Gullibility ..... :-)

The art of swallowing a belief that one side in a two party kleptocracy is not going to screw you over like a drunken virgin at a roman orgy ;-))
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How true! LOL! Love it! Thank you, Nina!
Why not pick the side that does it least and fight back? Publicly-funded elections would be a great start. Forbidding lobbyists to give money, services, perks, etc top any politician would be another good step.

Voting for a third party just insures you'll have no say in the plans of the party that screws America less than the other.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Publicly funded elections -

When both sides are bad, why not vote third party? It's the only way to register disapproval of the selections. Neither Obama nor Romney are in this to help anyone but themselves. They are two sides of the same power-hungry corrupt coin.
  • Laz
  • 01-02-2012, 09:40 AM
I agree with you COG but the third party focus should be in congress. Local small elections that can be influenced. Once there is a third party base in Congress there is a better opportunity to effectively compete on a national level.
You had me at "the art of swallowing"
Gullibility? The guy said "He smoked but he never inhaled." Seems he's COUNTING on gullibility. Whoops. He also said "I did not have sex with that woman" with his wife beside him. Does that makes our current Secretary of State extremely gullible?

Thanks Nina! Guess it depends on your definition of "gulliblity" is "is."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I agree with Laz on this one. A president by himself is not going to get something done. He needs Congress. This is why I saw Ross Perot was a fraud. I contacted the Perot campaign in 1992 when a hurricane blew through Florida. The democratic governor Childs would not request federal aid and Bush was unable to act without the request (Posse Comitatus Act of 1878). I told them that a convoy of aid should have already been created to go into south Florida with Perot in the lead truck. It would have guaranteed Perot a win in Florida and he could have hand picked some people to run for Congress. People who would stand beside him to pass out the aid. I was told that it was not on the agenda for the Perot campaign and that the candidate had no interest in the congressional contests.

So yes, if a multi-millionaire or billionaire wants to influence a national government then they need to build a base first. Of course I have to point out how much the Chinese government has been involved in state and local contests. They supported Attorney General Clinton in his run for governor and Al Gore jr. in his run for the Senate.

The same thing can be said about the Tea Party. They should get some congress people elected to congress. Wait, that is exactly what they did in 2008. A couple of governors, about 50 congressmen, and a couple of senators. Sounds like a start to something big.