Any "Facebook " like for adults?

caliente's Avatar
Is there such a thing?
Sure, lots of them. They are called adult "dating sites" Scams, fake women, expensive, all come to mind. Ask yourself, why would even modestly attractive women need to go on line to get fucked for free? They can walk into any bar and get that. The number of legit women you would actually want to fuck verses the number of horny men trying to get laid for free puts the odds way against you. It can happen, but the work and money required makes it unrealistic
DustyHands's Avatar
There's fetlife. There are some on there into whips and chains and out-there kinks but many are not.
I would think niche or fetish interests would have better results with website catering to them as its not mainstream so not as easy to find a willing partner
Wait.... I thought this WAS grown up Facebook?!?!

Roxane's Avatar
I'd say fetlife. But unless you are a fetishest, be it BDSM, feet, cuckhold, swinger or ect you'll not find many "friends" interested in your page. Even if you join you won't make real friends unless you're beautifully endowed or join groups and get invited to munches. But I say, join. You might fit in perfectly.
+1 for fetlife