Indian Men

I came across this BP ad -


Providers, what is your opinion of Indian men as hobbyists?

Are Indian clients more difficult? If so in what way, and any tips to help them be better for you??
OK I would like to answer this. First off, I have no racial policies. But many women do. I will comment on the Indian thing. There is no way to explain this without being offensive and I'm sorry. But you asked and I am giving you my 2 cents....Indian men cook with alot of curry and they tend to have a weird odor. Many Indian men do not believe in wearing deodorant. Alot of chicks don't want to see Indian dudes for this reason, the smells.

Do you want a tip? Just be clean and shower. Wear deodorant and do not smell of curry.
I'm Indian and am not offended at all.. I come across Indians at work, men and women, who do smell wierd. Not all Indians are like that, but I can see how the BO issue would make providers wary.
Thanks for the tip I hope all Indian guys get to read this...

Just wondering if there are any other reasons as well - no tipping? not arriving leaving on time? unusual requests?
Some of my favorite clients are Indian men. They can be pretty awesome. However, I do have a problem with Indian men wanting to haggle sometimes, I'd say slightly more often than other races, but perhaps that's just my experience. Never really had much of an odor problem with them, myself. Sometimes if they have a really strong accent, the language barrier can be a bit of a problem for me. Also noticed that they tend to be more aggressive, but not necessarily in a bad way. I'd say with a couple of conversations before meeting, most of the Indian men that make it to my door are pretty awesome.
I'm Indian and am not offended at all.. I come across Indians at work, men and women, who do smell wierd. Not all Indians are like that, but I can see how the BO issue would make providers wary.
Thanks for the tip I hope all Indian guys get to read this...

Just wondering if there are any other reasons as well - no tipping? not arriving leaving on time? unusual requests? Originally Posted by wysiwyg142
Indian people have no bad reputation to whites as far as I know. I'm telling you, it's the smell thing. True, not ALL Indian people smell, but many do. And it's the smell of curry/B.O. that Americans don't like. It has nothing to do with your demeanor or actions. Just the odd smells. I've met Indians and they were all very nice. A couple stunk of curry but the other 2 didn't.

I always get haggled by Indian men also. But I think Asian men are the biggest hagglers of all. Irish men seem to be cheap, like they want you to stay longer when your time is up. Tight wads.
Guest062512's Avatar
Actually, many women seem to find my loincloth and mocassins very int... oh... wait...

OK I would like to answer this. First off, I have no racial policies. But many women do. I will comment on the Indian thing. There is no way to explain this without being offensive and I'm sorry. But you asked and I am giving you my 2 cents....Indian men cook with alot of curry and they tend to have a weird odor. Many Indian men do not believe in wearing deodorant. Alot of chicks don't want to see Indian dudes for this reason, the smells.

Do you want a tip? Just be clean and shower. Wear deodorant and do not smell of curry. Originally Posted by incognito isis

what handle do you use as a provider incognito isis?

I want to see your new boobs and need a link
true_whatever's Avatar
That depends. I know a lot of indian guys. I've known both types.

Are we talking about the stereotyped "FOB" indians with all of the traits pointed out in this thread?

Or are we talking about the more hip, modern Indians such as...

John Abraham:

Or the famous Shah Rukh Khan:

In my extensive experience in dealing with Indian culture, they are just like every other culture and ethnicity - you have the bad and the good. And the Indian guys that fall into the "good" category have women throwing themselves at them.

Disclaimer in case it matters: I am not Indian.
I personally don't discriminate on race either. I find the varying skin tones sexy - especially when in contrast to my pale freckled skin.

With Indian men - I've never had any that have had a foul odor. I think I might have expected them to, only because I've run into them in public places. But when it comes down to time to get buck nekid and rock eachothers' world - everyone has been clean and refreshing.

(and interesting enough - quite on the young side for the average client. AT least in my case.)

@incognito...I have to say there's at least one other race mentioned here in this thread, that I tend to go over with. but i'll probably have my head ripped off by some old timers if I even go there. (but my thickness should say what type of men I normally attract....and I'll leave it at that.)
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 04-25-2011, 08:05 AM
Not all Indian men are the same. They have diffeernt culture depending on which part of India they come from, just like the chinese. All Indian men don't smell the same.
I always joke that I am an Indian guy magnet, because I end up with a lot of Indian clients, Hindi and Christian, even a few Sikhs. Maybe it is my height, or my coloring, who knows. They all have different personalities, just like white, Hispanic, AA, or other Asian guys. Some can be pushy, some are sweethearts, some tip, some don't. They just happen to be a different shade of brown and sometimes have accents, lol.

I have found that the Indian men I have personally met that are the worst hagglers all tended to run in the same social circles. I am convinced that it is a cultural thing, and easily bypassed by standing your ground and stating your no haggle rule. I have actually had two or three that I have had to cut off completely, but only because they refuse to honor my no-haggle rule. Honestly I think they just don't understand that the more upscale American Provider (or at least THIS American provider) doesn't play the haggle game. Just a cultural misunderstanding. But by no stretch of the imagination are Indian men worse hagglers than the American guys or anyone else I have come across. I wouldn't lump them into that category! I have a few white guys I have had to cut off due to my no haggle rule too, so there!

I do think a lot of ladies get scared away by the different smells. The curries in their diet and the different ethnic products they use (mints, tobacco-like dips, lotions) are very foreign aromas to some. Just think of it like "back in the day" when we all weren't used to the ethnic products that folks from Mexico use, but now we don't pay much mind at all and have even incorporated them into our cuisine and hygiene routines.

I do not mind the different smells and have become accustomed to them as I work my civvy job alongside people from many different cultures, mostly Indian, Asian and African (not A.A.). Also as was stated earlier in the thread, not all Indian people smell different. If they are interspersing American food in their diet and using the same products, soaps, etc. that we use then usually you couldn't even tell the difference if you had a blindfold on.

So for the most part I have found the majority of my Indian clients to be very kind, sexy, respectful, professional men.
As some have stated here, the haggling could just be part of their culture. Many Indian men do contact me and try to haggle my prices also. Sure, white do it too. But it seems Indian men do it the most. Asians are another race who haggle. Whenever I get an email from gentlemen who state they are Indian or Asian, I immediatel expect the haggling game to start. Sometimes I even say upfront my prices are non-negotiable, even before they try to haggle.
Guest091314's Avatar
I never mind long as they are clean. I agree with so many point made in this thread but in my mind it is treading "no-go topics" so i will keep them in my head.

I do have to say I am an Indian magnet...i think its my skin tone.
I'm sorry, what was the question again? I got all dizzy after reading true_whatever's post...
berkleigh's Avatar
Ok, I have to be honest and agree w/Incognito.

Although, I have several Indian clients who are fresh and I dont have this problem with and I REALLY REALLY THANK THEM FOR THAT

Ive seen some in the past, and I will never forget that funk.

If you can smell yourself, others can smell you. C'mon now...