wtf is with the nc/ns!

  • jr0ck
  • 12-03-2011, 06:14 PM
I am a bit peeved. I tried two different providers, and both of them NC/NS on me. Do I have a sign on my back that says "I <3 NC/NS"?

I called TarJay yesterday at 7pm. We made an appointment for 7:30(she was about 30 mins away). The dialogue explains the situation, I left the spelling/grammar errors, because im not sure if she was being sarcastic or not(eg: was precise supposed to be precious?).

A lot of us just simply move on and let them get away with NC/NS... so I made sure to text her.

Me: Wow, thanks for letting me drive 30 minutes to NC/NS
Her: Sorry you took an hr
Her: Sorry u called 659pm and now its about to be 8pm.
Her: Im sorry i wasited ur precise 30 mins i ca. Take off 20bucks if u lyk,if not i do apologize.
Me: No, I called at 7pm to make an appointment for 30 mins later. Then I got there early, and called u at 7:20. Then waited in case u were busy. Tried again at 7:30, then 7:45, and left. Moral of the story is double booking isn't cool. I'll pass.
Her: Once again sorry...nd ur right I accidentally ans the wrong number,nd it isnt kool anyways drive hm safe. best of luck next tym...

I get that she apologized, and offered a discount. But lets be real here... She tried to tell me that I didn't call, when clearly it rang more than twice so it wasn't a lack of service to her phone. Why let me drive 20-30 mins when you could simply not answer to begin with, or decline the apt?


Since the hunger wasn't satisfied yesterday, I tried Krissy Kisses. Learning from my mistake yesterday, I didn't drive nearly as far. She said she needed 30-45 to get ready. That was fine, so I found something to occupy my time for 45 mins. Then I get in the car, and call for directions... only for her to not answer.


The latter was not nearly as aggravating as the former, but shit... Do I just have some bad luck or are you guys seeing this behavior as well?

Feature request:
Maybe a cumulative or monthly NC/NS count applied to their account? That way we can decide if they are worth the risk of the NC/NS. Thoughts?
  • Sami
  • 12-03-2011, 06:25 PM
Aww that's BS!! Sorry you had to deal with that.. I have 2 major peeves cleanliness and being on time. It absolutely pisses me off when a ncns occurs there is just no excuse for it unless in jail or the hospital. Some people have no respect for others time. At least you have put them out for others not to waste their time.
sorry but its one of the truths of the hobby world. everyone's been through it at some point. and there's no way to prevent it. sucks I know.
Paulie's Avatar
ive seen 3 indy providers in my hobbying history...and i was scheduled for according to me 25% of all indys will nc/ns

i know my sample size isnt the best
  • jr0ck
  • 12-03-2011, 07:58 PM
... and there's no way to prevent it. sucks I know. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
I disagree.

If the feature request I threw in the bottom of my update were to get implemented, it would give eccie hobbiests the edge in the whole "verifying provider forum" scene. I would be willing to bet p411 and others soon follow suite.

Once hobbiests see a pattern, its going to affect providers income. If that doesnt deter the behavior, then nothing will. But I would be willing to bet that it does cause a drop in NC/NS by any serious provider.
  • jr0ck
  • 12-03-2011, 07:59 PM
ive seen 3 indy providers in my hobbying history...and i was scheduled for according to me 25% of all indys will nc/ns

i know my sample size isnt the best Originally Posted by Paulie
No worries about the sample size, and the stats are appreciated!
how would you know if someone was lying about it or not.

without proof it'd be he say/she say, and there's really no simple way to prove it.

An ignorant bitch here taught me the lesson that emails, texts, and pms can and will be altered or falsified if someone really wanted to start something.
Paulie's Avatar
great points ld.....somebody with an agenda can make the evidence say what they want it to say
Sarunga's Avatar
Certainly a very good idea by jr0ck, but as LD pointed out, verification is the issue.
  • jr0ck
  • 12-04-2011, 02:28 AM
how would you know if someone was lying about it or not.

without proof it'd be he say/she say, and there's really no simple way to prove it.

An ignorant bitch here taught me the lesson that emails, texts, and pms can and will be altered or falsified if someone really wanted to start something. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
A PM, email, etc has ways of being tracked. Emails have headers, which would show the senders ip address. PMs are in the system, and im sure there is some degree of logging available to the admins/developers.


We can further secure the feature, by requiring that the user have a certain number of posts/reviews to ensure a provider didn't sign up with a hobbiest account just to hurt another provider. This, along with some kind of expiration system with time or something, would make it way too much work, for any pissed off provider to try and use as a weapon. At least I would think so.

Also, why not allow providers to challenge it? I would gladly find a way to take a picture of my call log if it was requested.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I read this and thought it was a brilliant idea. However, I will tell you that eccie most likely will not be able to add such feature. NCNS does not happen to everyone. I've never experienced NCNS, I know I am not the only one that hasn't experienced it. If I were a guy and a lady NCNS'd me, I'd move on and not dwell on it as I would feel she probably wasn't worth my time anyway.

Good luck OP. I hope you find the perfect companion for you.

Pica Flor's Avatar
If I were a guy and a lady NCNS'd me, I'd move on and not dwell on it as I would feel she probably wasn't worth my time anyway. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
Bingo, get over it op and move on, you will not solve the problem, NCNS happens, double booking happens, providers not being on time happens. I will wait 15 over the agreed time and move on.
Been hobbying for six years and never had a NCNS. Maybe it's luck, maybe not, but I always book 24+ hours in advance and text to confirm several hours before the appt.

Ladies, does the above behavior make a difference to you?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Uhm the people on this site are volunteers, there is no way they are gonna spend amount of time you're suggesting to track down how true a ncns is.

Two things....

Name her and move on or....

Don't name her and give her another chance....

It's simple really.