I have an announcement to make.

I've come and gone. I usually leave for 6 months to a year at a time. Well, the time has come for me to finally retire.
After some long consideration over the last several months... it's just time.

I will be phasing out this part of my life permanently no later than August 1 2015.

After April has past, I will be going back to work at a regular job and won't be around as much.

I may book appointments for other ladies and help UTR ' S, but that will be all my involvement here after August 1st.

Ladies, newbies etc if you need booking just let me know.


Good for you and congrats on moving onward and upward in life.
Thank you. I will be going hard until I quit. Once I'm done. I will be done.
DallasRain's Avatar
Best to ya babe!!!
knotty man's Avatar
and now a moment of silence....
in order to properly mourn your departure, i shall use only black condoms till august 1st
possibly longer, if its true "once you go black ,you never go back"
Whispers's Avatar
A most Excellent Announcement!
NOOOOOO the real scarlet just came back, you cant gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 03-30-2015, 10:54 PM
NOOOOOO the real scarlet just came back, you cant gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo Originally Posted by shayla84

Mr Peabody's Avatar
My time machine coordinates are getting messed up.
We all know hookers come & go. My last disappearance was about 8 months with no warning. This will, however, be permanent or I wouldn't have put it out here.
mrhappysf's Avatar
Wait, isn't tomorrow April 1? I hope she just got her dates messed up.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 03-31-2015, 11:13 AM
This will, however, be permanent or I wouldn't have put it out here. Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
That's pretty much what every lady says when she posts her first retirement announcement...

John_Dough's Avatar
The Allnighter's Avatar
I'm saddened to see that one of the sparkling and distinctive personalities that drew me to join the Eccie board is hanging up her jock (or whatever it is that Super Hoes hang up when they stop playing the game) -- before I even get out of the locker room.

Scarlett, thanks for being one of the funniest and most personable spokespersons for the ladies of the board. It's worth wading through a lot of free-floating testosterone to hear what you have to say.

...And just to add insult to injury, she tells me that her ass is new and improved, too.

Save the last dance for me!!
Good luck to you Scarlett you will be missed