Happy Holidays... Whos Ready For The New Year & New Decade???

Tiffany Tyler's Avatar
Happy Holidays,

Hope Everyone Had A Great & Blissful Christmas!
Are you ready for the New Year? New Decade?

What was your best memory of the past year? Past decade?
What do you plan to do differently?

Do you have any new year resolutions?
What about for the new decade?

I have a few plans for myself...
I have a couple of short term goals & some long term!

My biggest resolution is to get to know myself better,
finish my college & do more volunteer work.

Most of all, i want to get to know more of you better.
Create NEW Memories & leave the past in the past!

Definitely want to go on a trip for spring & my birthday this summer.
I have no intentions of being around for my b-day... lol!

I plan on making this my best year yet & the best decade of my life!

How about you?
txexetoo's Avatar
Happy New Year. Actually the new decade doesn’t start until 2021
playerplano's Avatar
Yeah the new decade is confusing for a lot of people. There is no year zero the fresh decade starts with year one.
Who cares about minutia. I will gladly start the decade off a year early with a hottie like Tiffany. Let’s get to know each other very well Tif !!!
Looks like you have a lot of plans for 2020 Tiffany. Was Santa good to you at Christmas?
Best memory for the past year was running into a Legendary Hall of Fame Baseball player when I was in St Louis on vacation in July.
Best memory of the decade was meeting my favorite all time band and getting to watch them during sound check and hanging out with them in 2017 and in 2016 spending New Year's in Islamorada in the Florida Keys.
I have lots of new years resolutions, to many to tell.
Plans for the decade is to start traveling to Europe more.
snowking2010's Avatar
Happy New year Tiffany. One of my plans in 2020 is to meet you, long before your birthday holiday.
DallasRain's Avatar
Wow sexy lady!!
Happy new,years!
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Do you ever get tire of being gorgeous?

HID (21-HID)
Bestman200600's Avatar
Happy new year Tiffany. Like your outfit. Kisses.
What a beautiful lady!!
Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 01-01-2020, 03:17 PM
Happy New Year Tiffany and
Everyone !!!!

Love ~ Zena ♡
pmdelites's Avatar
tiffany, wrt "... do more volunteer work ...",
perhaps volunteer at the north texas food bank (i go once a month) or a food pantry (more direct than the food bank; lots of pantries in north texas cos lots of folks living below the poverty income level).

or helping out at an animal rescue place.

or just websearch for "volunteer opportunities in dallas".

some volunteer opptys require a background check - the ntfb doesnt.

wishing you an excellent and delites-filled 2020!
Jewel420's Avatar
Love your pics. Hope 2020 is everything you want it to be and more!! Happy New Year!!