US to become energy inddpendent by 2030?

Here is an interesting read.

If it plays out, it would be a great day for this country when it finally tells OPEC in general an Islamic countries in particular to go fuck themselves.

We don't import most of our oil from the Middle East. We long ago moved to importing mostly from Canada, Mexico, S. America and Africa.

But oil is a global commodity and cash is fungible. So other countries shift to using the Middle East instead of us. So it is not like the ragheads miss our money.

Still it would be nice to lower prices by increasing supply, thereby depriving the terrorists sponsors of at least some money. The world would be a much better place if the Saudis, Iraqis, and the Gulf States had less money to spend on mischief outside their borders.
It doesn't matter all our oil will be sold on the world market like it is now...
It doesn't matter all our oil will be sold on the world market like it is now... Originally Posted by ekim008
So what will we burn? Imported oil? While we ship domestic oil out of the country?

That makes no sense. The market price is the market price. it is the same everywhere. If we can export it for $100/per barrel, or import it for the same price, why would we go through the bother of shipping it?
Think about it all oil is sold on the world market,The oil companys aren't going to sell it to us cheaper just because it is produced in the USA. It is why this bullshit of becoming independent of foreign oil is BS
Never going to happen when the current administration is going in this direction
The Interior Department on Friday issued a final plan to close 1.6 million acres of federal land in the West originally slated for oil shale development.

The proposed plan would fence off a majority of the initial blueprint laid out in the final days of the George W. Bush administration. It faces a 30-day protest period and a 60-day process to ensure it is consistent with local and state policies. After that, the department would render a decision for implementation.
Think about it all oil is sold on the world market,The oil companys aren't going to sell it to us cheaper just because it is produced in the USA. It is why this bullshit of becoming independent of foreign oil is BS Originally Posted by ekim008
I never said they were going to sell it to us cheaper than anyone else. What makes you think you should get a price break? The folks who produce it expect to get paid the market rate, not some discounted rate for Americans.

As long as we increase the global supply, the global price will be cheaper than it otherwise would be without that oil and gas.

And it doesn't have to be cheaper. My point was we would be energy independent. As long as we produce more oil and gas than we consume, we will be energy indepedent.

And we won't be subject to OPEC blackmail and we won't have to spend so much on protecting sources of energy around the world.
It would happen sooner if Obama was out !

He is beholding to the anti-carbon/anti-fossil fuel/anti-american kooks.
It would happen sooner if Obama was out ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Obama will be out.................. 4 years!

Whirly, in case you haven't heard, Wisconsin and America is "trending" Obama!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
There is enough non-agricultural land in the U.S. including the medians of our highways and byways to grow and harvest oil crops that can be used for biodiesel to supply our entire transportation fuel needs.

On top of that, there are initiatives now to produce biodiesel (30% more efficient than gasoline and the top entries in LeMans have won using diesels for the last few years going well over 200mph on the straights and averaging well over 100mph) using algae and/or bacteria.

The challenge is doing it on an industrial scale, but a distributed energy system, rather than the concentrations of refining capacity in four or five places (Houston and New Jersey for two) makes us much more secure to attacks by those who would wish and do us ill by damaging our infrastructure and causing economic havoc (the same holds true to our food production - distributed and local is better) not to mention it lowers transportation costs for moving fuel/energy supplies. Between efficiency improvements and local production of clean renewable fuels we could be easily energy independent by 2030 and be exporting that technology and know how to the rest of the world creating more American (and foreign) jobs.

Once we have solved and stabilized the energy problems we have now, most of the rest of human economic problems (water most importantly, food, transportation, housing, education, communication, human contribution to global warming, etc...) are much more solvable. Inexpensive clean renewable energy solves many other problems.
And it doesn't have to be cheaper. My point was we would be energy independent. As long as we produce more oil and gas than we consume, we will be energy indepedent.

And we won't be subject to OPEC blackmail and we won't have to spend so much on protecting sources of energy around the world. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Quite important points.

And I would also note that reducing foreign energy dependence would (at least partially) address our balance-of-payments deficit problem. Roughly half of our trade deficit of approximately 4% of GDP is attributable to imported oil, which we promptly burn up. Much of the rest is blown on crap imported from Asian producers and sold by outfits like Wal-Mart. We do not produce and export enough relative to what we borrow, import, and consume.

Over the long haul, we can't possibly have a healthy, well-functioning economy without meaningfully addressing our twin deficits -- fiscal and balance-of-payments.
Here is an interesting read.

If it plays out, it would be a great day for this country when it finally tells OPEC in general an Islamic countries in particular to go fuck themselves.

We don't import most of our oil from the Middle East. We long ago moved to importing mostly from Canada, Mexico, S. America and Africa.

But oil is a global commodity and cash is fungible. So other countries shift to using the Middle East instead of us. So it is not like the ragheads miss our money.

Still it would be nice to lower prices by increasing supply, thereby depriving the terrorists sponsors of at least some money. The world would be a much better place if the Saudis, Iraqis, and the Gulf States had less money to spend on mischief outside their borders. Originally Posted by ExNYer
By next year the US will out-produce Saudi Arabia and will be the largest producer of hydrocarbons, oil and gas, in the world.

The benefits for US foreign trade and exchange will be awesome, but we still will need to import over 35% of our oil because we use so much beause our population has increased to over 310 million from the 235 million we had in the 1970s when we were the largest producer before.

This country needs to clamp down on all form of immigration because it's draining us of our resources and crowding our cities to a breaking point.

Immigration was encouraged because without it our GDP in the last thirty years would have been only 1% without it because of trade policy, but the negatives of immigration are now much higher than the benefits.

Get rid of all the immigrants and this country will be energy independent again!
I never said they were going to sell it to us cheaper than anyone else. What makes you think you should get a price break? The folks who produce it expect to get paid the market rate, not some discounted rate for Americans.

As long as we increase the global supply, the global price will be cheaper than it otherwise would be without that oil and gas.

And it doesn't have to be cheaper. My point was we would be energy independent. As long as we produce more oil and gas than we consume, we will be energy indepedent.

And we won't be subject to OPEC blackmail and we won't have to spend so much on protecting sources of energy around the world. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Look up look down look all around look at my thumb gee you are dumb.We become the largest producer and flood the market the market drops the others cut back production we run out of oil they sell it ti us...
Look up look down look all around look at my thumb gee you are dumb.We become the largest producer and flood the market the market drops the others cut back production we run out of oil they sell it ti us... Originally Posted by ekim008
Look in the mirror, oh dumb one. That isn't going to happen.

First, what prevents us from cutting back production too? As long as the price is high enough, they aren't going to stop producing.

And the US CAN'T flood the market with enough oil and gas to make "the market drop". The ONLY reason our production is going up so high NOW is that the price of a barrel spends so much time up around $100.

If the price drops to say, $70, our production drops dramatically because much of our oil and gas costs more than that to produce. It won't be Saudi production that drops. Their stuff is cheap to produce.

And the Saudis and Iraqis are not going to adopt some clever long term strategy to cut back production and let oil go to $150 and allow the rest of the world to use up its reserves while they hold onto their. First, it could take decades for that to happen. They won't sit on the sidelines for the next 20+ years while the rest of the world gets rich on oil. They need money too.

Second they can't afford to run the risk that high prices will finally enable alternative energy sources to be developed and finally move the world away from hydrocarbons that are extracted from the ground. At that point their oil reserves become worthless.
You just don't get it oh well it is SOP on this board..Go back and look at the first of your thread...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Not going to happen anytime soon.

This EPA will find something to put the Kibosh on fracking.