help me understand this

So if I got hurt on the hotel property and it was there fault and they say they are getting a hold of there insurance company what the hell does that mean????
Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 08-26-2014, 07:37 PM
Send me a pm if you'd like some help figuring it out. Ha
Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 08-26-2014, 07:42 PM
Premature send. Happy to help was cut off.
Guest110715-3's Avatar
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-26-2014, 09:40 PM
Premature send. Happy to help was cut off. Originally Posted by Oafer
Its OKAY Oafer, many have suffered from "Premature Speculation", its a common problem and easily overcome by copious quantities of drugs...
Well looks like I am lost an attorney said don't sign anything they give me and I don't know how to do this crap
The Grouch's Avatar
Are you seeking medical attention? Again, don't sign anything, because it may be a waiver. They are probably contacting their insurance company, liability coverage, to file an incident report. Ask for a copy of the incident report. That is a form they send with all the details of the accident to their carrier. It is not an admission of fault. They should give you a claim number that you in turn give to the hospital/doctor. If they don't have a claim number then that means they have no intention of filing an incident report. Remember, even though you may get a claim number there is still no guarantee their insurance will pay. Good luck.
GneissGuy's Avatar
If they're going to do the right thing and cover your expenses, etc., they will contact the insurance company, who will contact you, so don't get too worried.

If they're going to screw you over and not do anything for you, they will contact the insurance company, who will contact you, so don't get complacent.

While it's not unlikely they'll try and screw you over, if it's legitimate, they may very well pay off properly.

Be careful about getting a lawyer. You may very well find out that even if you win, it ends up with you not getting anything more, and the lawyer gets a big cut. Especially watch out for the "you pay nothing unless you win" guys. You can end up paying a big fee to the lawyer that wasn't necessary.

However, sometimes you do need a lawyer. The trick is to figure out when you do need one.
Gladiator69's Avatar
So if I got hurt on the hotel property and it was there fault and they say they are getting a hold of there insurance company what the hell does that mean???? Originally Posted by shayla84
what happened gorgeous?
They had a big puddle of water by the door with no sign, I walked in and had flip flops and my foot came out from under me and I landed right on my hip, spraining my hip, huge acontusion, my neck and back hurt. Went to hospital and they gave me pretty strong meds and 3 days off work lol (I am considered self employeed, I pay taxes, and I say I am a private entertainer) so my mother says they still would have to pay lost wages.
The Grouch's Avatar
Did you get a claim number? Typically a reputable business will turn it over to their insurance ASAP. They would rather file the claim and risk an increase on their rate as opposed to a lawsuit. The claim number is what you need to give to the hospital so they can bill direct. If their carrier refuses to pay, you will be on the hook with the hospital. Then it becomes a legal matter. Good luck.
illuminati's Avatar
Anything you sign upon receiving compensation bars you from suing them in the future. Talk to a lawyer.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-27-2014, 05:01 PM
Hey sweetie, just be sure not to put on the reason for accident line "Took an errant load in my iris, lost my balance, ran into the air conditioner"...

ICE first...HEAT later...
Texasjazz's Avatar
Shayla.... If you still have some questions after the good advice offered above, just pm me. I am experienced in the insurance claims business (NOT a lawyer) and can perhaps direct you to the right way to get resolution to this incident.....really sorry that this happened
HELL YES 76's Avatar
My uncle Robert once told me that the worst advise is free advise... If you want good advise hire $$$ an attorney.