Thanksgiving Thought

OldGrump's Avatar
As I was planning a last minute grocery list, it came to me that things would be completely different if the Indians had given the Pilgrims a donkey instead of a turkey.

We'd all be having a piece of ass for Thanksgiving!!!

Oh well, back to the white meat (at least it is a breast), and vegetables.

Happy Thanksgiving. I appreciate all of you - including the few guys whose opinions annoy me sometimes.

Have a great one!

Too bad the Indians didn't sacrifice some of their virgins to the Pilgrims. Just maybe they would have lost their religion. What a day Thanksgiving would be now, lol.
Have a great one!

Originally Posted by SD2011
Wow! Thanks for the photo, SD! .....dadgum, that little honey has a fine hiney. Woo hoo!
OldGrump's Avatar
Have a great one!

Originally Posted by SD2011
OK SD2011, you know the rules. Link to her showcase.

Have a Super Thanksgiving.