Secret-Agent Side-Kick Assistant Services and More

Secret-Agent Side-Kick Services

Whether you're a caped crusader or lurking in the shadows, two heads are always better than one.
You juggle many hats, many personalites, and many responsibilites.
How can you save the world or take over the world without any help ?
That's what I'm here for, you determine how much or how little you need from me, you're the boss, you call the shots. But, the one thing you will know is that there is someone there to do all the grunt work and has your back.

What exactly do we do ?

Answering your email
Taking calls and voicemail messages
Professional/Confidential Client Relations
Thoroughly screen your clients
Check provider references
Schedule your appointments
Manage your schedule
Pre-appointment follow-up with clients
Post appointment follow-up with you
Post appointment follow-up with clients
Create a mailing list for your home city and/or the cities you tour
Create a safety protocol for you
Creating/Posting your ads

Developing an ad placement schedule
Identifying the best markets in which to place your ads
Building and Maintaining of Social Media Sites
Book and reserve incall locations
Help with your touring schedule with your bookings and itinerary
Administrative Management
Developing and maintaining Client database online
Create and maintaining a mailing list for your home city and/or the cities you tour

Project Collaberation and Pooling Ideas

Can work remotely where ever you are

Personal tasks and lists accomplished per request
Recommendations and suggestions per your request
Available to you on call by your hours as needed
Upping your Brand in the industry which in turn allows you to charge higher rates.
Identifying your ideal client and developing a Brand that targets them
Building a solid business plan giving you maximum professional exposure on the internet
Access to Resources such as local photographers, web designers, work supplies, computer security etc...
Access to Money Management resources such as Accountant, Bankers, Wealth Management Brokers

And that's just for starters..

Why do you need help?

Having a personal assistant allows you to focus on more important things other than answering emails, taking phone calls, updating your website, and a myriad of other things you'd rather not be doing . Having a Secret-Agent Side-Kick, maximizes your time and allows you to make the most out of your schedule so you can focus on the things and people that actually matter. It free's up you so you can focus on spending time with your clients and making money. It's not about working harder but working smarter.

What could you accomplish with an extra set of hands??

Let's Talk
  • Sandy
  • 09-12-2013, 04:26 PM
When did you start this business?
Do you have any clients yet?
Are you a bonded agent?
I would like to see or hear some reviews.
Like other agents, why not just take a cut of the what the girls make from your help instead of up front money?
It looks like your a working girl too, but I don't see a brand name..
I'm just saying, how can you make a brand name for someone else when you yourself don't have one?
Your own website is from
Your asking $275- $475 A WEEK for these services.. paid with a prepaid ?
If this is a legitimate business why can't we pay with a credit card?

I need proof that it is worth it before I start giving my money to someone.
When did you start this business?
Do you have any clients yet?
Are you a bonded agent?
I would like to see or hear some reviews.
Like other agents, why not just take a cut of the what the girls make from your help instead of up front money?
It looks like your a working girl too, but I don't see a brand name..
I'm just saying, how can you make a brand name for someone else when you yourself don't have one?
Your own website is from
Your asking $275- $475 A WEEK for these services.. paid with a prepaid ?
If this is a legitimate business why can't we pay with a credit card?

I need proof that it is worth it before I start giving my money to someone. Originally Posted by Miss Ivory
Thankyou for asking, I enjoy any opportunity I get to talk about the how's and why's of this work ..

I'm not new to this, I have clients and have been doing PA work for over 6 years and PA work in this industry for a little over 3 years and will be posting testimonials , but im sure you are aware for privacy issues im not going to go blaring a client list . That would break client confidentiality. Which is something that is taken very seriously in this industry.

In regards to my provider work, it is part-time and secondary.
My primary focus in this industry as well as outside this industry is PR, Marketing, Promotions, Portfolio Development, Consulting and Events.
So for myself I went with a more cost effective budgeted way of branding myself in that aspect.
I wasnt aware you had to have a non site to be considered established since quite a few providers utilize the escortfiles as well as escort site to set up their starter sites.. I like using escortfiles myself because I think their templates are better, and it acts as an example for ladies starting out in this business. Its a cost effective way of going as well as Wix, Weebly and a few other free setup websites, since one of the things I focus on is starting up and working within budgets. But I also have quite a few resources to direct clients to who are ready to take the next step into expanding themselves when the time is right for them to do so.

In regards to branding yourself, each person is different in regards how they wish to brand themselves and how much or how little they wish to get out of it, so assuming that everyone has the same exact goals doesnt seem logical.

I think you took the "Agent" title too literally instead of the fact that its a creative way to market assistant services. There are alot of Concierge or Personal Assistant sites that plainly state thats exactly what they are,, but myself I have a flair for the creative arts since Ive worked in Theatre, Art, Media, and the Entertainment Industry for 15+ years..

When deciding to build the site, I thought about wanting to put a creative twist to it,, henceforth the Secret-Agent Side-Kick..
Secret-Agent referring to the handling of alot of discretionary and private information ,,Side-Kick because well, as you know every Heroine or Villainess needs a savvy Side-Kick if they wish to either save or take over the world..
The world being what their goals are for themselves in this industry..

As far as being paid in advance, its no different when you are a provider and you are paid in advance to secure your time. And my rates are competitive with other Assistants and Concierge Services, as a matter of fact, alot of sites offered a flat weekly rate plus a percentage, or they offered a fee per screen a fee for this, a fee for that and everything was ala carte.
I choose for myself to do tiered packages. Because some clients only need the basics and some clients want the whole kit and kaboodle.
In regards to the choices of payment, in working with the clients I have, it was their preferred method of payment for the work I do for them because its their preferred method of payment for the work they do.
And Im aware of a few Pro-Assistants that were scammed when they accepted credit card payments, so I shy away from electronic payments like that as well as checks. I send out invoices and receipts when they are requested of me, But lets be honest, some clients prefer not to have a paper trail and some prefer to be meticulous about a paper trail, and as someone who is a Personal Assistant, I work around my clients comfort level and what they want, not the way someone else thinks it should be done.

There are alot of "Legitimate" Providers, are they not "legitimate" if they dont accept credit cards ?

In the provider community where clients have a huge pool to select from,
all they simply have to do is research to find the provider that best suits them.
Well its exactly the same when you are looking for an Assistant.
And there are alot of fantastic Assistants out there so I encourage Providers to do their research and find the one that best fits them. Especially when it comes to finding the right Assistant, they're your "right hand man" so to speak, and you will be putting alot of trust and faith in them to handle your brand professionally and exactly the way you want it to be done.

I always welcome the opportunity to discuss my work and be interviewed to see if Im a fit and if I am AWESOME, and if not, I can make some recommendations to other Assistants who may be a better fit for you..

Happy Hunting
So for myself I went with a more cost effective budgeted way of branding myself in that aspect. I wasnt aware you had to have a non site to be considered established since quite a few providers utilize the escortfiles as well as escort site to set up their starter sites.. Originally Posted by curvycatrina
Miss Ivory brought up some EXCELLENT questions, thanks for answering them, Catrina, because I was curious about some of those things myself. My clients are always looking for good PA’s, but I rarely make recommendations because it’s really hard to find ones who are established, professional AND trustworthy. You sound like you’ve got the right idea, although I have to agree with Ivory about the image part. If you’re marketing yourself as someone who can help a provider upgrade her image so she can charge higher rates, having an escort files site yourself isn’t exactly driving the point home. And that is going to be one of the first things ladies are going to look at.

As far as charging an up front fee, I’ve seen it done both ways. If you were a true agent, then it’s customary to be paid a percentage, since you would be actively getting new leads and new work, you’d be paid for performance. But based on your description it seems that you’re mostly just managing what they already have (or maximizing it), so an up front fee is fair enough..

And on a final note, the fact that you’re a provider yourself can be viewed as a plus, but I don't know if I would bring attention to it because some may see it as a negative. On one hand you have first-hand knowledge of the ins and outs of the biz. But on the other hand, ladies are going to be trusting you with all their contacts, and the fact that you still ‘dabble’ yourself, some might see that as a possible conflict of interest. So tying your two ventures together could work for you but it might also work against you.

The fact that you answered all the questions without attitude shows that you’re open to constructive criticism, so that’s why I’m offering my two cents.

By the way, the secret agent sidekick thing is a cute angle ;-) Best of luck to ya!

Miss Ivory brought up some EXCELLENT questions, thanks for answering them, Catrina, because I was curious about some of those things myself. My clients are always looking for good PA’s, but I rarely make recommendations because it’s really hard to find ones who are established, professional AND trustworthy. You sound like you’ve got the right idea, although I have to agree with Ivory about the image part. If you’re marketing yourself as someone who can help a provider upgrade her image so she can charge higher rates, having an escort files site yourself isn’t exactly driving the point home. And that is going to be one of the first things ladies are going to look at.

As far as charging an up front fee, I’ve seen it done both ways. If you were a true agent, then it’s customary to be paid a percentage, since you would be actively getting new leads and new work, you’d be paid for performance. But based on your description it seems that you’re mostly just managing what they already have (or maximizing it), so an up front fee is fair enough..

And on a final note, the fact that you’re a provider yourself can be viewed as a plus, but I don't know if I would bring attention to it because some may see it as a negative. On one hand you have first-hand knowledge of the ins and outs of the biz. But on the other hand, ladies are going to be trusting you with all their contacts, and the fact that you still ‘dabble’ yourself, some might see that as a possible conflict of interest. So tying your two ventures together could work for you but it might also work against you.

The fact that you answered all the questions without attitude shows that you’re open to constructive criticism, so that’s why I’m offering my two cents.

By the way, the secret agent sidekick thing is a cute angle ;-) Best of luck to ya!

Originally Posted by GoodGirlMedia
Great points and again I love the opportunity to discuss the approach I take ..
I thought I explained the escortsite in my first response.. but let me go into it a little bit more.
Alot of providers starting out do not have websites at all. Escortdesign, Escortfiles are great resources for starter sites for those starting out in the business. As well as Wix, and Weebly.. These sites offer free of charge web presence, in exchange for banner advertising .. the reason I keep my escort site is that it also acts as an example, so when im meeting with a client, I can show her/him , this is how you can make one of those free sites work for you. Since web presence isnt just about the site you chose, but your wording, your pictures/ gallery, your presentation. Since a majority of the clients I work with are starting out, I keep my web presence on the starter sites to use them as examples. Its a great way to sit side by side with clients and log into my tool bars and show them how simple it is to update those sites and ad content..
Plus my being a provider is part-time and is more cost effective for me because I am part-time. By all means, I do have excellent resources in web-design from my many years of networking to direct clients to. This isnt the only industry I work with as well, so ive been pretty lucky to have access to alot of professionals in other industries that are provider friendly.
I also feel that it comes across as a bit more down to earth to have starter sites and less like playing favorites to specific web designers in my network.
You see alot of provider sites from specific designers that all look cookie cutter and the same, and I think with the variety of creativity in the web design market that there is a bigger pool to chose from than what we commonly see.

Again with the Agent thing, You see alot of agencies doing the percentage thing and for legality reasons I stay away from the percentage thing, and thats how I chose to do rates on my tiered packaged. And my use of the word agent was for Creative advertising.

As far as being a provider and a PA, Ive been doing PA, Marketing and Servicing Clients that way than I have been a provider. And Im a professional, I am a niche market providers with a certain type of client that I appeal to and have an established regular clientele and am happy with my little piece of the pie. I am very astute in the ability to separate the two.
All the clients that I have worked with have felt more comfortable with me because of the fact that I understand just as much as the client does the need for anonymity, privacy and discretion. And ive been lucky so far to connect with clients who prefer that.

I think whats really important to emphasize is everyone is unique in what they want out of this industry and how they want to market themselves, there isnt one specific way that works for everyone, and picking out the right assistant involves taking the time to do the research and to interview many to find the one that best fits who you are and what goals you want to reach.
And I always welcome the opportunity for a phone call and a conversation.
Im candid enough to say im not the perfect fit for everyone, but there are those out there of whom I am.

Thankyou again for the input
Thankyou ladies for the lovely PM's im looking forward to seeing how we can put our heads together !!

~Cat xoxo
Alot of providers starting out do not have websites at all.. These sites offer free of charge web presence, in exchange for banner advertising .. the reason I keep my escort site is that it also acts as an example, so when im meeting with a client, I can show her/him , this is how you can make one of those free sites work for you. Originally Posted by curvycatrina
Thanks for the detailed response! If you're sitting down with a brand-new provider to show them how they can get set up with zero budget, then yes, an escortfiles site serves as a great example. But if you're showing how a provider can 'up their brand so they can charge more' then not so much.

I understand it's a personal choice for you, something just seems to be conflicting here. If a provider is just starting out and can't even break off $300 for a real website, then how can she afford to pay you a $275 weekly fee, $1100 a month?
[QUOTE=GoodGirlMedia;1053984745]Thanks for the detailed response! If you're sitting down with a brand-new provider to show them how they can get set up with zero budget, then yes, an escortfiles site serves as a great example. But if you're showing how a provider can 'up their brand so they can charge more' then not so much.

I understand it's a personal choice for you, something just seems to be conflicting here. If a provider is just starting out and can't even break off $300 for a real website, then how can she afford to pay you a $275 weekly fee, $1100 a month?[/QUOTE

Fantastic another opportunity to answer more questions.

There is nothing conflicting about charging a competitive rate for professional services. Again, just like providers the services out there come in all different packages and I encourage potential clients that contact me to research the other services out there to find the one's that best suit their needs and how they want to brand themselves.

You are aware not all providers want or need a website because they chose to soley operate UTR ? Another thing , I can sit down side by side with a provider and show her how she can set up her own website with her own idea and her own personal elements without having to go through a website designer, simply by upgrading from the free site to a monthly package. But for those that want to spend the $300 I direct them to the list of website designers in my network who build a site that is user and content friendly.
But I have a list of the website designers I have cultivated professional relationships with and go over their packages with providers if they chose to purchase a site rather than build one themselves.

I have also shown providers how to take magazine quality pictures using a camera and some simple editing tools, so they dont have to drop thousands of dollars on pictures every year.

There is nothing conflicting with the rates I charge they are pretty standard with alot of the rates for the services I offer. When I looked around there are quite a few Assistant Services that charge $24-$45 per screen and thats with no guarantee of booking and that was strictly screening with no assistance with ad posting, bookings scheduling etc.. and then there are alot of PA's that charge a weekly rate. A few of them charging alot more for alot less services. Actually I took quite a few things into consideration, and factored out what it would cost individually for these services, and how much these services are worth in a corporate freelance market.
And I dont work just specifically for Providers, I have done assistant work for a myriad of different clients who work in this industry and others.

But again I encourage all potential clients that contact me to go research and find the Assistant that best fits them.

For instance, I looked at your provider website packages, which look almost exactly like the popular Veda Designs Sites and Cuties Tools Sites and ton of other look alike templates and I have designers that could offer the same type of package and template at half the cost of what you charge, so why would you charge $700 for something a Provider can get for $300?
So I find it a little conflicting that you keep pointing out my costs..

But I'm sure you understand when charging for your services its about Quality not Quantity..
I offer one on one and the establishment of a long term professional relationship built on trust and a connection,, Its not just a dial-up-an-assistant.

I understand that this is a competitive market and that there are alot of great support services out there for providers, and im very happy with to be a part of that market.

Thankyou again for the great questions

Thankyou for all the awesome PM's and being so welcoming ladies!!

~Cat xoxo
Sorry if I offended you, I was not trying to 'take it there'. There was nothing in my posts that called your business ethics into question, as you're doing to me now.

My comments were not meant to be a personal jab, but maybe you took it that way since you’re now accusing me of copying other designers. Catrina, I've been in business over 15 years, longer than any other escort web design company in the industry. My look has been imitated (badly) countless times by quite a few 'designers' including a couple on this board. So if there are any similarities between one of my sites and someone else's I assure you that they copied my style, not the other way around. Just a few weeks ago, Cuties Tools had to completely redesign a site they built for a provider, because it was a clear copyright infringement of one of MY designs. And yes, I have the web archive files to prove it.

And as far as my rates, the $700 rate is for our standard package, and that is simply what is listed on my website for people who come across my services from that direction. We always have unadvertised packages available, and as I've mentioned here before, our rates are much lower for Eccie members and others to whom I reach out personally. Just wanted to clear that up.

By the way, if you have ANY evidence to back up your accusation, I'd love to see the sites that you claim are similar, and let's compare the dates that they were built ;-)
Sorry if I offended you, I was not trying to 'take it there'. There was nothing in my posts that called your business ethics into question, as you're doing to me now.

My comments were not meant to be a personal jab, but maybe you took it that way since you’re now accusing me of copying other designers. Catrina, I've been in business over 15 years, longer than any other escort web design company in the industry. My look has been imitated (badly) countless times by quite a few 'designers' including a couple on this board. So if there are any similarities between one of my sites and someone else's I assure you that they copied my style, not the other way around. Just a few weeks ago, Cuties Tools had to completely redesign a site they built for a provider, because it was a clear copyright infringement of one of MY designs. And yes, I have the web archive files to prove it.

And as far as my rates, the $700 rate is for our standard package, and that is simply what is listed on my website for people who come across my services from that direction. We always have unadvertised packages available, and as I've mentioned here before, our rates are much lower for Eccie members and others to whom I reach out personally. Just wanted to clear that up.

By the way, if you have ANY evidence to back up your accusation, I'd love to see the sites that you claim are similar, and let's compare the dates that they were built ;-) Originally Posted by GoodGirlMedia
I think it was pretty clear in your last message that you are being a bit negative a little abrasive with your line of questioning under a constructive criticism guise.
All of the websites I've found that are associated with your name , your escort directory has a copyright of 2011 and your website services has a copyright date of 2013 by Upscale Art.
And again regardless if you imitated someone or someone imitated you, the market is now flooded with sites that all look the same. Which means no one has taken a progressive step forward to maybe come up with something new, or has bothered showing a provider how she can take her own flair for creativity and build her own site. Build her own content, write her own copy, and take/edit her own pictures, without having to spend alot of money on a bunch of other people to do all that.

And there are designers that offer the same package that you advertise for $700 for much more and their are designers that offer the same package you do for much less, regardless of all the specials you run for ECCIE.
So I pointed out how conflicting your argument was about Providers dropping $300 on a site , when you dont even publicly offer a $300 site.

Its disappointing that its your attitude is what I have commonly found that instead of taking a welcoming approach, you came across a tad bit stand offish. Where as you could have easily spoke in PM's and discussed collaborating, you have made your somewhat disapproving tone public. I've been pretty kosher about answering your questions. But as someone who works with providers I would think you would know how uncouth it is to discuss or question someone's rates.

And I can tell by your response that you didnt appreciate the questioning about your rates either.
So lets stop with the leading questions and skepticism.

Statistics show that there are over 1,000,000 women in the US working as Companions.. out of that million I only service a handful and I mean a handful of clients.. again I believe in Quality of service not Quantity. I am just me. I've received some fantastic responses from the ad I've posted. And have set up some interviews with some lovely ladies that im looking forward to speaking with to see if we are a fit.

Im not looking to help you and your business, Im looking to help providers/companions with theirs. So it seems to me that we should be on the same page rather than going back and forth with these questions.
I went through the Business listings before I posted my ad and saw at most 2 ads offering the same services I do. There is a need for Professional, Experienced Assistants in this industry and there are very few of them out there.

I'll gladly take referrals, with gratitude , but if you dont feel the answers I gave to your questions already were up to par enough for your referrals, its ok, because I have alot of other avenues in which I generate referrals.
But truth be told , you're not my potential client, I dont work directly for businesses, I work with strictly individuals such as the women who messaged me and emailed me and answering their questions and taking time out of my day to have conversations with them is more of a priority than getting further questioned by you. So please stop and allow the women who wish to interview me do so on their time. If you have any more questions please do so in email or PM. but id really like to open the thread to the ladies who have questions for me rather than going back and forth with another vendor.

Good luck in your endeavors and I wish you all the best..

Hi Cat,

Let me start by Saying WELCOME... I am your direct competitor in some way but I am very happy to see you here. I truly believe that there is enough pie for everyone in this industry and good competition is always a plus. I can see philosophically you and I have a similar approach as well.
I love your style and spirit and I hope you do very well.
I won't quote any thing here because you have spoken up for yourself well and your detractor's mission is clear...Plus Everything you say. you say so well.

I am not sure why some members have appointed themselves the judge and jury of business plans and ideas here on this board and certainly because we have a similar approach I have nothing but positive for you. But even if we were different I would welcome you all the same.

It's a down right shame that the approach in the forum is always "welcome by firing squad", but get use it. You succeed just fine in spite of it because I can see you are a positive force with a clear vision for what you want to accomplish. It worked for me and it will for you.
I have seen your blogging and articles around and I admire your work!
Hi Cat,

Let me start by Saying WELCOME... I am your direct competitor in some way but I am very happy to see you here. I truly believe that there is enough pie for everyone in this industry and good competition is always a plus. I can see philosophically you and I have a similar approach as well.
I love your style and spirit and I hope you do very well.
I won't quote any thing here because you have spoken up for yourself well and your detractor's mission is clear...Plus Everything you say. you say so well.

I am not sure why some members have appointed themselves the judge and jury of business plans and ideas here on this board and certainly because we have a similar approach I have nothing but positive for you. But even if we were different I would welcome you all the same.

It's a down right shame that the approach in the forum is always "welcome by firing squad", but get use it. You succeed just fine in spite of it because I can see you are a positive force with a clear vision for what you want to accomplish. It worked for me and it will for you.
I have seen your blogging and articles around and I admire your work! Originally Posted by MagnificMedia
Thankyou , thankyou, thankyou so much, Finally a friendly voice..
I dont get the whole "Let's run them through the gauntlet" thing either.
Its such a huge industry with alot of participants, its good to know there are a variety of professionals out there to help. We're all on the same team..
Thanks for your lovely message, it was a breathe of fresh air

~Cat xoxo
I dont get the whole "Let's run them through the gauntlet" thing either. Originally Posted by curvycatrina
It didn’t start out as a gauntlet. Miss Ivory asked some perfectly legitimate questions, and the main issue still stands: you say you can help providers improve their image and charge more, but your own image says different. Period. Where is your proof? Trying to shift the focus to my credibility only proves further that you have zero evidence to back up your lofty claims. So pardon me if I have a disapproving ‘tone’. As a personal assistant you’re asking ladies to put the ultimate trust in you. You shouldn’t post on this board for something like that if you’re not prepared to be scrutinized.

I’ll gladly bow out of this conversation now rather than keep going in circles. The point has been made, and most of the ladies on this board are super-savvy with working BS detectors. So if you're legit and can actually deliver on your promises, then you'll do fine. If not, these things have a way of working themselves out ;-)

Best of luck to you too!
Miss Ivory asked some perfectly legitimate questions, Originally Posted by GoodGirlMedia
Yes Miss Ivory asked the questions. Miss Ivory was apparently satisfied with the answers because she has had no more to ask or say.

and the main issue still stands: you say you can help providers improve their image and charge more, but your own image says different. Originally Posted by GoodGirlMedia
Personally I think Cats image is sharp intuitive and forward thinking. See this is an opinion just like what you said is an opinion. Not fact

Where is your proof? Originally Posted by GoodGirlMedia
Proof of what? Image improvement is subjective from any angle you look at it. But helping ladies in this business improve their business, organizational skills, screening technique and more is always an improvement. Will she be the right fit for all no just as I am not but that's why we need more than one person doing similar things.

Trying to shift the focus to my credibility only proves further that you have zero evidence to back up your lofty claims. So pardon me if I have a disapproving ‘tone’. As a personal assistant you’re asking ladies to put the ultimate trust in you. You shouldn’t post on this board for something like that if you’re not prepared to be scrutinized. Originally Posted by GoodGirlMedia

as far as I can tell Cat has not tried to shift the focus. She has answered your questions openly and honestly. You may not agree but that is different. This was her Advertisement. You have no purpose to Scrutinize her. You don't need her services.

She like myself is asking the same question of you that I am sure at this point...
...If most the ladies have BS detectors and things have a way of working themselves out, then why do you always feel the need (every time a business comes along that infringes slightly on your turf) to find that business and it's new or different concept threatening?
New ways to do things in business, New concepts, Bright ideas.... These are the corner stones of business my dear. It appears from where I sit you are are using scrutiny as an excuse to detract from Cat and her business advertisement. Is it that you feel threatened and if you shouldn't. Please don't use the "but I hate to see ladies get taken advantage of by BS" because for even those whose BS detectors might be broken NO ONE HAS PUT YOU IN CHARGE OF FINDING THE BS HERE.
It certainly it appears there is none to find. Which is why you now bow out right!

I’ll gladly bow out of this conversation now rather than keep going in circles. The point has been made, and most of the ladies on this board are super-savvy with working BS detectors. So if you're legit and can actually deliver on your promises, then you'll do fine. If not, these things have a way of working themselves out ;-)

Best of luck to you too! Originally Posted by GoodGirlMedia
I remember just 2 short years ago you and others were doing the same exact thing to me when I first showed up on this board.

It didn't help anyone then and it isn't now. You've been banned for this. I have been banned for this so let's not make the same mistakes.

Lets welcome our fellow adult business colleagues with open arms because you are right that it will work it's self out. You were wrong in my case... Because I have fared very well with my new concepts in business and I am sure Cat will as well. There has been no point made of Cat You on the other hand...It truly just make you look desperate and you are not You are talented and hard working so just go with that.

all the best to you and all who wish to be in this industry Right?