What is going on???

Guest121917-1's Avatar
Why am I seeing so many negative threads here lately....why are there an influx of NCNS (both lady lumps and hang downs)? Could it be there aren't back in the swing of taking the little ones to school? Wait it has only been two days.....

Is it because cars just have troubles all at once? No cant be......

Can something positive be posted in here for once? I want to participate but I don't want to hast tag on the drama threads.

I know....how about this....

Wat did everyone eat today for lunch?

I'll start!

I didn't eat much but I did take a little nap. During my nap I had a dream that I was sucking this very large cock. Does that count???

cckid2006's Avatar
Here's one for you:
and to respond to your thread - I had scrambled eggs with bacon and toast.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
Thank you I needed that
Beagle's Avatar
Well, just the other day I saw a cute Husky pup by the roadside as I drove by. Wanting to take a closer look, I reversed my car very quickly and heard a bump. It wasn't till I backed up far enough that I noticed a pile of bloody goo on the road. The pup had ran up towards my car much faster than I expected.....well, shit happens.....too bad......RIP puppy....






The above never happened. Just a story I made up.

So, you feel better now?
FS_ITC's Avatar
Umm...I have not run over any animals in the past month.

Is that a good thing?

Oh, or people either (even though some deserved it!)



No, not a fleshy taco.

I don't think I like where this is going...I think I'll go pick on providers now! Hehehe!
ck1942's Avatar
Because "they" can.

Anyone notice how many established hobbyists and providers AVOID even opening or posting in those threads like the plague!

I try!
Guest121917-1's Avatar
I stay away....It doesnt need my two cents thrown in. I dont even read them....the title is enough for me...its fynny because people will talk a out something going on and I get excited thinking its something good then I realize what they are talking about and I go to the bar for another glass of wine lol
fun2come's Avatar
which I probably should follow more often myself, but sometimes things are too fucking funny here:

and all that on an empty stomach !!!
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Today for lunch i am having the Fit Food Southwest Chicken Salad and my ice water.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-27-2014, 10:21 AM
Well, just the other day I saw a cute Husky pup by the roadside as I drove by. Wanting to take a closer look, I reversed my car very quickly and heard a bump. It wasn't till I backed up far enough that I noticed a pile of bloody goo on the road. The pup had ran up towards my car much faster than I expected.....well, shit happens.....too bad......RIP puppy....






The above never happened. Just a story I made up.

So, you feel better now? Originally Posted by Beagle
I had the same thing happen with a street walking Hoogar last week. I was backing up, heard the "bump" & saw her there. She wasn't dead yet but looked pretty rough. I quickly drove away because I'm not well versed in vehicular accident injuries. She obviously needed a professional at that point and I didn't want to be in the way when they arrived...
Jack$lit's Avatar
I saw a bumper sticker say "dreams do come true!".and in smaller print it said "only the impossible dreams don't come true "
Oafer's Avatar
  • Oafer
  • 08-27-2014, 12:34 PM

This is What's Going On!
Guest121917-1's Avatar

So today I ate Rudy's cutter's choice brisket and a pickle......Yummy
FS_ITC's Avatar
I had a Reuben and Caesar Salad. And some eye candy for dessert!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-27-2014, 01:03 PM
I had a Reuben and Caesar Salad. And some eye candy for dessert! Originally Posted by FS_ITC
I had 4 pretzels and ice water...in a flush since decadent San Francisco vacation.