Helpful hints for any info requests

Ok gang nothing is full proof, but here and in Men's Lounge we get a lot of posts for "any info on this one". Keep doing that because that is what the community is for. But here are a few ways to do some due diligence either for you or someone else. FYI these work best in Google Chrome.

1. In a BP or other ad, you can place your mouse over the phone number, hold down the left button and drag till the end. You can then open a new tab, paste the phone number in the search box, and any info may or may not show up. I have found ECCIE reviews on ladies this way even if they are not verified.

2. On the pictures, place your mouse pointer on the image, right click your mouse, and select "search google for this image". If multiple ads show in multiple states on the same day, or if multiple names and numbers show, you most likely have a fake ad with stolen pics.

Also, if a picture hit shows an ECCIE ladies profile and it's not her, a PM to the provider is a nice gesture even if she is aware of the problem.

This info isn't anything new, but the thread with it is very old, so I put it up to help the new guys.

I know there is more info, but this is what I can remember, so feel free to add to it.

Happy hunting and be safe.
Moved to Coed...

Good thread to post. We've got several new guys and this will be a help to them.

One thing will add is there is always a website or 2 that claims every lady is part of a police bust and they do that with every woman out there. It's a website that does that to scare guys and then re-direct them to whatever web service or such. They just mirror a lady's ad and phone number and have a blanket claim that they are working with LEOs.
Also...the dudes need to know NOT to ask if a lady is a cop!
There is no such law as entrapment
Google is your best friend.
I won't say not to get on BP, but dammit, google the info on the lady and see what pulls up
I search every hookers number and email on facebook and twitter. I have almost gotten to the point where I wont see a bp girl unless her fb pops up when I search. If the girl has a fb linked to her hooker phone you can learn a lot about her before going in besides just seeing that she is real. I dont think its foolproof but it seems unlikely that le will go through the trouble of setting up a fb page making a bunch of post and pics just to lure some poor john in to a trap. You can also see what she really looks like from her real pics and if she has a manager then most of the time she will have pics of her glamours life with him traveling the country. Then if you dont see manged girls you can avoid her. Its just another tool that a lot of people especially older dawgs overlook. Give it a try if you dont have a fb page just set one up as a hobby account with your hobby email and hobby phone if you want to link a phone to it.