Man With A Plan, Sex Addict, Strange Pounder, Adventure Seeker, Crazy Asshole, Hormone Crazy, Pitiful Loser... What kind of Hobbyist are YOU?

Still Looking's Avatar
Man With A Plan, Sex Addict, Strange Pounder, Adventure Seeker, Crazy Asshole, Hormone Crazy, Pitiful Loser... What kind of Hobbyist are YOU?

Man With A Plan

Hobbyists that realizes it much more cost effective to date hookers than bitches in the real world! Has lots of fun and LAUGHS all the way to the bank!

Sex Addict

Hobbys as many times as budget will allow. Spends most of his free time doing research and scheduling.

Strange Pounder

Hobbys but looks for unique ladies. Wants things he can't get at home.

Adventure Seeker

Hobbys on occasion but makes a big deal about it. If anything goes wrong he gets pissed.looks for AWESOME SEX but seldom wants to invest much money.

Crazy Asshole

Always negotiates. In most cases is on a budget and has no business hobbying. Try's getting sex for free.

Hormone Crazy

Can't help himself. Has one session after another but seems to be disappointed or almost feel guilty.

Pitiful Loser

Chooses fat, old and ugly chicks because he has NO GAME! Socially inept. Never been married or had a girlfriend. These low end hookers treat him like a KING and he lives in a fantasy world.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I Guess I'm a man with a plan as I'm to lazy to chase hotties around for some tail!

But sometimes that feels like a lot of work too

3daygetaway's Avatar
Holy Shit!!! I'm ALL of these. Mostly a Strange Pounder though. I'm in pursuit of good stories and occasional orgasms.
Little Monster's Avatar
Man with a Plan
artist6338's Avatar
I don't think I could say I was a pitiful loser!
fun2come's Avatar
Well, I am NOT a Sex Addict
Well, I see myself in several of those categories but believe "Man With A Plan" fits best. Always looking for best bang for the buck and to avoid the drama associated with real-world ladies who look to attache strings. So far, I have been having lots fun with many ladies and will keep this up until the well runs dry.

I am also a little bit of a "Sex Addict" who needs to have wide variety of hot ladies. Yes, I spend way too much of my time on eccie and other boards doing research on the next best thing. I always have at least one or two sessions lined up so as not to miss a single opportunity to hobby with a hot lady.

I also find times when I could be called a "Strange Pounder" in that I am often enjoy unique hobby experiences: Anal, spinners, squirters, restraints, trips to another realm, two/three lady sessions, and of course lots of DATY/DATO and Multiple Positions which are not available otherwise.

I think above qualifies me as a fully certifiable ManWhore.

WRT the other categories:
I can't see anyone wishing to publicly categorize themselves as an "Adventure Seeker" with all the associated drama;

Admit to being a "Crazy Asshole" though I know they are out there; or,

See themselves as a "Hormone Crazy" guy who is falling into a deep chasm of guilt and disappointment; and,

I know there are "Pitiful Losers" out there because we see daily board discussions and guys bragging about their adventures when many other guys just simply shake their heads in amazement and wonderment--guess there is somebody out there for everybody.
Well, I am NOT a Sex Addict Originally Posted by fun2come
You need to look into Step One of a Twelve Step Recovery Program. I know a couple of ladies in the hobby who could help you with that, BTW.
I don't think I could say I was a pitiful loser! Originally Posted by artist6338
Let me see if we can find several ladies in the hobby to say it for you. Just Kidding--couldn't resist the temptation, which is my big weakness with the hobby.
Man With A Plan, Sex Addict, Strange Pounder, Adventure Seeker, Crazy Asshole, Hormone Crazy, Pitiful Loser... What kind of Hobbyist are YOU? Originally Posted by Still Looking
Are you sure that your KC friends don't miss you and want you to return?
Whispers's Avatar
When I was married I was a bit of a Strange Pounder Over time I evolved and would consider myself a

Sex Addict With A Better Plan!

Hobbyist that realizes it is MUCH more cost effective to date College CoEds caught up in exploring the Sugar Baby Experience than bitches in the real world or whores! Hobbys as many times as budget will allow. Spends most of his free time doing research, scheduling and conducting interviews/auditions that often usually involve a casting couch.

Has lots of fun and LAUGHS all the way to the bank!
Still Looking's Avatar
Are you sure that your KC friends don't miss you and want you to return? Originally Posted by BugleBoy
I check in every now and then....
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Strange Pounder for sure. In 20+ years I can probably count on one hand the number of girls I've seen more than twice...
avalanche16's Avatar
I would say Adventure Seeker for me. I hobby occasionally and want awesome sex without much money investment, but I also like to spend time researching!
Still Looking's Avatar
Looks like 4 of the ladies voted....