Astonishing Republican Hypocrisy

Rick Perry sues in federal court to have Virginia state law invalidated so he can get on the Virginia ballot. Mr. States' Rights. Surreal....

Some of the comments by the federal judge are spot-on: like why wasn't this case filed in state court?

Similarly, Newt's straw man files suit so Newt can be included in the Virginia primary. Yes, the same Newt who says we ought to abolish various federal courts, limit terms, require judges to be dragged before congress to explain the decisions that Newt doesn't like. Amazing how the courts suddenly become important when the Republicans need access to redress some perceived wrong.

Neither one of these idiots is competent enough to put together an organization that could manage to comply with the state law requisites to qualify for the Virginia primary. Now, they want to cry about it in federal court. Unbelievable.
I B Hankering's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, it's true. Tim has accidentally swerved into the truth. However, to say that hypocrisy is in the sole possession of Republicans would be a lie, as IB has pointed out. This is why we need to avoid Democrats and Republicans when we elect people to office.
Gary Johnson for President
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Gary Johnson for President Originally Posted by catnipdipper
The guy is on goof balls and so is COG. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So your answer to timpage's post is to scream "Mommy! Tell them everybody else is being hypocritical, too!"?

Go figure - and before you come back with some other irrelevant piece of "but Mommy" garbage, read up on the number and subject matter of the world record holder on "Signing Statements" - Dubya.

You should also read which party in modern history used the threat of filibuster in the Senate the most, as well! Your little obstructionist party didn't even have the balls to come back off vacation to stop Obama's extension of the "Middle Class" payroll tax cuts. (They KNEW what they were doing to extend "welfare" to the wealthy had to be tied to those payroll tax cuts to make it seem like Obama was "raising taxes".)

Timpage has it spot on! The GOP debate field is a motley crew of dullards and flip-floppers. The reason there is a new "front-runner" every three or four weeks is due to the ineptitude that permeates wingnut ideologues and the outing of their hypocritical behavior.

Michele's lead campaign co-chair walked out on that airhead and went to Ron Paul, who has so many skeletons in his closet he could decorate for every Halloween Party west of the Mississippi. Michele said that the founding fathers worked on the original constitution to abolish slavery - and she knows history well enough to be President? LMAO! It was a throwback to Sarah Palin saying that Paul Revere made his famous midnight ride to "warn the British not to trample our Second Amendment Rights" when the Constitution and the second amendment had not even been written.

Only Gingrich, Paul and Romney (among the front-runners) have the intelligence to get to the finish line and ALL are damaged goods with Romney having the least visible damage at this point. Hell, Gingrich makes his living scamming people with fake awards and taking their money by having them pay to come accept the phony awards.

With a field like the Tea Party and the GOP have in those debates, Fox "News" had better hurry up and dumb down more Americans of voting age.

Let's get back to the two hypocrites Timpage mentioned and their subversion of the very system they tell you they want to reform! Ha Ha Ha
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The guy is on goof balls and so is COG. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Nah. We simply want freedom and a sensible foreign policy, free from the control of the defense industry.

I B Hankering's Avatar
So your answer to timpage's post is to scream "Mommy! Tell them everybody else is being hypocritical, too!"? Originally Posted by Little Stevie
You need to read whose post was up first, then talk about your momma's petticoats. So much for your asshole's "Hope and Change" mantra that played all of you suckers.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Here's another thread discussing this administration's nefarious "accomplishments":

How's that "Hope and Change" working for you?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I do believe in the rights of states to determine their own destiny but the overriding concern is that the actions of the state have an affect on the entire country and that is why the court has to get involved. Not everything a state does is appropriate or constitutional. I suppose you would want segregation to still exist in the south. That was forced by federal troops to get the states to obey the US constitution which the states wrote into their constutitions.

I do think that the GOP should prosecute the person who committed voter fraud to the fullest extent of the law and set an example.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Gary Johnson for President Originally Posted by catnipdipper
he dropped out of the republican line up.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gary Johnson is running for the Libertarian nomination.
I do believe in the rights of states to determine their own destiny but the overriding concern is that the actions of the state have an affect on the entire country and that is why the court has to get involved. Not everything a state does is appropriate or constitutional. I suppose you would want segregation to still exist in the south. That was forced by federal troops to get the states to obey the US constitution which the states wrote into their constutitions.

I do think that the GOP should prosecute the person who committed voter fraud to the fullest extent of the law and set an example. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I wouldn't have thought you capable of making such a coherent statement. "Not everything a state does is appropriate or constitutional." The very reason that the federal courts that Newt, Perry and Bachman want to abolish and/or limit exist. You'll be voting democrat?
You need to read whose post was up first, then talk about your momma's petticoats. So much for your asshole's "Hope and Change" mantra that played all of you suckers.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Nice dodge! From "Mommy, Mommy" to "I asked first". I have yet to see you answer a single direct question I've asked or respond directly to a single statement in any manner but dodging the specifics.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Tim, I don't think that Newt, Perry or Bachman will get the nomination. But I don't plan to vote Democrat or Republican anyway.