Phone Numbers

Wondering what you gents think of a lady who does not show her number in her ads?

Don't Care?

Wont call her?

Fine with Email?
Cpalmson's Avatar
Well if there is no phone number in the ad, how can I call her?

I'm perfectly fine with e-mail only. Heck, lately, I've been doing most of communicating via e-mail or text.
er48665's Avatar
I'm fine with it. Too many creeps running around making unsolicited calls.
Always Horny's Avatar
I hate using the phone. I'd rather start out with email.

Plus, I'm surprised women display their phone numbers. I would think for safety reasons, they would only reveal their number after they exchange a few messages first and feel comfortable the potential client is at least semi-serious. So, it never bothers me if no number is displayed. I actually expect it.
Charlotte, my business increased when I started posting a phone number. Besides, voice is a more personal approach than email. I can be seduced by a masculine voice and phone conversations can build up the excitement of meeting. Throw in some laughter, I'm hooked, anxious, and ready to please. Not to mention, phone calls can be used as yet another screening tool. If I don't care for a gent on the phone, I'm not going to enjoy his company in person. If I don't feel we're a good match, there's no reason to waste each others time. I'm a low volume provider, so gentlemen that I'm drawn to are the only ones I meet.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Doesn't bother me at all. We usually do initial communications through PM / email anyways so it's really not a problem.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Most of my contact is via email/PM initially. So I don't expect a phone number to be posted. After screening, if the provider wishes to speak to me and get a sense of potential connection via voice chat, I'm fine with that. Just need to know ahead of time so I can be away from the SO before the conversation starts.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-13-2013, 09:33 PM
If a lady requests to be called for the initial contact I will do so, but my preference is e-mail to start the conversation.
Charlotte, my business increased when I started posting a phone number. Besides, voice is a more personal approach than email. I can be seduced by a masculine voice and phone conversations can build up the excitement of meeting. Throw in some laughter, I'm hooked, anxious, and ready to please. Not to mention, phone calls can be used as yet another screening tool. If I don't care for a gent on the phone, I'm not going to enjoy his company in person. If I don't feel we're a good match, there's no reason to waste each others time. I'm a low volume provider, so gentlemen that I'm drawn to are the only ones I meet. Originally Posted by KarynKumming
I don't mind an email or pm to get the ball rolling but to get final plans set and to get directions I need an actual phone call , that way like was stated before I can kinda get the feel for the gent calling ...and if he has no sense of humor or is gruff and harsh on the phone I can decide then if we would be a good I said before no phone call no nookie ....
pyramider's Avatar
If its a lady that I want to see, I am not above sending smoke signals.
Well Chuckie dear, it is all a matter of how discreet you wish/need to be. Ladies that post their phone numbers make their ads/showcases, reviews, etc. easily searchable on the Internet. If a lady needs a little more security or secrecy, it doesn't bother me...In fact, I prefer a more discreet lady.

Unless, of course, you're talkin' about BP girls who don't seem to give a shit!!
CarolinaGent's Avatar
I'm perfectly fine using e-mail to contact them. I usually use e-mail even if a phone number is provided also because it is easier for me to make initial contact.
joesmo888's Avatar
i would rather message them first to see if they are available first and have them screen me.. its a red flag if she doesn't screen me.. i'm not paying for screening services for nothing.

once we are good then we can exchange numbers.. i prefer low volume providers anyway. also if i were to call what exactly would i say anyway? i would still have to give her my reference/P411 account anyway. so emailing saves time..