Oral Herpes

Do you guys consider oral herpes an STD? Any of you tested positive for HSV-1?

I just got tested and I have it, but Dr. Google said its so common and most of us got it in childhood.

Dr. Google also said most ppl just carry the virus and goes through life without ever showing symptoms.

Either way those of u who have it, how do ya'll bring it up during encounters? If at all?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I'll take how to end up on VerifyHim/SafeOffice for $500
latinluvr465's Avatar
A simple cold sore on your lip is considered a type of herpes.
All I know is that if I had some sort of “ailment” and still wanted to see providers, I sure as fuck wouldn’t be talking about it in public on a hooker board. Can you say “blacklisted?” SMH/LOL
Yeah I realize the logic now, no one here wants to admit they have it haha. I do wish we can talk about it though, Ladies and Gents DM me if you must.

I know the ladies dont wanna say it here bc it'll tell them they have it.

Who wants to give me a round of applause?
Swang84's Avatar
Bruh if you get canker sores in your mouth … you got herpes
Bruh if you get canker sores in your mouth … you got herpes Originally Posted by Swang84
No, not exactly. Canker sores in the mouth can be caused by many things: diet, injury, allergies, etc. among them. Not always by herpes. But to your point, oral canker sores can be caused by herpes.
Never had symptoms and never saw anyone with symptoms.

WHO estimate that 2 out of 3 people in the world have it but most never show symptoms in their lifetime.

Just trying to dicuss I guess, all the DFKs going on will mean pretty much all of y'all have it too.
pyramider's Avatar
If you have all of the answers why start a thread?
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I must be immune to Oral Herpes because I only get sores on my Vienna Sausage.
Fever blisters are a form of herpes as well
junglemonkey's Avatar
This convo reminds me that one dude who claimed to have immunity and that his DNA
AAA basis of medication that the Pharm company’s were investing and giving him a slice. Or some crazy shit like that. I think it was even in his signature line lol