A way to keep drama off the board

LatexLover's Avatar
Well I see from a couple of recent threads that the drama queens have finally started to arrive! I thought it would be interesting ,although, probably not cost effective, for admin to screen for membership. I mean they check out providers to make sure they are legit before granting them verified status, so why not us hobbyists? At the very least, maybe we could limit posting access to premium members. If the jerk has some meat in the game or at the very least a sterling reputation, maybe they will think twice before posting inflamatory remarks and worthless drivel. Sorry for the rant but I had to vent. I miss the smaller more intimate board that was eccie. I guess some of this is just normal growing pains. Your thoughts?
Saturn's Avatar
I think that would be problematic - what would you screen for?

Do you need to have seen a provider to post something on the board?

Some of us - myself included were lurkers for years before we saw a provider.
I don't really see a feasable way to keep douche bags out of the forums, i kinda like that only premium members idea but I like to beleive our community is a large family so to speak and dont want to discourage new or occasional visitors either.

I dunno maybe a section for premium and providers only? who knows, I do think we have some really good admins who arent afraid to take the trash out when needed.
shooter6.5's Avatar
LL has a point and we will do the best we can to keep it at a low rumble. We have done that in several areas already. We totally understand opposing opinions and expect them to happen. We also expect them to be backed up by some personal knowledge, and not speculation. We also expect them to be stated in a polite and respectful manner.

That being said, we expect all members to be respectful and not cause turmoil or troll for others. It is a fun place and provides some interesting observations and dreams! Every once in a while it offers a bit of humor also. You should want to come here for info and relaxation and not drama. If you see that happening then drop us a note and we will take a look at it.

Me personally, one warning and after that a period of relaxation--to be determined by the severity of the infraction. If after the period of relaxation you still suffer from the key pad demons, well then further counselling may be in order!!!!!!!!!!!!

Give yourself a break and enjoy yourself here!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's already hard enough for newbies to get a good rep to begin with. Some of my post's may be 'drivel'. My posting is the only way for me to get to know folks. Making new members pay $10 to $250 to even post within the forums makes it even harder.

HA! I posted more 'drivel'
GneissGuy's Avatar
I'd like to see some workable solution be found, but it's hard to do.

One idea would be for staff to privately give friendly warnings to the troublemakers to tone it down. Some trolls will NOT take the guidance, no matter how politely they are asked. After several efforts and clear warnings, ban 'em.

The trick is to not make positive contributors nervous. If you're clear that no one is going to get into trouble without several friendly warnings, maybe you can make the positive contributors feel free to post.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Maybe there could be a warning flag affixed to some of these posts that cross over or come close to crossing over the line..."Caution, not in compliance with board rules/guidelines" or something similar...

The guys who are sincerely trying to fit in could then PM a mod and ask what was offensive about their post...the guys who don't care and troublemakers would eventually have enough violations that they would be put on probation or banned...
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Good luck keeping drama off any board where fornication in all its lovely forms is the primary topic of conversation.
It takes all kinds to make for good discussion. I agree that there are plenty of posts that do not ad value, but I would encourage anyone to be able to voice their opinion on certain topics whether I agree with it or not, but as shooter stated do it in a civil way.

As our community grows, I am confident that our owners and moderators will keep a tight reign, while still allowing individualism, and I have seen them step in regularly when someone gets out of hand.

Let's all just keep it light and fun, that is the name of the game here folks. Don't loose site of that. Life is too short. Have fun and hang loose...
keeping drama off the board is pretty hard to do..

then you get into "what is drama".. i mean personally i don't like peoples personal lives, providers personal issues, or anything of the such on the board.. I don't like the veiled ads, I consider that drama..

but for what I consider drama there is WK's and others the live and feed off those very things listed..

sure there are members here with personal vendettas against people that seemingly sign up and get banned constantly..those people are easy to ignore, don't respond to the post they make thus feeding the trolls. Mods spending time sorting thru membership would be an endless task to an already sometimes thankless job.

the rogue members aren't hard to ignore

but what is drama? what exactly would need to be defined to stay off the board?

you would have to establish that first and then enforce it

I didn't buy lifetime access just for the premium 411 on the local escorts. I get a kick out of watching stupid people argue on the Internet!

I think the mods know drama when they see it and receive RTM feedback from enough people. I kinda like what users in Houston recently to diffuse some agencies fighting in a thread down there. They hijacked it with "you mama is..." jokes to tone it down. The members took control of policing it.. Kind of a "your board, your choice" attitude.
I think it's all the Mexicans that are showing up on this board. They're practically taking over the whore boards. They need to settle down.
mikahranae's Avatar
Wow....I really think TexTanMan needs to be banned. Every post I have read from him are very rude.
mikahranae's Avatar
Btw....TexTanMan: Don't you think it is very hypocritical of you to start a thread calling providers racist but yet you make a post like this.
hwygnome's Avatar
(Curtain raises with hwygnome standing at center stage with a mic in hand.)

Unless you personally have your own board and control; who you let in, what they post, then you will end up with some form of drama. Of course if you go to those extremes than you might as well find a padded room and carry on a conversation with yourselves. That or you will have a dictatorship and we all know how smooth those things go.

(Curtain drops)