Odd celebrity, politician or famous person you find sexy

So I posted this awhile back on another board and it was fun to see the answers. Lol. Anyone else have a strange attraction to a celebrity, politician or famous person and just can't explain it? I find Putin, Bill Maher and Rob Zombie all very sexy. Just a strange sexual attraction. Lol. That would be a fun foursome for me!!
Walraw's Avatar
Jennifer Aniston has always intrigued me...
Demi Moore also
That would be a perfect threesome
I love me some Jen!!!
Dkayz's Avatar
  • Dkayz
  • 09-11-2016, 10:39 PM
I guess it isn't too crazy, but I had a crush on Pink for a long time. A few of my friends didn't like how man-ish her features were though. As far as celebrities, there are plenty that are just gorgeous, however. :P