Trump contrition non existent

VitaMan's Avatar
There is no contrition.

Everything is always rigged. Mr. Trump cannot admit to himself he lost fair and square. This or any other time.

What a horrible man. What a horrid example for our young people.

Yet the cult merrily continues on, not seeing the truth.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 05-31-2024, 10:13 AM
And since at his sentencing, he will continue to rage, scream and threaten, the judge will have no incentive to show him mercy on his sentencing. The one thing judges look for is humble contrition and acceptance of the verdict. Fat chance with trump.
Fuck the Prosecutor, the Judge, that brain dead Jury, and New York.

One does not show contrition to a corrupt system.

The American Electorate will have the final say.
VitaMan's Avatar
They did once in 2020. And Mr. Trump has spent virtually every day since spreading lies, refusing to accept the result, and screaming the election was rigged. Finally news organizations started hanging up on him.

There is no understanding of reality with Mr. Trump or his cult following.

Contrition is an admirable quality. Lacking in Mr. Trump.
winn dixie's Avatar
Everything vita has stated is further proved by trumpfs unhinged ramblings this morning on all the networks.
Remorse empathy responsibility all are lacking in shitzenpants.
eyecu2's Avatar
What's interesting to me, is the "just wait bunch" here, continues to deflect and obfuscate the truth, or move the goal posts, or whataboutism starts up. Just like above- Just wait till November.

"Will there be a Red Wave?" prediction from the magic 8 ball society - shaken up and revealed the following.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fuck the Prosecutor, the Judge, that brain dead Jury, and New York.

One does not show contrition to a corrupt system.

The American Electorate will have the final say. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Ever thought maybe he IS at fault?

You and your fellow MAGAs have no respect for the law or the process.

Rage on, bud, you’ll get what you paid for.

Rage on, bud, you’ll get what you paid for. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
4 more years of Trump? Sounds good to me.
txdot-guy's Avatar
4 more years of Trump? Sounds good to me. Originally Posted by Jackie S
4 years in prison for Trump. Sounds pretty good to me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ever thought maybe he IS at fault?

You and your fellow MAGAs have no respect for the law or the process.

Rage on, bud, you’ll get what you paid for. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

guilty of what? this judge allowed un-unanimous verdicts with a split jury. does that like fair justice?

that's ok. they got their guilty verdict in for the election cycle and it'll be overturned after the election.

They did once in 2020. And Mr. Trump has spent virtually every day since spreading lies, refusing to accept the result, and screaming the election was rigged. Finally news organizations started hanging up on him.

There is no understanding of reality with Mr. Trump or his cult following.

Contrition is an admirable quality. Lacking in Mr. Trump. Originally Posted by VitaMan

did anyone expect Trump to be contrite? over a sham kangaroo court?


in other news .. maybe the Democrats should stop with this nonsense ..

Support for Trump Skyrockets In New Poll Following Conviction

If the Democratic Party thought convicting former President Donald Trump was going to make his millions of supporters abandon him, they better think twice.

In fact, he got a six-point jump in approval after being found guilty of 34 counts for falsifying business records.
According to a poll conducted by the Daily Mail and J.L. Partners, 22 percent of voters now view Trump more favorably, while only 16 percent view him more negatively.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
LOL! This isn't the Democrats, Waco. Trump's been fucking with New York for decades. The chickens finally came home to roost like they should have years ago.

Polls will flatten out in a couple of weeks.

And the appeals court in NY won't pay too much attention to this horse hockey. The courtroom may have smelled like shit, but the trial was solid.

Nahhh, the Ds are patiently waiting in the wings to get some of that azz.
LOL! This isn't the Democrats, Waco. Trump's been fucking with New York for decades. The chickens finally came home to roost like they should have years ago.

Polls will flatten out in a couple of weeks.

And the appeals court in NY won't pay too much attention to this horse hockey. The courtroom may have smelled like shit, but the trial was solid.

Nahhh, the Ds are patiently waiting in the wings to get some of that azz. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Polls will flatten out in a couple o' weeks??
CNN and MSNBC been saying THAT for almost a year.

Nahhh, the Dems are waiting in the wings for Biden to
be replaced with another candidate...

Trump is not the one making a contrition.
Joe Biden is - He's sorry he's such a piss-poor candidate.
But the Dems don't care - they may replace him soon.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You really DONT understand how this works, do you, Salty?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
LOL! This isn't the Democrats, Waco. Trump's been fucking with New York for decades. The chickens finally came home to roost like they should have years ago.

Polls will flatten out in a couple of weeks.

And the appeals court in NY won't pay too much attention to this horse hockey. The courtroom may have smelled like shit, but the trial was solid.

Nahhh, the Ds are patiently waiting in the wings to get some of that azz. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you only think this sham trial is fair is because you despise Trump

the judge allowed a "majority" opinion not a consensus to convict and in doing so threw out 5,000 years of Rule of Law.

you call this progress?

a good day for America?


welcome to the BBR comrade

txdot-guy's Avatar
you only think this sham trial is fair is because you despise Trump

the judge allowed a "majority" opinion not a consensus to convict and in doing so threw out 5,000 years of Rule of Law.

you call this progress? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I’ve seen this mentioned in a couple of posts. Can someone explain it to me please. From what i’ve read it doesn’t seem to be true but i’m willing to hear your view on the judge’s instructions.

PS. 5000 years of law. really? I think you are off by quite a number of years.
The Code of Ur-Nammu is the oldest written text of a code of law. The code was written sometime between 2100 and 2050 BCE by the Sumerian king, Ur-Nammu, or possibly by his son, Shulgi of Ur.