independent escorts in jtown

Hey guys, I'm looking for some escorts outside of MP. Ill be in elp on the 20th and would like to see if any high end escorts are available. Thx
Paco J Wayne's Avatar
Any replies? I am interested too.
Barca#1's Avatar
There's independent escorts in Juarez. You mostly find them on Facebook groups. I got a contact that you might be interested in.
Do you know of any groups?
What are the groups on Facebook?
Hook us up with the Facebook groups! Please barca
I'd like to know the groups too
cali1987's Avatar
Same hook me up with the Facebook group Barca I'm going to juarez this weekend
Please pm me the groups as well, thank you
pm please as well with the groups
Me as well
Please do share
Shit, me as well if possible LOL. Uncle Sam is going to be sending me to El Paso quite a bit in the near future. I have always wanted to experience what is available south of the border.
If possible I too would like the Facebook group infi
Pm plz