No longer and NCNS virgin thanks to one of my favorites - London Bridge

montaigne's Avatar

I know most of you gentlemen and a lot of you ladies have had this happen to you - and you've all gotten over it in admirable fashion, so I know I shall, too. But, I can no longer say I have never been NCNS'd. I've been at this hobby off and on since long before ASPD went away, and this was a first. And, to think it was one of my faves that did it. I know London Bridge has had some drama lately, but I still figured, hell, she's awesome, so go for it, right?

LB and I had met before, so screening wasn't a big issue. And, I have written a review in the past of an encounter -

We chatted by text last night and set it up for today at 4:30. We settled on a out rather than in and I'd get the accommodations. This morning, I get a text asking if we could push it 5. No probs. In fact, that worked better for me. At 4, I get a text asking if we could push to 5:15. Sure. No probs. 4:30 brings a text confirming location. At 5, I get a bet antsy and ask if all is well - immediate response, "Yea" followed by and on my way at a touch after 5. At 5:07, I get a text asking for the room number. I provide it and then she Amelia Earharts it. 22 text messages from her leading up to that point. None since. Not sure what's up. I do know that it's irritating to be out time and money for a ncns. I know things happen. Traffic gets in the way. Family emergencies come up. But, drop me a clue, right?

For you younger ones, to "Amelia Earhart" is to disappear without a trace. It's a bit tacky, honestly, but, well, there you have it.

To paraphrase Bogie, "We'll always have Halloween," I suppose.
LOL at having to explain Amelia.

I would had waited til at least tomorrow. Sounds like she was in a hurry to see you, texting while driving? I hope she wasnt in a bad wreck. THAT is probably the only reason for a ncns.

i dont know who she is.. so not sure if she is one that is a habitual ncns.. but it sounds like she was truly trying to get there.
montaigne's Avatar
Fair enough. Perhaps I should have waited till tomorrow to post something. Just cooling my heels in the room for over an hour after the time and having none of my "I hope you are okay" texts answered just wrote on me. I will be the very first to admit to making errors. I've made more than my share.
when i was in hospital i had to hand my hobby phone to a friend.. so that my family wouldnt have it on them. IF she is.. that may be the case.. or maybe the phone is left in her car? I dunno, just throwing possibilities out there.
montaigne's Avatar
Thanks Devon. For thoughts and perspective. I guess if (when?) she contacts me, we'll just go from there.

Although, she did log in here at 6:40 this evening. ....
Thanks Devon. For thoughts and perspective. I guess if (when?) she contacts me, we'll just go from there.

Although, she did log in here at 6:40 this evening. .... Originally Posted by montaigne
Well hmm. Still playing devils advocate. I wouldn't rely on that too much. I got stalkers who think I've signed on when I haven't and times I have signed on but it didn't show.

Either way. I'm sorry and I hope all is ok.
scooter's Avatar
well she was on ECCIE at 6:38 pm yesterday...weird...shortly after your appt time...scoot
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Its called im online all the time...i stay logged in on my phone! I dont like to retaliate but i had family thing come up, i dint put my personal business out there because its nobodys business. Im sorry the text didnt go through but my family WILL ALWAYS COME FIRST BEFORE THE HOBBY. And if i have to drop everything and go to my family without explaining i will. Running to eccie when you get NCNS doesnt help anyone.Life happens and im not all about this hobby 24/7... i do have things that come up. Again im sorry the text never went through but i will never apologize for choosing family over the hobby
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Well hmm. Still playing devils advocate. I wouldn't rely on that too much. I got stalkers who think I've signed on when I haven't and times I have signed on but it didn't show.

Either way. I'm sorry and I hope all is ok. Originally Posted by Devon Derriere
Watching someones every move is a huge turnoff....
Watching someones every move is a huge turnoff.... Originally Posted by London Bridge

it is... and its funny that they have nothing better to do. But i also at times sign on via phone.. and it doesnt log out unless i log it out. So going by the log in times is not reliable.

Glad it wasnt a wreck. I was honestly worried there!!
To the OP, sorry about the NCNS.
montaigne's Avatar
Devon, you were correct about being hasty. LB, I should have waited a further day to hear from you. My apologies. As I said by text, I hope all is well.
scooter's Avatar
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Bullshit Originally Posted by scooter
I hope you have a better day, trolling is quite unnatractive!!
And thank you montaigne for bieng understanding
scooter's Avatar
I'm 100% with Scoot on this one.

We all have real lives that take precedence over the hobby... I've had to cancel dates occasionally, myself.

However, the courtesy of letting someone know that you can't make it is non-negotiable. Perhaps he had some real-life stuff he could have been tending to if he hadn't been sitting around waiting on you.