wellendowed1911's Avatar
Ok let's go on some facts here about what the TEA party who in my opinion are the American version of the Taliban- here is what we know they wanted:

A) Didn't want any stimulus bill passed: Every economist stated that without a stimulus bill of some sort UE could hit 20%

B) They didn't want Banks/GM Bailed out:
If Obama didn't bail out the banks are GM- the UE would have been disastrous and many more americans would have been laid off just from the closing of GM- which is an American company and by the way both GM and the banks re-paid back their loans.

C) The TEA party said on record that debt ceiling was not a big deal- yes they did say that- I guess S & P thought otherwise.
On top of that Obama originally had a 4 trillion dollar deficit plan on the table a bill in which S & P favored. However, under pressure from the TEA PARTY who told Boehner that he's not to pass any Bill with any hint of tax raising revenue thereby Boehner instead of doing what's right for America only did what was right to please his caucus - he will pay for this during re-elections.
Boehner even boasted that he got 98% of what he wanted- ok Mr.Boehner you made your caucus happy but you made America lose it's Triple AAA rating and S & P stated that it was based on America's inability to compromise is why they got downgraded.
I've read a lot of posts on this thread and certainly have gotten my share of ridicule from quite a few that I probably should without a doubt listen to. So since we are at the brink of total destruction and most everyone is looking for someone or something to blame. so we all wakeup tommarrow morning and here it is total Mayhem everything we didn't want to happen happened. Your boss calls , we're closing shop now you're unemployed. You go to the store prices have dam near doubled overnight. You stop for gas and you almost need a loan to fill your car up ect.ect. So what ya gonna do? Whats everybodys plan. I can just hear it now " we haven't crossed that bridge yet" Well get a plan cause you're at the foot of it.
The screed of blaming others for Obama's failure is fast becoming a tired old record....notice how none of these liberal tweekers create a thead that tells the world what a great job Obama is doing. It's how Obama will campgain for his re-election. He can't talk about accomplishments because there aren't any; so he will go on the attack mode and blame others for his own failure. It won't work.

The slacker-in-chief hasn't accomplished anything of substance; just like his mediocre Senatorial time...the guy never authored substantive legislatiion and voted "present" more times that any other senator....he is a joke....

But the "blame others" screeds will continue; so let's revisit:

Here is Rush reading 6 pages of Obama blaming others. It is classic Rush. Great, accurate and entertaining..........enjoy !
And let's not forget that it was Obama who was willing to tank (veto) a debt ceiling deal that satisfied S&P if it didn't include an extension beyond his hoped-for 2012 re-election.

Yes folks, the annointed Obama was willing to risk our credit rating just so he could get a deal to get him past the election.....Obama is bad news for America and our economy !

He isn't interested in what is best for middle class Americans; but is only intersted in his own power and helping his union buddies, community activists, and others of the left fringes of America.
surcher's Avatar
And let's not forget that it was Obama who was willing to tank (veto) a debt ceiling deal that satisfied S&P if it didn't include an extension beyond his hoped-for 2012 re-election.

Yes folks, the annointed Obama was willing to risk our credit rating just so he could get a deal to get him past the election.....Obama is bad news for America and our economy !

He isn't interested in what is best for middle class Americans; but is only intersted in his own power and helping his union buddies, community activists, and others of the left fringes of America. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
When will you ever be truthful about a situation? Explain who held whom hostage on the debt ceiling and why, as well as the result.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The screed of blaming others for Obama's failure is fast becoming a tired old record....notice how none of these liberal tweekers create a thead that tells the world what a great job Obama is doing. It's how Obama will campgain for his re-election. He can't talk about accomplishments because there aren't any; so he will go on the attack mode and blame others for his own failure. It won't work.

The slacker-in-chief hasn't accomplished anything of substance; just like his mediocre Senatorial time...the guy never authored substantive legislatiion and voted "present" more times that any other senator....he is a joke....

But the "blame others" screeds will continue; so let's revisit:

Here is Rush reading 6 pages of Obama blaming others. It is classic Rush. Great, accurate and entertaining..........enjoy ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I Thought you didn't listen to RUSH- I knew I was right saying your post are RUSH soundbites thanks for confirming this for me.
Yeah but I guess people like you want to believe that on Day 1 Obama walked in with no wars- a booming economy and a low UE LMFAO. The only person who could have turned this shit around was Jesus Christ himself and that would have been with some serious miracles.
I will go on and record and say Obama is doing as good as he can based on the shit he was handed.

By the way, my thread about the GOP gave Reagan slack addressed how Obama was doing. Look at Reagan's first 3 years and tell me how he did Whirl?
You can't argue with a Conservative. It all boils down to opinions with the loonies on the right. Jesus. A belief. Obama not born in the US? A belief. Keynsian Economics? A belief - a thoroughly discredited and ridiculous belief. Gays shouldn't marry - A belief. Lower taxes on the highest wage earners spurs economy - a belief.

Nothing they propose or even act on is based in fact. It's all belief.

And the worst? The REAL engine behind the conservative movement doesn't believe any of it. They just spew propaganda until the feeble minded fall in line. The fact that any conservative believes that Obama isn't the most conservative-friendly Dem ever proves this point. The guy bends over backwards trying to be everyone's buddy. He gives in before the fight even starts.
Wellendowed, you need to stop using a few phrases and your arguements will be slightly more persuassive; althoug lacking in fact...saying things like "trust me", "people like you" or "every economist" just shows readers what a light weight thinker you are......

In almost all categories (Wellendowed, note the qualifier) of economic measure Obama policies have made things worse. Give me some data that shows otherwise.

Interesting how you are trying to shift the topic from your own thread - Tea Party is to blame for the SP downgrade ! It was a preposterous claim and you won't even follow up.

Did Obama threaten a veto of the debt ceiling if he didn't get it approved through the election????????????

And keep blaming others for your/Obama's s own fucking failures; it just shows how poor your critical thinking skills are.

I Thought you didn't listen to RUSH- I knew I was right saying your post are RUSH soundbites thanks for confirming this for me.
Yeah but I guess people like you want to believe that on Day 1 Obama walked in with no wars- a booming economy and a low UE LMFAO. The only person who could have turned this shit around was Jesus Christ himself and that would have been with some serious miracles.
I will go on and record and say Obama is doing as good as he can based on the shit he was handed.

By the way, my thread about the GOP gave Reagan slack addressed how Obama was doing. Look at Reagan's first 3 years and tell me how he did Whirl? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I don't think anybody "held it hostage". Never said it...but you mentally challenged Obama zombies opine shit that just isn't reality ...I think the political process, as ugly as it was, played itself out.

But a fact of the story is that Obama threanted to veto any debt ceiling bill that didn't extend into 2012;a veto would have been disaterous. So it was Obama playing brinksmanship with our AAA rating; for his own political self interest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I am sure your idea of "truthful" interpretation has the Tea Party as being terrorists with bombs straped to themselves willing to blow up America...if that's your view, your the extermists and don't trust the American constitution.

When will you ever be truthful about a situation? Explain who held whom hostage on the debt ceiling and why, as well as the result. Originally Posted by surcher
Your jumping to an ill-founded conclusion. The Rush story was all over the internet......By claiming "I was right" shows how illiterate you are about my reading; and how you have a compulsion to prove yourself right in the most meaningless of matters - a subject for you a shrink.

In the past I have posted from NY Times, Bloomberg, Right Scoop, Powerline, Wall Street Journal, make the most ridicoulas generalizations Wellendowed...

I was right saying your post are RUSH soundbites thanks for confirming this for me. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Your jumping to an ill-founded conclusion. The Rush story was all over the internet......By claiming "I was right" shows how illiterate you are about my reading; and how you have a compulsion to prove yourself right in the most meaningless of matters - a subject for you and your shrink.

In the past I have posted from NY Times, Bloomberg, Right Scoop, Powerline, Wall Street Journal, make the most ridicoulas generalizations Wellendowed... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You ask him to explain a different thread on this thread?

You are unable to post a link that backs up anything you say. You are just writing HA HA over and over and over.

Your voice is starting to crack.

Any time now.
To all the remedial readers attention...i know it's a challenge, but this thread has multiple issues in discussion.....

Now little Munchie; take your time and re-read everything, I am sure you will catch up with the rest of the class.

You ask him to explain a different thread on this thread?

You are unable to post a link that backs up anything you say. You are just writing HA HA over and over and over.

Your voice is starting to crack.

Any time now. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
blue3122's Avatar
You can't argue with a Conservative. It all boils down to opinions with the loonies on the right. Jesus. A belief. Obama not born in the US? A belief. Keynsian Economics? A belief - a thoroughly discredited and ridiculous belief. Gays shouldn't marry - A belief. Lower taxes on the highest wage earners spurs economy - a belief.

Nothing they propose or even act on is based in fact. It's all belief.

And the worst? The REAL engine behind the conservative movement doesn't believe any of it. They just spew propaganda until the feeble minded fall in line. The fact that any conservative believes that Obama isn't the most conservative-friendly Dem ever proves this point. The guy bends over backwards trying to be everyone's buddy. He gives in before the fight even starts. Originally Posted by sirliamscross
What?? Keynesian Economics?? That is pure FDR. Keynes was British but FDR used Keynesian theories to extend the Great Depression for 8 years. Do you understand the difference between Keynesian, Classical, neo-Classical, and Monetarist??
tttalinky's Avatar
As S&P explained, "The downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness, stability, and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges." The Obama administration plays "the blame game card" saying to Americans that S&P's analysis contained deep and fundamental flaws, and basically that all of our problems were due to factors outside our control............i.e.(The Tea Party)

How can anyone with half a brain blame the Tea Party for the stock market melt down we went thru today. The Tea Party is the only voice I have heard in the last few years that are actually taking actions to reduce government spending and waste! America has a huge debt crisis and a daily dose of the "blame game" from President Obama and his political cronies is not going to repair our spending problem. Until last week our elected officials were spending money like a drunk sailor, the Tea Party help bring this problem to light and forced us to deal with this issue. Allowing congress to spend, spend, spend, without any accountability is crazy.

Starting immediately President Obama needs to start being a leader.....not a political candidate running for reelection in 2012! In my humble opinion the President has no chance whatsoever of winning reelection....he should try to repair his last 2.5 years of total failure and start being the leader America elected him to be! Please Mr. more blame, no more golf, no more nights on the town, no more trash talk, no more spending, no more daily and nightly fundraising, no more last minute crisis, no more bullshit, we need positive actions and results!
blue3122's Avatar
Ok let's go on some facts here about what the TEA party who in my opinion are the American version of the Taliban- here is what we know they wanted:

A) Didn't want any stimulus bill passed: Every economist stated that without a stimulus bill of some sort UE could hit 20%

B) They didn't want Banks/GM Bailed out:
If Obama didn't bail out the banks are GM- the UE would have been disastrous and many more americans would have been laid off just from the closing of GM- which is an American company and by the way both GM and the banks re-paid back their loans.

C) The TEA party said on record that debt ceiling was not a big deal- yes they did say that- I guess S & P thought otherwise.
On top of that Obama originally had a 4 trillion dollar deficit plan on the table a bill in which S & P favored. However, under pressure from the TEA PARTY who told Boehner that he's not to pass any Bill with any hint of tax raising revenue thereby Boehner instead of doing what's right for America only did what was right to please his caucus - he will pay for this during re-elections.
Boehner even boasted that he got 98% of what he wanted- ok Mr.Boehner you made your caucus happy but you made America lose it's Triple AAA rating and S & P stated that it was based on America's inability to compromise is why they got downgraded. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

NOT EVERY economist believed the Unemployment rate would go to 20% without a "stimulus" bill. If you care to look just a little, you will find a long list that disagreed with that completely because of the devaluation of the dollar. (That's what happens when you print money in a stagnated economy.) Also, most indicators are now clear that the "stimulus" and bailouts had the opposite of the intended affect. We were likely 1-2 quarters from slow economic recovery but the bailouts and printing of money caused too much uncertainty (risk) in the markets so a lot of capital disappeared (did not invest) due to uncertainty (also the Obamacare bill didn't help with the uncertainty). GM could have done exactly what Delta did and file for bankruptcy, deal with the creditors, reorganize and come out of bankruptcy. The GM bailout was purely a union/Obama deal that had been cut well in advance. It delayed a restructuring of GM that will have to come within a decade as they will be back in the same place by 2020. (conjecture on my part based on seeing their cars lately).
The funny thing about most of this is, the figureheads of both parties stand at microphones and fret that something must be done, yet they were the very same people in charge for 10, 20, 30 years that put us here. (Dingy Harry, Dickless Durbin, Bonehead Boehner, etcc...). Let's also not forget that Obama voted against debt increases as a Senator so he seems not to have any conviction, just political expediency. This is also the first administration in the last 75 years that has not submitted any budgets to Congress. Complete lack of leadership in the White House. While everyone wants to blame the Tea Party, they have only been in Washington 7 months so it doesn't seem like Tea Party people have much of the blame. They also only have a platform of cutting spending and balancing the budget. (I had to look that up). They have no social agenda at all. The Tea Party people for all that dislike them, may be the only ones focusing on what needs to be done. I dislike politician by nature but given that the current parties got us here, let's try something new.