Newt gets all weepy for votes...

Lowest form of human behavior....using his mom's death for a bump as he sinks in the polls....typical republican....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Tim you really have anger issues. Have you considered a support group?
And you really have addressing the issue issues. Did this shit work when you say you were a lawyer?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm . . . Intense animosity, turning it around on another, snide, uncalled for criticism. Yup, issues. Definitely.
If you say just makes me sleepy when you throw this "you are angry" bs out there in order to avoid addressing an issue but that's just part of your MO. Same as your weird and transparent attempts to disassociate yourself from the GOP and their bizarre crop of candidates because you're just smart enough to understand how ridiculous they all are....must be tough for you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What issue? A politician using a personal tragedy for political gain? How shocking! Al Gore got a lot of mileage out of his son's accident. Every politician brings up a "parade of terribles" when running for office. This isn't an issue, it's a tradition. You seem to think only Republicans do it, when it is across the board.

And I hope my attempts to disassociate myself from the GOP are overt. Too many of the clowns on here think that because I intensely dislike Obama that I must be a Republican, and I'm not. I can't see myself supporting Romney either. I don't think he is that much different than Obama. The other GOP candidates don't really matter since Romney will be the nominee. The only one I might support would be Ron Paul, but he has a lot of baggage, and a questionable past, but if a miracle occurred and he got the nomination, I could vote for him over Obama. But that ain't going to happen.

And showing Gingrich to be a sleazy politician is hardly a coup. Hopefully your legal arguments have more weight than this.

And seriously, find a support group.
waverunner234's Avatar
I think its time to start crying about my father who died 18 years ago.
Maybe there is a way I can profit from it?

Shit Gingrich, die soon please or at least get a terminal disease so that we can throw you out.

On the other hand, I don't want Romney to be president, that would fuck up San Diego traffic too much when he goes on vacation to his La Jolla beach mansion.

Hopefully after Iowa vote some will drop out, but I really think that everyone of them should drop out and lets start with a new bunch.

Lets vote for The Donald, he will declare America bankrupt in no time so we can get rid of China debt.
And he'll destroy the Middle East so we won't have to worry about their oil anymore.
Well that's about all The Donald has to offer. Maybe its time for him to divorce and get a younger wife that keeps him busy?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama is an all time champion of this; on the campaign trail he spoke of a man who died because he lost his health insurance. The man didn't really die and he got his health insurance back under a state appeals board but that didn't help Obama.
Obama talks about someone this or that starving, being homeless, or dying because of something done by the GOP. This from the man who tried to strip half a trillion dollars from Medicare. Obama makes crap up all the time and some idiots still believe him.
As for Gringrich crying, may I remind you of Hillary's tears in New Hampshire in 2008. I am not a fan of Gringrich but maybe the questions reminded him of his mother in very strong terms. I lost my father 14 years ago last month. It surprised me sometimes when I saw something and would think, wait till I tell my dad about that, before realizing that is wasn't going to happen anymore. It can catch you by surprise. Unless you can prove otherwise, don't be so callous (asshole).
waverunner234's Avatar
Obama is an all time champion of this; on the campaign trail he spoke of a man who died because he lost his health insurance. The man didn't really die and he got his health insurance back under a state appeals board but that didn't help Obama.
Obama talks about someone this or that starving, being homeless, or dying because of something done by the GOP. This from the man who tried to strip half a trillion dollars from Medicare. Obama makes crap up all the time and some idiots still believe him.
As for Gringrich crying, may I remind you of Hillary's tears in New Hampshire in 2008. I am not a fan of Gringrich but maybe the questions reminded him of his mother in very strong terms. I lost my father 14 years ago last month. It surprised me sometimes when I saw something and would think, wait till I tell my dad about that, before realizing that is wasn't going to happen anymore. It can catch you by surprise. Unless you can prove otherwise, don't be so callous (asshole). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your signature speaks for you, its a "joke" that is about a hundred years old.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Obama is an all time champion of this............ Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It's not just BO it's the whole Democratic party.

Once they hear the word cut ....People die, women get raped, the water gets polluted and Grandma will have to eat cat food.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Newt Gingrich is just a rotund con man doing what a con man does.

Similar to Gordon Geko in the famous movie about greed, this guy would

not only sell his mother to suit his ends, but he would send her C.O.D.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Obama talks about someone this or that starving, being homeless, or dying because of something done by the GOP.
Like Herman Cain, during the debate, saying he would be dead under Obama-care? This from the man who tried to strip half a trillion dollars from Medicare. Obama makes crap up all the time and some idiots still believe him. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The Romney campaign did not respond to our inquiry about this statement. We assume that when he said Obama cut Medicare, he was talking about the 2010 health care reform law that, among other things, reduces future Medicare spending by $500 billion.

But that’s just it -- the cuts don’t come from the current Medicare budget, they put a leash on future growth and payment increases.

PolitiFact has explored this before:

"The Affordable Care Act does reduce Medicare spending by $500 billion over the next 10 years. But here’s the catch: Those dollars aren’t taken out of the current budget, they are not actual cuts, and nowhere does the bill actually eliminate any current benefits," we wrote last month.

Which brings us to the next point. We note that, in the debate, Romney specified that Obama cut Medicare "for seniors." That sounds like he meant that Obama cut Medicare benefits.

That notion falls flat too. The health care law does not reduce benefits -- in fact, it enhances them.

"The Affordable Care Act improves the benefits in Medicare, in terms of prevention, in terms of filling in the donut hole in Medicare Part D for prescription drugs," said Jonathan Oberlander, a health policy professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obamacare puts the government in charge of health care, and further bankrupts the country. Once that happens, no one will have health care.