I know its been discussed but its been happenibg more & more frequently...

Hey guys... this thread is just to make the screening process go a lot quicker and smoother for both parties. Lately I have been getting a lot of pm's/emails with messages saying "I want to see you" well I'd love to see you too so to make this meeting happen quicker Gents please do the following...

1.Send over your most recent provider refrences with their contact info (most girls only take refs that u have seen recently... not a year or more ago)
2.Details about your self to help the lady remember u (no, we usually don't remember you by just your name or handle)
3. Your phone #, handle or email address (whatever u used to contact the lady)
4. Date/time that u are hoping to meet (I know sometimes you may not be sure and you just want to be pre screened... this is fine but I myself only keep pre screening info for 2 weeks)
5. Type of session you are wanting

These few things really help everything move a lot quicker and cut out the back and forth in pms or emails. Lol sometimes its like pulling teeth with u guys. Remember screening is a good thing... if a girl does not screen then your safety is put at risk.

I know this has been discussed a bunch but its been happening so much lately I felt I needed to start a new thread about it. I know some of yall are new so this is just to help make things easier for everyone.
About the back and forth thing on emails and PMs ...

Ladies, if I send you a phone number along with my screening info and tell you that it's ok to call me anytime, it's generally cool at that point to go ahead and pick up the phone instead of continuing with the PMs/emails. Seriously, I don't care if you use a blocked number... just call me. This is especially true if you don't check your emails/PMs very often. Why spend several days (or even weeks) trying to do something that could be accomplished in two minutes with a simple phone call?

Ok, I'm done. Anybody else wanna rant? lol
I know in my case I only give my # out after screening is complete. So if ur refs don't respond or I need more screening info I will continue to correspond VIA email until I get an ok for u. U can't block your number in text messages so that any work for me, since I normally don't do voice calls. But I see your point... if u are screened a lady should call or text to let you know vs. email.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Sorry to be off-topic, but I just have to say...

DAMN!! That is one FINE ASS, Marley! lol mmm mmm

Back to my tasks...
Budman's Avatar
Many providers don't want us to give out their numbers to anybody. When I need to provide screening info I just supply links to the providers showcase. This way the screener can choose how to contact the provider. If she post her number then great, if not an email address or PM should make it fairly easy.
Guest092815's Avatar
Lately, I am having a real problem with guys trying to remind or convince me that we have already met. Some are legit, but others are just trying to scam their way past further screening and grab a 20 repeat boyfriend discount. Lame-O.

Just because I am blonde, I am not stupid.
Many providers don't want us to give out their numbers to anybody. Originally Posted by Budman
They don't have to post their number. I'm just saying that once they are good with the screening info I sent, then call me. It is possible to call without your number showing up on somebody's caller ID. I know this because Marco of Mint does it all the time; when he returns my calls, it says 'Private number' on my phone. I don't know how he does it though
Budman's Avatar
They don't have to post their number. I'm just saying that once they are good with the screening info I sent, then call me. It is possible to call without your number showing up on somebody's caller ID. I know this because Marco of Mint does it all the time; when he returns my calls, it says 'Private number' on my phone. I don't know how he does it though Originally Posted by WorknMan

I'm not sure how this relates to my statement. When I said
"Many providers don't want us to give out their numbers to anybody"
I was referring to giving out providers numbers. I give my number out in correspondence and I prefer a call over text. Blocking your number is simple. Dial *67 and then the number.
I'm not sure how this relates to my statement. When I said
"Many providers don't want us to give out their numbers to anybody"
I was referring to giving out providers numbers. I give my number out in correspondence and I prefer a call over text. Blocking your number is simple. Dial *67 and then the number. Originally Posted by Budman
I thought you were saying that many providers don't want us giving out their numbers is the reason why they wouldn't call if I requested them to, as doing so would mean that their number would then show up on my caller id. That is when I mentioned that they could block the number, so this would not be an issue:

Note: There may be some Jedi trick you can use to get somebody's number, even if they use *67, but I'm not aware of such a tactic.
Thanks for the compliment!!!

Most providers I know are ok with our numbers being given out to other girls when it comes to screening. We are happy to help each other stay safe!
blenderhead's Avatar
Many providers don't want us to give out their numbers to anybody. When I need to provide screening info I just supply links to the providers showcase. This way the screener can choose how to contact the provider. If she post her number then great, if not an email address or PM should make it fairly easy. Originally Posted by Budman
I did that once, gave both emails and links to showcases. She said (via email) she only checked references over the phone. A lot of providers don't give out phone numbers until after screening, and I've been asked not to give a phone number to another provider for screening. If she can't send a couple of emails it's not worth the hassle for me, so I just moved on.
We all have our own ways of screening... but in this business u can't stick to any one way of doing things. Some girls don't even have phones so you HAVE to email them. Me personally I prefer text... but some girls don't text, so I have to call or email. A girl should do whatever she needs to do in order to get that gent screened.
Lately, I am having a real problem with guys trying to remind or convince me that we have already met. Some are legit, but others are just trying to scam their way past screening . Lame-O. Originally Posted by Crystalkitty
Some morons have started an infantile game on this board, I guess they have no life. The new game is "don't tell the girls anything!! Keep it all a secret and be as deceitful as possible with them. Don't give out any personal info or handle."

Brilliant. Really intelligent.

Ya'll really thought that one out, did you?

So you don't give out screening info to her, then neither does the next guy. She gets popped and to save her own arse she starts working with the 5-0 to get them a bunch of arrests so they can look good. That leaves you in a great position, EH?


The really good providers just get tired of all the childish behavior and now you've succeeded in chasing them all off.

OR we just decide to see the GENTLEMEN who care enough to put us at ease and keep us ALL safe from this lovely puritanical, hypocritical society we call home.

Let's all try to be good kids and play nice together. This is supposed to be FUN. Try to remember that. JUST my humble opinion..........
deedeedoe62's Avatar

There has to be some forethought on the gentleman's part when he seeks a provider on time allowance for screening.

I remember when I was coming back to the states for my annual Christmas visit I was seeking some companionship, and the provider I contacted was very suspicious of my story. I contacted her about a month before I was due in town to allow for plenty of time for screening.

I was patient and provided her all the information she asked for, copies of ID and stuff, and when I did arrive in the states I had a wonderful time with her.

I think that when the blood rushes from our head to our groins, we lose that patience and get the "I want it now" mentality, but that's no excuse for being sloppy in how we engage the lovely providers.