What to do when it just is not "right"

Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
So here is the story, I am in Atlanta, staying at a 4-5-star hotel. I do my research, make my emails, have my phone calls with the lady. Great chemistry on the phone, she shows up to my hotel for a 2-hour and it is like a disaster from moment one.

She was not what I was hoping for. It was the same woman in the pics and our pre-meeting phone calls were great, but the chemistry was terrible, not just non-existent when she arrived, and then it got worse. Not necessarily her fault, it was just not fun nor exciting.

After visiting for 30 minutes or so, I told her it just did not fell "right" paid her for her time and we parted company.

Anyone else ever have a similar circumstance? Any thoughts on whether there is a better way to handle the situation.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
If you paid her 25% of the fee for a 2 hour session as a cancellation fee I think that's appropriate.
Guest091314's Avatar
There is nothing wrong with it! I ended a session 1 time because it just was not there, even to me there has to be somewhat of a connection. I like to truly enjoy who i am spending time with and do not "fake" liking someone.

I think you did the right thing and hopefully her feelings were not too damaged.
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
If you paid her 25% of the fee for a 2 hour session as a cancellation fee I think that's appropriate. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
No, I paid 100% of the fee. It is never about $$$ with me. Truly she did not do anything "wrong". I am looking for feedback on how to best handle such situations and if I handled it poorly, to hear what people will say.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I misunderstood when you said you paid her for her time which was only 30 minutes. I doubt any hobbyist will get on here and criticize how you handled it.
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
Perhaps an additional question

How do you avoid the bad chemistry? Any suggestions or is it just part of the deal.
When traveling it has to be hard. Here on the home turf, I can see who else has reviewed her. If its guys I know like the same type of women I do, it really helps.

Sounds like you did the right things. Could have been an off night.
TheBizzer's Avatar
Perhaps an additional question

How do you avoid the bad chemistry? Any suggestions or is it just part of the deal. Originally Posted by Big Daddy Moose
You can ask to Kerrigan for a drink beforehand, off the clock to see if you click. Many will decline, but some will be up for it. I think bubba has had good success with this, you may ask him.
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
I am slow . . . Kerrigan???
Bad chemistry

I don't know, I figured two people can always find something in common, because when you do, its smooth sailing.

It does take two, if she was not trying, then it goes down hill. When was the moment you said okay, this is not going to work.
If you paid her 25% of the fee for a 2 hour session as a cancellation fee I think that's appropriate. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
Bad chemistry

When was the moment you said okay, this is not going to work. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Fair question . . .

On the phone, she was flirty, seductive, engaging with personality. Once she showed up, even from the phone call she made to say she was on her way up to my suite, she was none of those things.

She is/was well reviewed
She was the same person in the photos

The moment came when it was like pulling teeth to get her to engage in the evening or even conversation. I understand things happen and only the mediocre are always at their best, but there was nothing there.

It was not fun and not going to be.
Jasinda's Avatar
Are you sure you were talking to HER on the phone? There are several ladies that have bookers, but don't disclose this to their clients when the clients contact them.

Just throwing out a possibility for the change in personality.

To answer your question, I think you handled it very well. Better to end it than suffer through it.

And you rewarded her bad behavior with 100% compensation for 25% of time & 0% services delivered? You do remember that, "compensation is for time only & anything that happens is between consenting... yada yada yada?"

So I say if I was firm in my belief that I was going to give her 100% of her fee, she would probably have spent the next 90 minutes proving my avatar correct.

That is what I call great chemistry.
Though I would hope she'd have disclosed it, that you may have been speaking with her assistant/manager beforehand is one possibility. Even if she was indeed the person answering her emails, there's really no way to ensure that there will also be chemistry in person. Maybe she was having an off day, maybe you weren't what she expected, maybe y'all just didn't have that spark... who knows.

What you did sounds entirely appropriate for the situation. It may not have been necessary to give her the full amount, but some compensation is polite if the only issue is lack of chemistry.