Should you just leave

Hobbyfun's Avatar
Just read a review were the OP wrote a bad review which I know is his prerogative but, he stated at the first he was not happy after the provider opened the door.

So here is the question?

If a provider opens the door and See's or talks with the hobbyist and decides he is not her type and ask him to leave no problem.

But if the hobbyist walks in and talks for 2 to 3 minutes and decides she is not his type, should he go ahead with the session because if he just leaves he is going to catch hell if he doesn't leave part or all of the donation.

Now some will say he should leave a token donation because she might have missed another appointment or it took her time to get ready.

On the other hand the hobbyist lost time going too the appointment with gas and time.

So what is the right thing to do at that point, this is a question for both hobbyist and providers?

It seems there is some hobbyist that go ahead with the session then gives a no recommendation, why stay if the lady does nothing for you.

Same for the lady's why take a man's money if your not going to give it you all or a rushed session. Do some of you need the money that much?

Just asking because when you read some of the reviews you can tell by the first two or three lines if the two people are it off or not.
I've actually only walked out on 2 ladies..the first one I left a small token for time only because it was her in the pics, but looked like she just rolled out the bed plus her feet were dirty..the other one was so wired it turned me off.. I don't think she knew I left
I'm sure I've left several times, although can't recall all of them at the moment. One was in the dark ages when a "20 something petite Swedish blonde" advertising in the observer turned out to be a rather large lady in her 50's. Another one was simply attitude, where I had been jerked around for half an hour past the appointment time, finally got the room number, and upon knocking was asked to go back to my car and wait for another 10 minutes. I just said forget it and left.

I always leave in a b&s situation, although its been awhile since I've gone into uncharted territory.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Of course there are no rules and I don't think there are any agreed upon hobby standard practices. So, this is really what you personally think is the right thing to do.

To me, there's two ethical rules at play that you should generally follow: (1) tell the truth and (2) do what you say you'll do. With respect to number 1, if she advertises and allows reviews, I think she's made a representation that her pics are accurate and she'll provide the services listed. With respect to number 2, when we've set an appointment, I think there's an agreement that we'll both be there at the place and time agreed upon, I'll pay the fee, and she'll provide the services. I think there are also some other norms in the business that it's reasonable to expect, such as we'll both be reasonably clean and not an asshole/bitch and the location will be reasonably safe. I don't think there's any guarantee that you are gonna have the time of your life or that your personalities will click.

This leads me to my answer to your question. If she looks like her pictures and is ready, able and willing to perform as agreed, then I think it's wrong to back out simply because you're not feeling it or she's not your "type." If she's significantly misrepresented herself in her pics, then I think it's OK to walk. If she's drunk or high, OK to walk. If she's not ready and wants you to wait around for a long while, OK to walk. If it's something that's a problem for you but not for most and she's not misrepresented anything to you, then not OK to just walk. Obviously, there's a lot of gray area in how much is too much.
Guest091314's Avatar
I can only speak for myself in this...

You can say that I get off on pleasing others, and those that have met me can testify that one! If your not really into me upon meeting I would rather you walk then be obviously disappointed. As long as you say that you do not feel the chemistry then no harm done. A tip for putting effort in all the legwork (screening, hair, makeup etc) would be nice~but not necessary.

At this point I would not try to keep my fee unless he had been there over a certain amount of time.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 11-15-2011, 06:56 PM
I haven't met anyone yet that I couldn't spend an hour with.
I have never really experienced a bait N switch either though...
If you ain't the girl in the photo or are a shitload heavier / older than the pics, I am walking.

I have stayed before and every time I would up "taking one for the team".

I learned... after 5, 6, 7 times....

from me. Bait & Switch and overly photshopped pics never turn out to be a good session.

If you do your homework and shop like you do for that new computer or big screen TV, then you should have no reason to walk back out that door right after meeting them. The worst that usually happens is you definitely know that they are not gonna fall in love with you and want you as a boyfriend.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
Alecia after meeting with you and having a session I don't think anybody would want to leave.

But what I am saying if you read some of the reviews you can tell the guy was not happy from the start after reading the first two or three lines and I was wondering why they bothered to stay?
Instead they will stay, then write a not so good review, I'm not saying you can tell from the start if your going to have a good time but it seems some of these guys go into a session knowing after the first couple of minutes that things are not going to work out good.
  • Sami
  • 11-16-2011, 05:59 AM
If she does not fit her pictures, walk NO RUN!! There so many ladies that are presenting themselves as they should. Why waste your hard earned money on misrepresentation.
Guest091314's Avatar
Hobby, you are too sweet!

Alot probably stay because the little head is doing the thinking for them...
rcinokc's Avatar
I think a lot of guys are afraid to take off due to the possibility of "management" causing trouble.
LazurusLong's Avatar
the first one I left a small token for time only because it was her in the pics, but looked like she just rolled out the bed plus her feet were dirty Originally Posted by ralph lauren
Dirty feet?

Why would that bother you?

I have learned over the years to walk. Yes it is very hard to do the first time when she opens the door and the photos are not of her or worse, of her but something significant is different like they are 10 years old or she is many many pounds heavier.

It's tough because most guys like me get all excited about seeing the provider (just like that provider is all excited about stacking the bills) but I'd bet the ones who use fake or old photos count on guys not leaving and won't stop doing it because it pays.

Donice would not have continued to use fake photos for the last 10 years if she did not count on the guys being too big of a pussy to turn and walk away or if she does an outcall, the guy is too afraid to not give her something for showing up but in both cases, she needs to walk away with nothing...
If she doesn't look anywhere near her pics, leave, why would you pay a bait and switch. Makes it worst for the ladies who do the right thing.
Walked away twice. First one didn't smell very nice and the 2nd wasn't acting right jumpy, not there mentally for some reason) and my Spidey sense told me to get the Hell out of there. Other than that pre-screening on both sides helps a lot.
Jasser's Avatar
I've declined a session twice. One recently (month) and one when I first started. My first incident involved a gal showing up that looked cute walking up to the door, but when she got in the room the trouble started. It smelled like Captain D's before she even took her panties off. Hush puppies anyone? Then, if that wasn't bad enough, she had more hair under her arms and belly than I do.

Second incident was much worse. This lady took her panties off and had some volcanic eruptions all over her legs and ass. I'm all about some clam juice, but not puss.