WHISPERS & STILL LOOKING HATE ThreAD. No more chasing us around the board. Every one is welcome. Enjoy.

Still Looking's Avatar
Fuck. No one brave enough to talk shit to you? I guess I start it off.


I guess that's what you wanted.
Treetop78759's Avatar
SL in his glory days.


Is this a safe place for haters?

(staff edit; added PRIVATE tags; ztonk)
Still Looking's Avatar
Fuck. No one brave enough to talk shit to you? I guess I start it off.


I guess that's what you wanted. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Still Looking's Avatar
SL in his glory days.

Is this a safe place for haters? Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Whispers's Avatar
SL in his glory days.


Is this a safe place for haters?

(staff edit; added PRIVATE tags; ztonk) Originally Posted by Treetop78759

The agony!

But I got it started huh?
Whispers's Avatar
The agony!

But I got it started huh? Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Still Looking's Avatar
The agony!

But I got it started huh? Originally Posted by Kickrocks
fun2come's Avatar
So you are haters?

I don't hate either one of them. They provide me with way too much free advertising. And humor. I mean, really, who *hasn't* laughed at the utter bullshit they post?!
Whispers's Avatar
So you are haters?

Originally Posted by fun2come
fun2come's Avatar
Originally Posted by Whispers
Still Looking's Avatar
Originally Posted by fun2come
fun2come's Avatar
Originally Posted by Still Looking