Has It Gotten Very Quiet Again in ATX Coed? Or What?

Is it my imagination or has it become very quiet again in ATX Coed?

The most activity we have seen this weekend was from a traveling provider, Lena Duvall who was dropping a number of ThreADs--welcome to ATX babe.

What's happened to the "Usual Suspects?" They must be away on vacation, or possibly educating and harassing Coed Forums in other cities.

Well, it is what it is!! We had a quiet eccie weekend. :-)

What's your opinion on this matter?? Now that things have quieted down, are you happy with this, or do you wish for a return and excitement from our favorite rabble rousers?

Inquiring Minds Want to Know ! !

[Edit BB] Whoops, I may have asked the question too soon, just notices that SL is dropping another thread.
I come in and drop a few lines when im on sabbatical and was back to it this past weekend so no time to peek in at the drama.
Not to mention it gets a bit exhausting if i stay too long

Glad its slowed down so i can entertain my next few days off
Smooches and thanks for the shout-out. At the moment, I'm home in New Orleans. But I'm plotting on returning to Texas in the near future.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah blames Obama!
Still Looking's Avatar
Quiet? LMFAO It's About To Get Nasty Up In This Bitch!
Quiet? LMFAO It's About To Get Nasty Up In This Bitch! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Just when I thought it might be safe to wade back into the water... JAWS.
Treetop78759's Avatar
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-24-2017, 01:38 PM
Is it my imagination or has it become very quiet again in ATX Coed?
[Edit BB] Whoops, I may have asked the question too soon, just notices that SL is dropping another thread. Originally Posted by BugleBoy
It's totally fucking your imagination!!!!!!!!

popser's Avatar
It has become pretty slim these past few weeks. Hoping Rent due syndrome kicks in
fun2come's Avatar
BB, I think you need to get your fins cut by you know who !!!

In memorandum of the cinnamon shark, who got them cut twice and is displayed above the famous headboard:

So be careful what you wish for, sometimes quiet is good in Co-Ed
I'm just gonna say this - this is not a positive forum for providers to post on - providers just keep getting bashed and nobody wants to get bashed. Try a little tenderness.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Love it!!! xoxo

https://youtu.be/Txh5l7cQXa0 Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Whispers's Avatar
I'm just gonna say this - this is not a positive forum for providers to post on - providers just keep getting bashed and nobody wants to get bashed. Try a little tenderness. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Make a list of all providers that have posted in CoEd in the last 30 days.

Note which ones have been "bashed" and your thoughts as to why...

Note which ones are left alone or supported/encouraged to keep posting.

now the hard part....

It's like figuring out what 2+2 is...
