The Obama's secretly lavished themselves with an "Alice In Wonderland" theme party and were so embarassed by the over-the-top extravagance they held it secretly in the White House.

This occurred during the depths of our "depression".....the Obama's were feted by wealthy hollywood celebrites and such.....

“White House officials were so nervous about how a splashy, Hollywood-esque party would look to jobless Americans — or their representatives in Congress, who would soon vote on health care"..............

As Carroll's Queen of Heart's might quip: "Off With Their Heads".....figuratively speaking of course (i.e. vote the pair of them out of office).
joe bloe's Avatar
The Obama's secretly lavished themselves with an "Alice In Wonderland" theme party and were so embarassed by the over-the-top extravagance they held it secretly in the White House.

This occurred during the depths of our "depression".....the Obama's were feted by wealthy hollywood celebrites and such.....

“White House officials were so nervous about how a splashy, Hollywood-esque party would look to jobless Americans — or their representatives in Congress, who would soon vote on health care"..............

As Carroll's Queen of Heart's might quip: "Off With Their Heads".....figuratively speaking of course (i.e. vote the pair of them out of office).

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

This is just the sort of opulence that was seen in the court of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The country was bankrupt and they squandered the treasury. Finally the people of France rose up in revolution. If a Republican president had held a party like that it would have been front page news above the fold.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It was announced over two years ago that Wednesday was party night at the White House. Celebrities vie for an invitation to those low key events to hear Herbie Hancock, Earth, Wind, and Fire, and Quincy Jones.
waverunner234's Avatar
I love lavish parties, and when I have one, I'm really not gonna turn it down because someone else has a depression.
Only time in the history of the USA there has been a party at the white house.shameful
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some people just don't get it.
BigLouie's Avatar
I guess all those shopping trips that Laura Bush took to Paris and Europe with her daughters and then had the staff come up with phoney diplomatic reasons for the trip so the government would pay for the trips along with her trips to South Africa are o.k. with you then.

Plus I noticed your story was written by the New York Post. Really? I am surprised they did mention space aliens attended also.
waverunner234's Avatar
I guess all those shopping trips that Laura Bush took to Paris and Europe with her daughters and then had the staff come up with phoney diplomatic reasons for the trip so the government would pay for the trips along with her trips to South Africa are o.k. with you then.

Plus I noticed your story was written by the New York Post. Really? I am surprised they did mention space aliens attended also. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Of course, for some reason everything Obama does is doomed but the same things their idols did are not mentioned.

Constant, over-the-top extvagance during. "The Worst Economic Recession Since The Great Depression" isn't cool..

And the White House knew it and kept it quiet.
waverunner234's Avatar
Being you isn't "cool"!!
With the Obamazombies it always comes down to that, doesn't it?

You can't win the arguement based on ideas and facts so you resort to personal attacks.

Cheers for acting according to script.

Being you isn't "cool"!! Originally Posted by waverunner234
Some people just don't get it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
you are right they are called republicans
Iaintliein's Avatar
So,how much did this hit the taxpayer for? If the actors etc. did this on their own, it's no big deal, if it was a paid gig, then it's a different story. Hollywood comes to worship socialists in the white house, Nashville comes to worship neo-cons in the white house.

We've got much, much bigger issues thanks to the POSITOO than this.
We don't know how much this cost us....the Obama's aren't saying !

And I supose all of your posts are about noble and high minded affairs of state !

So,how much did this hit the taxpayer for? If the actors etc. did this on their own, it's no big deal, if it was a paid gig, then it's a different story. Hollywood comes to worship socialists in the white house, Nashville comes to worship neo-cons in the white house.

We've got much, much bigger issues thanks to the POSITOO than this. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Roothead's Avatar
This is not "new news" - these events happen all the time, in good times and bad, for both the Dems and Repubs.....for each "gotcha" the right has for the left, the left has for the right.....

same old shit different day / different political party..... the whole bunch are wrong and right at the same time.... nothing new here.... and a waste of time to even bring it up, hence the Murdoch rags focus on it