Providers need to be unafaird to charge 500/hr

txsun's Avatar
  • txsun
  • 04-21-2017, 05:40 PM
I think with as many high class and professional escorts as we have here in Austin that we should start accepting that they are well worth 500 an hour. After a few trips to NYC and LA and seeing the prices there, I find that we are getting too good of a bargain for 300 an hour and are in the end undervaluing the professional escorts.

To you professional ladies out there! Don't be afraid to value yourself for what you are truly worth!

Well, this should be fun. I am betting lots of "Likes" from the ladies and lots of adverse nasty comments from the guys, and not just from "the Usual Suspects," but to also include the CBC and OPEC members.

Did you just win the lottery?

Sitting back, feet firmly on desk and popping a fresh batch of popcorn.

Let 'em rip.

I think with as many high class and professional escorts as we have here in Austin that we should start accepting that they are well worth 500 an hour. After a few trips to NYC and LA and seeing the prices there, I find that we are getting too good of a bargain for 300 an hour and are in the end undervaluing the professional escorts.

To you professional ladies out there! Don't be afraid to value yourself for what you are truly worth!

Originally Posted by txsun
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I have to agree with BB on this. Popcorn!!
txsun's Avatar
  • txsun
  • 04-21-2017, 05:51 PM
Hopefully you got unlimited refills on that popcorn. I hope this doesn't fizzle too soon.
Hopefully you got unlimited refills on that popcorn. I hope this doesn't fizzle too soon. Originally Posted by txsun
Yep, I got a 3qt bowl full of popcorn just right now. And, congratulations on your recent lottery win.

I'll bet you will be getting lots of PMs from $200/hr ladies looking to see you at $500/hr.
Geography. In NY $400 is like $250/hr and $500 is like $300/hr here.
txsun's Avatar
  • txsun
  • 04-21-2017, 06:02 PM
With the YOY rises on property values and tax appraisals I would say we are getting close to those prices. Corporations have got to love all that free fed money.

Geography. In NY $400 is like $250/hr and $500 is like $300/hr here. Originally Posted by JadeRose
Hopefully you got unlimited refills on that popcorn. I hope this doesn't fizzle too soon. Originally Posted by txsun
Yep, I got a 3qt bowl full of popcorn just right now.

I'll bet you will be getting lots of PMs from $200/hr ladies looking to see you at $500/hr.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
Da fuq?

***** kills brother.......

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fun2come's Avatar

BB, let's share:

Ladies, here is a guy who'll be happy to front all of my HR rate to you !! Just keep that in your ledgers.
First of all, the proper spelling is "unafeared", not whatever it is you did to that poor word.
Still Looking's Avatar
I think with as many high class and professional escorts as we have here in Austin that we should start accepting that they are well worth 500 an hour. After a few trips to NYC and LA and seeing the prices there, I find that we are getting too good of a bargain for 300 an hour and are in the end undervaluing the professional escorts.

To you professional ladies out there! Don't be afraid to value yourself for what you are truly worth!

Originally Posted by txsun

Lmao. This dude is doing this hoping to get a few freebies.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Yo txsun, nothing stopping you from paying 5 Bills now. Put you $$$$$ where your mouth is at.
nuglet's Avatar
I have to agree with BB on this. Popcorn!! Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
thank god, I'd miss ya.