Odds say this Man will be President in 2012...

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Sorry to bust you guys bubble but the odds according to this report says there's a close to 54% chance that this man will be POTUS in 2012: Guess who?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
this is updated daily and here's the predicted winner if the elections were held today: http://www.predictwise.com/politics/...dentindividual
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this is updated daily and here's the predicted winner if the elections were held today: http://www.predictwise.com/politics/...dentindividual Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
how reliable is this?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nothing matters until late October.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
how reliable is this? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Dilbert I don't know- but I do expect him to get re-elected, but of course anything can happen in the next months that can be either good or bad for Obama or good or bad for the GOP- of course we wont know for several months- but my gut feeling is Mitt is not the man to defeat Obama and I think the GOP knows it- he has the best chance of those running but just don't see him winning but most of my post are to piss off WW- because trust me had that website said Romney will more than likely be the next President trust me Whirlway would have posted the thread in a heartbeat. I still have an open challenge that WW has refused to accept- if Obama wins he pays for a session of an escort of my choice and I will do the same if he loses- and also the loser will have to deactivate their account- of course he won''t tale me up on that offer.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Nothing matters until late October. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hmmm I would say Mid-October is usually a key factor. By the way, the Iowa turnout was far less than anticipated - not a good sign for the GOP.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, nothing matters until that first week in November. Those polls are talking about Romney being the choice. Now they have to recalibrate and don't even know what Paul is capable of.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yes, nothing matters until that first week in November. Those polls are talking about Romney being the choice. Now they have to recalibrate and don't even know what Paul is capable of. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think yesterday results were very bad news for Romney-sure he won by 8 votes, but he got less votes than he did in 2008 and he spent 7 times as much as Santorum- I think Romney nearly spent more than all the other candidates combined and for what- only like 70,000 voted????
Roothead's Avatar
IMHO, no one could do any better with the friggen mess that GB2 left us with - be it OBama or even McCain, the sad-sack that was elected in the middle of the worst financial environment (in a now inter-related global house of cards) and having to inherit two on-going wars, that even in the best of ecomonic times, would still stick suck the vitiality out of any economy, is a person that is from day one set up for failure..... add in the glorious way that the House and Senate have deliberately set about screwing their constituents, have we have a friggen mess that no sane person would want to take on.... IMHO of course
More useless and misleading information posted by the Obamazombies....in hopes of a 2nd term.........

Face up to the facts on the ground. Obama is a failed Presidency.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
More useless and misleading information posted by the Obamazombies....in hopes of a 2nd term.........

Face up to the facts on the ground. Obama is a failed Presidency. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
so do you accept my challenge- put your money where your mouth is WW and step up to the challenge.