How many Mulligans does this bastard get?

HoeHummer's Avatar
So Trump has cajoled Georgia into three recounts and now has told him to go fucks off.

May be the saddest clown in the circus.

Georgia to again certify election results showing Biden won

Kate Brumback
ATLANTA -- Georgia's top elections official on Monday recertified the state's election results after a recount requested by U.S. President Donald Trump confirmed once again that Democrat Joe Biden won the state, his office said.

“We have now counted legally cast ballots three times, and the results remain unchanged,” Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said during a news conference at the state capitol before the results were recertified.

Georgia law allows a losing candidate to request a recount if the margin between the candidates is within 0.5%. Trump requested the recount after the results certified by Raffensperger showed that Biden led by a margin of 12,670 votes, or 0.25% of the roughly 5 million ballots cast.

During the recount, which was done using scanners that read and tally the votes, there were discrepancies in vote totals in some counties. Since the results of a recount become the official results, those counties had to recertify their results. Once that was done the secretary of state recertified the statewide results, his office said in a news release.

Next, the governor will have to recertify the state's slate of 16 presidential electors. A spokesman for Republican Gov. Brian Kemp did not immediately respond to a phone call and text message asking when the governor planned to do that. Tuesday is the federal “safe harbour” deadline - electors named by that date in accordance with state law cannot be disregarded by Congress.

The recount was the third tally of votes in the presidential race in the state. After the initial count following Election Day, Raffensperger selected the presidential race for an audit required by state law. The tight margin meant the audit required the roughly 5 million votes in that contest to be recounted by hand, he said. That count also affirmed Biden's victory.

The total number of votes in the recount results certified Monday and posted on the secretary of state's website was 766 fewer than the number certified when the ballots were first tallied after the election. Biden's lead dropped from 12,670 to 11,779. That appears to be largely due to a discrepancy in Fulton County, the state's most populous county that includes most of Atlanta.

Fulton County's recount results showed 880 fewer votes than the results certified after election night, with an overwhelming majority of those votes coming from Biden's total in the county. Gabriel Sterling, who oversaw the implementation of the state's new voting system, called the discrepancy in the county “a little worrisome” but said it's a big county that's had managerial issues. He also noted the difference isn't enough to change the overall outcome of the election.

Also Monday, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed on behalf of would-be Republican presidential electors by former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell. The suit alleged widespread fraud and sought to decertify the results of the presidential race in Georgia, among other things.

In the lawsuit, “the plaintiffs essentially ask the court for perhaps the most extraordinary relief ever sought in any federal court in connection with an election. They want this court to substitute its judgment for that of 2 and a half million Georgia voters who voted for Joe Biden and this I am unwilling to do,” U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten as he dismissed the suit following a hearing.

Separately, an election challenge filed Friday by Trump, his campaign and Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer was rejected by the Fulton County Superior Court because the paperwork was improperly completed and it lacked the appropriate filing fees.

Even as lawsuits filed by Trump and his allies have been rejected around the country, the president has continued to make repeated baseless claims of widespread fraud. In Georgia, he has rained criticism on Raffensperger and Kemp, both fellow Republicans. Raffensperger, meanwhile, has been steadfast in his defence of the integrity of the election in the state and Kemp has said he has no power to intervene in elections.

“I know there are people that are convinced the election was fraught with problems, but the evidence, the actual evidence, the facts tell us a different story,” Raffensperger said during the news conference Monday.

Hours before coming to Georgia for a rally Saturday night, Trump called Kemp and asked him to call a special legislative session. The governor declined.

In a tweet Sunday, Trump criticized Kemp and Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan for inaction and again called for a special session.

After four Republican state lawmakers on Sunday also requested a special session, Kemp and Duncan put out a statement saying that convening a special session to select a different slate of presidential electors would not be allowed under state or federal law.
Ripmany's Avatar
Trump vote = legal ,
biden vote = unlegal.
Everyone's seen the video of the Georgia vote counters pull out suitcases of ballots and count them after they told everyone to leave the room.

Just like everyone saw my post to Yssup Rider reminding him to not wait so long to log in as HoseHummer.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous are barking up the wrong tree, big shoote
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You're full of shit as usual.

From the wapo

The video in question, presented by volunteer Trump campaign attorney Jacki L. Pick, claims to show poll workers actively stuffing ballots from “suitcases” hidden under a table covered by a black cloth.

In a breathless voice, Pick — a major donor to Republicans — claims:

“At about eight o’clock in the morning — we’re going to roll this back and show it to you. There you go. And now they are going to start pulling ballots from under this table. This table, the black one, was placed there by the lady with the blonde braids at about 8:22 in the morning. So she put that table there. … You’ll notice the table’s not here at all. Here it comes. The table going in that we’re talking about where the ballots were obscured. That lady, who is moving it, is the lady with the blonde braids. … So what were these ballots doing there, separate from all the other ballots? And why are they only counting them whenever the place is cleared out with no witnesses … is the question.”
It’s all nonsense.

Everyone's seen the video of the Georgia vote counters pull out suitcases of ballots and count them after they told everyone to leave the room.

Just like everyone saw my post to Yssup Rider reminding him to not wait so long to log in as HoseHummer. Originally Posted by gnadfly
winn dixie's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
debunking the fact checkers.

No, The Georgia Vote-Counting Video Was Not ‘Debunked.’ Not Even Close
LexusLover's Avatar
I learned last night for the first time that the special mailed ballot deposit boxes were cam rigged .....

... but for some "reason" the cams were not on all the time!

Witnesses did see people dumping boxes of ballots into the boxes.

I'm glad forged ballot dumping is ok with the Dumbocrats.

And why haven't the Dumbocrats been touting...

... "video proof" of the legitimacy of "the election"?
LexusLover's Avatar

From the wapo
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So let me get this straight. The Trumpites are speaking truth and the rest of the world is full of Winn Dixie’s apeshit?

If you believe that, I’ve got an island to sell you. Greenland.

I suppose there would be a scenario where the Washington Post is on the same level of integrity as the Epoch Times, but Winn Dixie’s monkeys also might be flying out my ass.

Clearly, he’s flying out of someone else’s.
winn dixie's Avatar
So let me get this straight. The Trumpites are speaking truth and the rest of the world is full of shit?

If you believe that, I’ve got an island to sell you. Greenland.

I suppose there would be a scenario where the Washington Post is on the same level of integrity as the Epoch Times, but under that scenario, howler monkeys would be flying out my ass.

Clearly, they’re flying out of someone else’s. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Beastiality is against the rules bub!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You doctored my post, WDBag.

You should be RTM’ed for that.

I’ll do that after I take my morning Winn Dixie.

winn dixie's Avatar
You doctored my post, WDBag.

You should be RTM’ed for that.

I’ll do that after I take my morning Winn Dixie.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Way to edit scardy cat! Post it and own it hoes hummer!
Mods still can see what you originally posted!

lolling BUSTED
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hurry up, WDB. Pound that button again this morning.

Monkeys flying out of your butt is not bestiality but a common figure of speech. Even a dumbass would know that. How you got them in there is a different story.

And we all know there’s no room in that overstuffed rectus of yours for anything more than a few cans of tuna, bottled water, 9mm ammo and a pallet of toilet paper.

OK, and a bunch of dicks.

winn dixie's Avatar
Hurry up, WDB. Pound that button again this morning.

Monkeys flying out of your butt is not bestiality but a common figure of speech. Even a dumbass would know that. How you got them in there is a different story.

And we all know there’s no room in that overstuffed rectus of yours for anything more than a few cans of tuna, bottled water, 9mm ammo and a pallet of toilet paper.

OK, and a bunch of dicks.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You routinely rtm for far less! Why didnt you stick with your original post then big shooter? Fucking pathelogical liar and scatologist