
This has probably been discussed multiple times, I just can’t find it, and a site search for “Acronyms” didn’t reveal a list. Where is the list of acronyms hidden? I am new here and am having a hard time with the acronyms listed in the reviews, there are a hell of a lot of them. Thank you.
Hunteradventurer's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar Originally Posted by Hunteradventurer
Something that all newbies should get familiar with.
And that the old dogs should review form time to time.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Google has all the answers when you see one just type it in your Google bar. Google is your friend.
burkalini's Avatar
Google has all the answers when you see one just type it in your Google bar. Google is your friend. Originally Posted by HoustonRiley
The last thing Google is, is your friend. Use your brain and figure 50% of google is forced opinion