What on a woman's body that drive you crazy?

Grecco's Avatar
We are all different, it's a fact! In every aspect of life we are either attracted to or intrigued by different things. When it comes to women, we all have our preferences and the little details about a woman's body that drive us nuts! Let's take me for example. Other than the obvious parts on a woman's body (and I'm an eyes (green, brown and hazel being my favorite) and ass man, I lovve them :P) There are some little things on a woman's body that I'm especially attracted to.
One of these is the two dimples on some women's lower back. I find them so sexy, especially when they peak out of their jeans!! Another thing I like is that little "diamond" that forms in between the legs, just under the buttocks. Looks especially nice when a naked woman is lying on the bed on her stomach.

I would like to know which things you like? Girls, please chime in on what you like too!!!

Can't wait to see all your answers
Lungs,I kind of like them breathing!
  • Jax
  • 07-28-2011, 09:54 PM
A big clit
Nina Sparxx's Avatar
Pouty kissable lips -- yup those
What on a woman's body drives me crazy??


Duh! Boooootay!

The over the top features I love are:

Big brown eyes that u can get mesmerized in. They're the pathway to the soul.
Angelina Jolie lips
High cheek bones
soft skin
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
A big clit Originally Posted by Jax
So, THAT's why I see so much of you!

+1 on Angelina Jolie lips
Long gorgeous hair (extensions don't count) *Brunette preferred and going back soon, I think*
Great Skin (soft, tanned but also like pretty, creamy white on the right gals)
Sexy Boobs (not TOO big) with perfect nipples and not big areolae
Lets see, I like mesmerizing green eyes that I can look into and get lost, the small of a woman's back and last but not least the softness of a woman's lips.
guest031812's Avatar
Hip bones popping out..... so sexy
Budman's Avatar
The mouth. If she won't shut up that drives me crazy. Sometimes you just have to put someting in there to keep her quiet.
guest031812's Avatar
Nice one budman
What a way to return to the board..I love the boobie! All.. Big and small..Perky and heavy..dark nips and light nips...All Boobs..

(Been a while since I could "participate"...married a warden/detective by mistake.. have only been able to lurk.. still waiting till either someone throws water on the bitch and she melts or the divorce is final...which ever comes first!)
trevrep's Avatar
NipLover's Avatar
Any part I can kiss.
Boobs and a nice ass. Hey some girls like girls too
Taurus99's Avatar
Dsl, S-curve