public update, may you find all you seek.
Jenn9794's Avatar
Thank you drinkindreamen yes sir the pain and recovery are still to say the least overwhelming at times thats for sure my left leg is still severely damaged they wanted to amputate it but ill be damned if im going out like that honey I do walk with a slight limp from the hardwear and from knee to ankel scar and hardwear in all 4 extrimitys but I refuse to allow it to over take my life I just turned 50 this week and im far from done with the things id like to do right now its learning to ride a harley before its over for me lol but thank you for the thoughts and prayers maybe when i go on tour next we will meet up 😘
MuffinMan's Avatar
Good to see you posting again! I admire your courage, Jenn. It appears that you’ve found that “sweet spot” in life. The ability to bend, but not break! I look forward to hearing a lot more from you.
Had a great time with you last year Jenn in Lake Charles and when I get back there, hope to see you again! Be safe
34E Whitney Weston's Avatar
No thanks necessary honey. I am just happy you are doing well and have your company up and running. Hugs my dear friend.
Never met Jenn. But I know my ATFBOTBEBHFAGH well. And she is a saint of a person. No surprise at all that WW comes to the rescue and steps up when it’s needed. Cause she’s just that kind of person. Love me some WW! Ats jus me y’all.
34E Whitney Weston's Avatar
Aww Cowboy you are too sweet.
I see your handle and two of my favorite things come to mind in the way of a song. Save a horse & ride a cowboy.