Insects are dying. Who cares, right? I have no prob with 'Pubs, only people who don't believe in facts.

  • pxmcc
  • 11-02-2017, 03:51 AM
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The NY Times is not a reputable source for anything. Maybe at one time they were but......
  • pxmcc
  • 11-02-2017, 06:33 AM
The NY Times is not a reputable source for anything. Maybe at one time they were but...... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Why, because they call Trump out on all his bullshit? I'm not a Dem btw; I'm a registered independent, and have no plans to change that..
BigLouie's Avatar
The NY Times is not a reputable source for anything. Maybe at one time they were but...... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Just remember, if bees go, we go
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There are some tough choices to be made in the world.
Do you want disease carrying mosquitoes to die to save the third world nations and kill the bees which will cause food shortages for us all
let them die and most people get to eat.
At this time you cannot seem to have both.
You would thinck the globalist leftists would have a conundrum with this one.
Drain the swamps and you destroy the wetlands. Spray for mosquitoes and you kill the bees.
Of course we all know the leftists believe in population control so if they could just figure out a way to not kill the mosquitoes without getting the blame for all the deaths associated with that action.
We all know their solution is to blame those horrible chemical companies for producing products that kill bugs. Maybe you can figure out how to make the mosquitoes abort themselves.
God forbid those horrible drug companies come up with vaccines or cures for the mosquito born diseases they would probably want to recover what they had to do to get the drug to market and make a modest profit for their shareholders. God forbid the evil big phara corporations make a profit. Maybe you guys could start a not for profit drug company and give away the drugs for free. Maybe you guys could start a not for profit chemical company that could come up with something that will only kill the target and nothing else and give that away for free.

By the way, There are a lot of foods that do not require the services of bees in order to produce healthy and edible food..
another great thread Dogs
loveitdou's Avatar
I'm with you Dogs--

EXCEPT for the Greedy scum bag that wanted $600. for the ($25 Cost) epic pens. She and her scum bag Senator father should be under the swamp.
  • pxmcc
  • 11-02-2017, 03:27 PM
There are some tough choices to be made in the world.
Do you want disease carrying mosquitoes to die to save the third world nations and kill the bees which will cause food shortages for us all
let them die and most people get to eat.
At this time you cannot seem to have both.
You would thinck the globalist leftists would have a conundrum with this one.
Drain the swamps and you destroy the wetlands. Spray for mosquitoes and you kill the bees.
Of course we all know the leftists believe in population control so if they could just figure out a way to not kill the mosquitoes without getting the blame for all the deaths associated with that action.
We all know their solution is to blame those horrible chemical companies for producing products that kill bugs. Maybe you can figure out how to make the mosquitoes abort themselves.
God forbid those horrible drug companies come up with vaccines or cures for the mosquito born diseases they would probably want to recover what they had to do to get the drug to market and make a modest profit for their shareholders. God forbid the evil big phara corporations make a profit. Maybe you guys could start a not for profit drug company and give away the drugs for free. Maybe you guys could start a not for profit chemical company that could come up with something that will only kill the target and nothing else and give that away for free.

By the way, There are a lot of foods that do not require the services of bees in order to produce healthy and edible food.. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
No mention of insect sprays in the article. The global population of insects in Europe is way down. Nothing has changed in insecticide application of late. So something else must be responsible.

Btw, hopefully scientists will be able to breed a type of sterile mosquito that will eventually kill them all; I'd say should be doable within about 5 years. Much better than chemicals, although I grant that sometimes chemicals are needed.

Not a fan of Monsanto, but I have no problem with genetic engineering. I have 2 techical degrees and am far from a tree hugger, though I do occasionally hug my favorite trees that I grew from seed. Working on a sequoia at the moment. May be hard to get my arms all the way around her in a few years...
another great thread Dogs Originally Posted by tbone2u
i agree. time we start calling him ThreeDogs.

edit: btw....anyone ever make one of those international flights between europe and africa....and the flight attendants pop the top on several raid bug bombs and sashay own the aisle fogging everyone?

that's always fun.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The NY Times is not a reputable source for anything. Maybe at one time they were but...... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Not within the living memory of anyone who could read at the time of Walter Duranty's defense of Stalin's mass murder of Kulaks "for the greater good".

Why, because they call Trump out on all his bullshit? I'm not a Dem btw; I'm a registered independent, and have no plans to change that.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Where did you "register" your political affiliation? Do you vote in Texas elections?
  • pxmcc
  • 11-04-2017, 09:41 AM
^^ let me clarify. i register as an independent whenever it is possible to do so..ha ha. point being, I'm not affiliated with any one party..
^^^^ Bernie is registered as Independent
VitaMan's Avatar
Insects can make your life miserable, unbearable, and want to give up.
They can wipe out a farmers crop in a couple of days. Actually, a whole county of farmers crops.

Unwanted animals can also make things miserable. Alfred Hitchcock "The Birds" movie.

But we need many to keep things going. Flies are natures Waste Management. Ants are how we learned the division of labor. Bees taught us to create royalty with the queen.
  • pxmcc
  • 11-04-2017, 09:46 PM
^^^^ Bernie is registered as Independent Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Good point. ha ha. we both caucus with the dems, but for different reasons...