
So I am sitting here, trying to stay warm, drinking some hot coco with whipped cream. And I came across a show called Bridalplasty. I would love to sit down with these girls and actually find out if this is a legit show, and they really feel as though they need work done? Most of these girls are fairly attractive. Some are skinnier than me, and want lipo? WTF?

In one breathe, I am dying of laughing because these girls are so superficial and so crazy. The last girl standing not only gets a Hollywood wedding, but they get a whole new look.....some wants 13 plus surgeries!! (No Hedi Montage isn't on the show, or created it).

But a part of me is sad for them. There are a few girls that need work or the procedure is needed. One girl has had cancer and her breast aren't quiet the same, they are deformed. Okay I get it...get a boob job. But some of these girls really are just lacking allot of self esteem. I just wanna hug them all and say YOUR BEAUTIFUL!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
nope not watching. I do not watch alot of TV. Hockey, football, And a few show on PBS. So will take your word for it. mmm whipped cream, you got to read this thread of jack, better I will give you the start.
After outcries from campus officials caused the strong-alcohol drink Four Loko, popular among college kids, to decide to remove its caffeine content, another new craze is emerging on college campuses.

It is Whipped Lightning, which calls itself "the world’s first alcohol-infused whipped cream". It has a whopping 18% alcohol content. It offers the kids a tasty way to get intoxicated without realizing how much alcohol they have taken.

On the other hand, one can imagine its potentials in a session if used strategically. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Oh and by the way for the PM's today, and I have never met you. But without even looking at your pic's you are "BEAUTIFUL".
first, I wanna try this whipped lightining..sounds a little interesting. but may be wayy too much alcohol for me, so I would never drink it during an appointment. as I would talk your ear off the whole time and probably end up passing out.

And no worries about the PM....but thanks I have always found you to be an interesting one OSD! You always have me on my toes

Okayyyy edit: just looked at the accepting whipped lighting as a gift instead of tips some of those drinks look really yummy.... Especially with the spiced vanilla mmmmmm that whipped topping on my large gingerbread latte from DD...OMG heaven!
roscoe14850's Avatar
This show just sounds like another slow motion trainwreck! I tend to avoid "Reality TV", I think it shows the worst qualities we as a society exhibit.
jamesm637119's Avatar
Brooke it's way to much alcohol 12% I love my beer i have a friend that drinks the one's that have 9% it's ok once while but man it's like drinken straight alcohol and I am a jack daniels man, dont go out if you plain on drinking it because once you start the next thing you know your wake up and your head hurts.
Not to worry, I tend to stay home now when I have had a glass or two of anything. I used to be and still am a beer girl when I go out though. You can have a few and still make it home at the end of the night. I do agree though.... a few whipped lightning and I may wake up the next morning wondering "what the hell happened the night before"
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Not to worry, I tend to stay home now when I have had a glass or two of anything. I used to be and still am a beer girl when I go out though. You can have a few and still make it home at the end of the night. I do agree though.... a few whipped lightning and I may wake up the next morning wondering "what the hell happened the night before" Originally Posted by BrookeButtons
Well if I have any part in it. I will post the review on another board, where you can READ ALL OF THE REVIEW. Not used much by NYS.
brutusbluto's Avatar
OSD sounds like a date.... oh btw the people of Whipped Lightning wrote me back, and sent me to a NJ site that I could possibly purchase....of course though every flavor is out of stock... so we really need to count on Chloe for this one!!!
jamesm637119's Avatar
Thats cool Brook when you get some you can spend the night at my house you will be safe
offshoredrilling's Avatar
[PRIVATE]She would not be safe with me

NB is in TX maybe I can get him to bring home and sell me a can.

opps is ok do not fix the missing [ HEHEHE stirring the pot

well time to go to work be back at 2 am