Which Internet Personality Are You?

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  • 02-07-2010, 08:31 PM
You can live in a country that truly supports free speech, it's still fair to make death threats, harassment and slander illegal.
[/url] Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Laughing at people that continually make ignorant self serving statements hardly falls into those three things. Yet regulating speech beyond that is what you propose.

China is trying to do similar things to Google... and to be fair Google wants to control content. Right now they want to do it on free speech grounds, yet who is to say what they will do if and when they control content. So from that standpoint , one can see China's quandary. That is why free speech and competition are so important.

Of course I fall on the side of free speech, which includes the internet...I would not say anything on the internet that I would not say to someone's face.

I always got into trouble for giggling at pompous people since jrhigh. So for me it is just who I am. I know some think that you can make laws where I can't laugh at that type of pompous behavior. I counter with why not making a law against pompous behavior. Personally I think both are dumb proposals. What came first. . . Pompous self serving behavior or people that make fun of people that are self serving pomkans!

Without laws, standards, regulators and adherence, we are totally without freedom, imprisoned by anarchy.

[/url] Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
The correct term is 'without 'just' laws".

For anyone to argue that you must adhere to my view or the societal view of so called just laws discounts hundreds and hundreds of years of progress of overturning 'un-just' laws.

The internet is no different, it's an accurate reflection of the constructs we already have.
[/url] Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
The beautiful about the internet was it wild west aspect. Just as there is a Laffer Curve for the most efficient tax rate their will be a WTF Curve on the overburden of laws on behavior and thus freedoms via the internet.

The only real difference is that more people feel comfortable joining the Theatre of Hate online because they don't have to look another human being in the eye as they choose to compose awful things.
[/url] Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
People lie cheat and steal in real life to advance their self intrest...why is the internet any different?

I still think statistics wins out over the internet in that sense Originally Posted by discreetgent
LOL , I would have to agree.
notdeadyet's Avatar
The general anonymity of the internet encourages some people to say things that they would never say -- or even consider saying -- in a one-on-one, face-to-face meeting. In that sense, the internet is similar to the telephone, or even to a mob.

Most Americans are big believers in political free speech, and our "free speech" (political and otherwise) is a lot freer than that in virtually any other country. But, once you move out of the political speech area, there's nothing wrong with a society or organization regulating the speech within it, either by its laws or its social mores or both. Any organization/society that we join voluntarily has every right to impose whatever speech rules it finds appropriate. And, if we don't like the rules, we can leave the organization. Similarly, such an organization is not obligated to tolerate, in the name of "free speech", the abuse of its speech rules.
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  • 02-07-2010, 09:26 PM
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_bvT-DGcWw"]YouTube- Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall[/ame]

Let's hope they do not ban reviews on the internet. Or advertising certain services.

And the preceding posts are fine examples of some of the "Internet personalities" from Nicole's link in action!
Similarly, such an organization is not obligated to tolerate, in the name of "free speech", the abuse of its speech rules. Originally Posted by notdeadyet
Or the abuse of it's community members using speech. Abusive and destructive behaviour should never be tolerated. Communities are locked in an ongoing evolution and negotiation regarding their standards. Change can still occur within bounded respect for individuals and their choices. Not agreeing isn't a reason to degrade or mock.

It's a shame that in this list of forum persona's the negative characteristics so outnumber the positive ones. Explains why so many forums have a horrible atmosphere.

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
Albert Einstein
Guest012211-3's Avatar
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  • 02-08-2010, 03:21 PM

This may explain a few things... Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Explain it indeed.

Good God Girl...sign you up for Med School. You have diagnosed our forum's problems to a T!

I think I love you

IED Girl: Hey guys I made this Photoshop, can I get some constructive criticism?
Normal poster: You might want to cut six or seven of the lens flares.

Munchausen Syndrome.

The basis of need here is the same as the attention-seekers above, only these people will only settle for the positive and sympathetic attention that comes with being sick or some other kind of distress. You know, without the whole "actually being sick" thing to bog them down.