What Makes A Good Website Layout?

Hello everyone. I'm in need of some feedback on my website and how I can optimize my web advertising. What makes a good escort website? What do Hobbyists want to see on an escort website? What gets their attention effectively? Is written content "King" before layout if men are visual creatures by nature? What makes men want to go see you?

Thank you kindly from anyone that wants to help me succeed? Comments, contacts, or Hobbyists interested in a date with me welcomed. I am a Chicago native, but will accept travelers to Chicago also.
Zimmie6942's Avatar
We live in America, Pictures are all that matter. Small tiny pics that you can't see are pointless. This industry is built around fantasy but most sites do very little to create interest in the provider. Check out my furniture site. www.buynewbed.com it's all about pictures. So for a provider website I would have a gallery of pics at 120 DPI that are 800X400 landscape style. About 60% of people use laptops are that are 13.5 or smaller and you don't want them to have to scroll down to see the full pic. You also don't want small pics or huge pics that take too long to download. So optimizing the pictures is very important.

Also I would have more galleries that play into mens fantasies. So get some wigs and take pics with blonde, brunette and red hair.. If you really young use wigs that are bright colors. Do photos in sexy outfits and as many things you look hot in.

Most website pics are boring and don't make you have to see that provider. Also you can do videos that don't have to be porn but can be very sexy and again make whoever is watching go "Fuck I Have to See HER"

Make reviews easy to find.

All the other boring things like services, about you, calander, BS, BS, BS that guys don't care about. You don't really care about us and we don't really care about you. Its all about what is in if for me. Americans are all about ME, ME, ME. So put things on the site that makes the client feel like this provider is going to make ME happy and I have to see her because of what it is going to do for ME.

Also if you travel you could put a registry on your site letting clients know when you are going to visit there town. They pick there town and there email gets saved in a database that automatically emails all customers when your visting. That way when you travel you get a lot more customers and it makes your trip more profitable.

Anyway provider sites are exciting to me because you have the absolute easiest product to sell. Have fun building your site and keep it visual.
pyramider's Avatar
Speed, pages need to load quickly. No music, most fucktards to searching from work. If you have a calendar, keep it up to date.
Speed, pages need to load quickly. No music, most fucktards to searching from work. If you have a calendar, keep it up to date and don't forget the taint. Originally Posted by pyramider
There!! That's better!!
ICU 812's Avatar
First off: this is a website for guys, right? I mean, men are the target audince. We want information that is easy to find.

Legability, Blocky font, light leters on a dark background.

No music or animated rose petals dropping at randome.

An enter/exit page is fine.

First( home) page with a nice welcome message and disclaimer.

Navigation bar that includes pages for photos, Donation, schedualing/callindar, A contact page with options and your preference, an Etiquet page with how you prefer things to go.
pyramider's Avatar
There!! That's better!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Thanck you for my obvious oversight. The photos absolutely need to show taint.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The website needs to stay current.

It should move from one scene to the next automatically.

It should not be fixed like a plastered sign on a flat rock.

It needs good color composition.

There should be a motif to the format. It cannot run around wild.

Finally, do not put in any idiotic pop song because many will hate it.

Raquel de Milo's Avatar
I just added a "My Fantasies" page, I thought it would be fun to share some of my fantasies.
cell phone pics and heavy use of the duck face
pyramider's Avatar
I just added a "My Fantasies" page, I thought it would be fun to share some of my fantasies. Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo

Would any of those fantasies include taint tickling and 1.3" of dangling death?
speeedracer's Avatar

as a professional web designer, there are several things that could be tweaked. try not to take this critique personal or anything; it's just my two cents worth.

there are several graphical elements that seem out of place, because either they're not used enough to create an overall pattern, or they're used incorrectly to accent and complement the page design, so they just seem awkward or out of place.

there isn't a sense of heiarchy to the page. in other words, it's hard to tell what i'm supposed to read first, second, and third. the most important info isn't always the most dominant, and it should be.

there also isn't a sense of cohesiveness to the pages. they should pretty much be similar enough that i don't spend time trying to figure out what that page is for. so, your headlines should be the same size, text should be justified the same [not some pages left, some pages centered],

you never want to use more than two or three different typefaces or fonts, and, never, ever, every, under any circumstance, use Comic Sans [every time someone types in comic sans, somewhere in the world a designer dies]. some pages have serif fonts, some are sans-serif. they need to be consistant.

several of your images are very low resolution and therefore pixelated, and others are stretched or skewed out of proportion. a few of them seem to be stock photography. they all should really be your own.

a lot of people above commented on music. i don't have the sound on my computer on, so i don't know if it has music, but i agree with everyone else. music is a no-no.

you image gallery is easily the best part of your site. it's sleek, clean, straightforward, and easy to use.

i can't take the time to really look at the code, but it seems much of it runs on flash or javascript animation. if you're looking to improve your SEO [search engine optimization], all of text on your page needs to be in the html, not embedded into some sort of a plugin. also, you would need to make use of < h1 > and < h2 > tags, which are basically what your headlines and important text should be.

anywho, hope this helps,